I WONDERED why this old posting that I had forgotten about is so POPULAR this morning -- and then I READ it -- LOL!!!
>>> BREAKING @ 2:47 PM, EDT: After ONLY ONE HOUR, this posting ROCKETED to the MOST HIT posting of the entire last week, setting an ABSOLUTE RECORD of "going viral" -- more so than ANYTHING ELSE I have ever written.
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It is sort of related to at least this, my FAVE blog-post title: http://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2013/03/my-immanent-return-to-uranus.html
The "Mr. Briefs" is part of my covering up what was then happening, which got Jamie Lee Sutherland of Wells Fargo, Chicago, to say he was SATISFIED, and would not sue me, although Daliah Saper, Fox News, Chicago, CONTINUED -- never serving me -- then trying me in absentia on a FALSE charge of LIBEL in Cook County courts.
Mr. Briefs was actually lawyer Andrew Emerson Cook, a Duke grad who worked for Saper Law, Chicago, and first contacted me about Mr. Sutherland planning to sue me if I did NOT remove the info about his bragging of being a MAJOR narco-trafficker in Puerto Vallarta for Wells Fargo, Chicago.
Elsewhere, I have styled lawyer Cook as "Emerson Oertel", named for a popular beer in Louisville, Kentucky when I was in grade school there, second half of the 1950s.
1. Not even ONE of Wilmington Downtown, Inc., Todd Toconis, and Jenna Toomey have replied to my copying them most prominently when I emailed out my posting of yesterday. If they had any kind of cogent argument against my claim of the ABSOLUTE APPEARANCE that they at lease co-operated with Drug Mafia, I would have heard from them by now.
Let's see if they have me charged with LIBEL -- HA!!!
BTW: Several times people at Town & Country Realty told me the renovation of The Jewel had just been competed a few months ago, it having been TOTALLY gutted, so no residents during that time. So WHY do Todd/Jenna keep having open apartments to rent there, when the leases are all for a year???
Do they just DANGLE the JEWEL in front of people like me to KEEP the application fees -- and then find EXCUSES to evict the others and keep their deposits???
OBVIOUSLY the system they use to evaluate applicants is UPSIDE DOWN!!!
2. This will probably be the last posting I email to Mr. Coffey of Bank of America and Mr. "Minnie-Cozy" (Maxi-Comfort???) of the Public Defender's office, with hope that his sense of humor is GREAT, and I acknowledge that I have absolutely NO reason to think he might be gay (other than my own fantasies -- and we all know how "thinking with the lower head" gets men of ALL stripes in trouble, CONSTANTLY!!!)
TransUnion believed them, no???
3. This brings me to the FACT that I have the last few days been telling many, that although ANTI-LOGICAL, so in that sense "God-Hating", in their ABSOLUTE, UNCHANGEABLE BELIEF in Transubstantiation (shared with Anglican/Episcopals and Eastern Orthodox Churches):
These un-evolved ANIMALS actually all believe that cannibalizing their "Savior's" body and blood makes them HOLIER (than thou).
Nevertheless, the Catholic People -- in general -- seem FAR more loving than most Protestants -- and ANY Mor(m)on I have ever met!!! In Wilmington, ALL people I speak with, lately AGREE with this, largely because of the PURE LOVE of ONE GOOD WOMAN:
Sister Mary Isaac Koenig of St. Mary's Catholic
4. And yesterday, as I passed the downtown Library, a thin-as-a-rail, younger-than-me woman, called me by name and asked if I remembered her. I DID remember her face. She said she STILL (four years later), stayed at the Good Shepherd (founded and still supported by a physician at First Presbyterian),
Readers will recall that not only did I catch employees in a Good Shepherd-logoed van HACKING my internet when I had the apartment on S. 8th Street in 2011, but I got emails and texts from several residents that in their common room they had hung a poster with MY FACE, name and other info: "WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE", and had employed my roommate David Escalante, undocumented from Colombia, whom I gave shelter to without charge -- until Good Shepherd PAID him.
David, finally, with two other undocumented Latinos working for them in manual labor, insisted on being paid, but the Good Shepherd Supervisors SHOT THE OTHER TWO IN THE FACE, and David FLED to Charlotte, immediately, leaving behind his record of Wilmington shots and immunizations, which I still have.
Anyway, this skinny woman, yesterday, when I said, "But the Good Shepherd is NOTHING but a Distribution System for Heroin!!!", replied, "Yeah -- but that's just the MEN. We women, there, are all into the new "Oxygen Bar" (I was afraid to ask), which is TOTALLY DREAMY!!!"
5. I delivered more info to the Building Guards for the DEA Office, here, and ran into Old Friends and Wilmington Fixtures of "Home-Free Living" of about 15 years, now, Conrad and Theresa!!!
We had the BEST time exchanging info on all our common homeless friends, still alive and even the dead ones!!! And I even treated them to a "beery" dinner in front of the Dollar Taco shop on Front Street (without TOO many misunderstandings -- LOL!!!).
6. BTW: The Wilmington System that ALL homeless use to convert Food Stamps to half that value CASH, first explained to me by Christopher Wright Rogers of St. James Episcopal Narco-Trafficking, and Cindy Beatty -- which THEY used while they freeloaded in my apartment and REFUSED to pay any rent or even provide any food for us, is serviced now "Homeless Delivery", by a youngish white man who yesterday drove a Wilmington Sanitation truck (a smallish one for that), numbered "2025".
The system was DOWN yesterday, due to the guy who elsewhere does the actual CONVERTING taking a few days off -- but is promised to be back operating this Friday (9/11/15).
The generosity of Protestant Churches providing free food all over downtown for homeless renders the Food Stamps completely unnecessary for food, and the Drug Mafia in Law Enforcement here will NEVER shut it down, since it siphons so much TAX MONEY to their Greedy Little Coffers!!!
7. And whilest I was wandering through a "black hood" full of friendly-to-me fine folks and drug dealers, alike, I talked a guy into showing me how much marijuana he sells as a "nickle bag" ($5.00), and he PROVED Anthony Humphrey (Carolina Apartments #69), CORRECT in his claim that Jennifer McCracken had been WAY over-charging me.
It was EXACTLY the amount Jenny always sold me for $30.00 -- if not MORE!!!
8. I'm continuing on a day of rest, today -- due to my EMOTIONAL EXHAUSTION, after yesterday.
And that's ALL -- for now!!!

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