Saturday, January 2, 2021

Sexual Relationships in 2021 -- and DID YOU KNOW that Larry King Had Tennessee Williams's Brother, Dakin Williams, on MORE TIMES than ANYONE ELSE -- until Dakin's Death in 2008 -- Dakin Speaking about How the Episcopal Church/University of the South MURDERED His Brother??? / SMOKING GUN from Judge William Maddux that Benjamin R. David, Rahm Emanuel, Barack Obama STOLE MY COPYRIGHTS!!!


I was surprised to see Larry King back in the News tonight, and sadly so -- for the reason. I never met Dakin Williams until many years later at the Tennessee Williams/New Orleans Literary Festival -- where Thomas Elliot Keith and the staff always RIDICULED DAKIN because he had published in his memoir that the Episcopal Church/Sewanee had murdered his brother -- and because Dakin was ADMITTEDLY CRAZY!!!

One year, Dakin came in drag to the festival as Blanche DuBois -- and was the Judge of the annual Stella-Hollering contest -- its closing event!!!

Dakin and Tennessee Williams flanking their mother, Edwina.

The next morning, I filled a U-Haul with all my belongings, hitched my car behind it, and drove to Philadelphia. I moved in with my brother and got a management job with Magic Pan Restaurants. In February, the company transferred me to Atlanta, and three weeks later, I saw the news of Tennessee’s death on CNN.

            That evening, I called Vassilis.

            “No Scotty, don’t come up now. Dakin is planning a Catholic funeral and a burial in St. Louis—nothing like Tennessee wanted. He hated St. Louis.”

For years, Dakin had chafed in the shadow of his older brother’s success, often pulling stunts to get attention. He had written a book on his own profession, The Bar Bizarre, and against all hope, he ran for governor of Illinois, and even president. Now that he had the opportunity, he was seizing center stage. 

In the late '60s, when Tennessee’s tether was at its thinnest, Dakin convinced him to commit himself to a mental hospital and converted him to Catholicism. A fervent convert himself, Dakin had even written a book defending his new religion against Protestant heresies, Nails of Protest

However, once back on his feet, Tennessee never studied or practiced the faith, and was, if anything, Episcopalian. He had told friends that he wanted his body cremated and his ashes scattered at sea—in the Gulf of Mexico where Hart Crane had committed suicide years before.

Here is more info on this, and a second blog posting that also came up with similar info:

So with THIS INFO from Judge Maddux that I had COMPLETELY forgotten about -- yet HONESTLY had documented AT THE TIME IT HAPPENED -- I should be able to open a RICO complaint against Wilmington, NC District Attorney Benjamin R. David, now working for Ameriprise Financial in Chicago Jamie Lee Sutherland, Attorney and Fox News Talking Head Dahlia Saper -- but only Rahm Emanuel and Barack Obama -- if they ADMIT to what those Hard-Drug Traffickers who shared the fact they, Obama, Emanuel, and Jamie all had Lifetime Memberships to Man's Country Gay Bathhouse in Chicago!!!

But I don't CARE (and know the US Government would never let me sue Emanuel and Obama), about charging THEM -- the OTHERS have BIG ENOUGH BANK ACCOUNTS to empty into MINE, no???

The Right Wing was CORRECT -- remember, Obama is a CHRISTIAN!!!

I can't WAIT to email this posting to my TOP LIVING WILLIAMS SCHOLARS who always supported me and my book: Kenneth Holditch (also 3rd or 4th cousin to Tennessee), Producer/Director Gregory Mosher, and Annette J. Saddik!!!

It looks like I will have FULFILLED my promise to now deceased Williams Scholar Allean Hale, who told me that Sewanee/University of the South BLOCKED HER in all her efforts to get at the TRUTH ABOUT TENNESSEE WILLIAMS'S DEATH.

Allean Hale 

And in the process, I discovered MANY SITES that have published MIRROR POSTINGS of what I have blogged -- and have both promoted and made available for download my memoir!!!

The special new function of Malwarebytes DOES allow me to go here, but they want me to sign up for FREE, and I'm not sure I want to do that -- but Readers should have NO PROBLEM from corruption of computer from these sites.

Please notice that this was posted just YESTERDAY MORNING, January 1, 2021!!!

Topic is closed

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It's time for Tennessee Williams and I to PARTY HARDY with some HOT SWEDES!!!

Yeah, Frank, YOU gave me the CONFIDENCE to TAKE THIS ALL THE WAY!!!


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