Charlie Rivenbark -- unlike Democrat Wilmington Mayor "Bill" Saffo -- did NOT get the SPECTRUM TRUCK and driver Rhys to try to MURDER ME on February 13, 2017!!! Charlie only LAUGHED AT ME and said he HOPED I got a DOG and it was run over, TOO !!!:
And so, Democrat Charlie Rivenbark ALSO DECLARED that the Wilmington Confederate Statues (that had been removed in the dead of night -- HA!!!), would BE PUT BACK IN PLACE -- if it KILLED HIM!!!
They never were, and remain hidden in City Storage -- and before his LAST ELECTION, Charlie switched Parties to REPUBLICAN.
“Hollis has a million friends and was never at a loss for words,” Charlie Rivenbark said. “We had been around for so long that Hollis always joked that he and I knew where all the bodies were buried .
MORE Testimonials from Wilmington's TOP INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE!!!:
This blog leaves me with a refreshed feeling of my ancestral roots. The singing of the gaelic dialect hakinsee (pronounced "hashinshakikookoo") our native land's forest whisper technique which Henry Flagler gave to his future wife's family in Scotland via the time machine he and Rockefeller created to legalize dancing in the deep south.
As my father William (known as "the bitter jealous kenan") instead of working, moved us to Atlanta iin pursuit of "free money" based on his last name (although it has now been proven through the kenan book we have no relation to any of the "wealthy kenans" who "worked all day" and "had a job") realized the handouts were not there decided to move to Raleigh (it would have been Chapel Hill but we could not come close to the $125,000 price tag of the mobile home park near town).Though my last name was recognizable to those in the city, once again we were not offered to stay in Kenan Castle which is underneath the stadium because "they were working in offices, raising children", and did not have time to help out "vagrants looking for a handout" as my Dad said our lineage represents: "the gypsy drifter kenans who never work and sit around doing nothing because we have no self worth"
Again, I whisper in the hakinsee dialect to Henry Flager's ghost train in the sky....chakaachooo! chakaacheee! sprockadoo!
Another -- BUT IMPROVED, creative-wise -- Cyber-Stalking attack on ME, the 6' 11" Scott David Kenan who worked for playwright Tennessee Williams and ALWAYS USES HIS REAL NAME!!!
I DID contact Ben David's office in Wilmington, NC and will NOW escalate my efforts to have Ben David PROSECUTE this person's crime (unless he or she gets MORE creative and actually is voted AMUSING by other blog readers!!!).
Scott David Kenan
THUS, on WHQR's WEBSITE, Ben shows THIS, and since NO ONE ELSE has EVER posted that PORKING HIS WIFE AT HOME is his FAVE ACTIVITY (and BLASTING Rock Music while he does it), BEN MUST BE HIDING SOMETHING!!!:
>>> Today, the STILL DIZZY Schachtman REPUBLISHED THIS OLD PIECE from March 9 of THIS YEAR -- as if IT WERE NEW !!!:
Celebrating Sunshine Week and Blerd culture | WHQR
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