Friday, April 10, 2020

Crucified This Morning??? Benjamin Schachtman, Editor of Port City Daily??? (he couldn't get his 7:00 AM email of stories out until 11:47 AM, so likely smoking CRACK with Kathy, no???) / MAJOR CONFUSION over COVID-19 in Wilmington, NC:

Benjamin Schachtman -- in his youth -- was CERTAIN he was Jesus -- but then he SMOKED CRACK with his wife Kathy and posted this on Facebook to show EVERYONE!!!:

Kathy and Ben Schachtman -- under the influence.

But AT LEAST, Ben's GOOD BUDDY Kevin Maurer and his "vagina dentata"-equipped wife, Jessica, have been QUIET -- since I published THIS -- and it REMAINS the MOST HIT of my postings of the LAST 30 DAYS!!! 

And I got this to Jessica Maurer HERSELF -- making sure she understood that my comments about her "lower teeth", were metaphorical!!!:


That my next-door neighbor Chad Wagner, was visited in his backyard by Laura, our NEW neighbor across the street, and Laura either bought or was given by Chad a table, that he carried over to HER backyard. I was out to check my mail, and when Laura waved to me, I accused the two of them of beginning a ROMANCE!!!

They are BOTH STRAIGHT (to the best of my knowledge), and they laughed me off. ALSO, Chad later drove a half-pickup-load of old bricks and deposited them in her side yard. 

And Laura and her best friend are two of the THREE people I know in Wilmington who have HAD COVID-19 infections and GOT OVER THEM, so she presumably is not shedding virus and is IMMUNE if Chad is a CARRIER -- which I say because he has been travelling ALL OVER, and has not had any symptoms (yet, anyway)!!!

NONE of the three in Wilmington who had infections ever were REPORTED -- and this is part of why I think COVID-19 was spreading all around Wilmington BEFORE awareness became widespread

Even Nancy Pelosi was once YOUNG AND FRISKYno???

Younger, more frisky, healthy people were unknowingly trading it around -- and over time, bringing it HOME to people with FAR GREATER SUSCEPTIBILITY.

And this is WHY I am SURPRISED that Wilmington has RELAXED the rule against outdoor Easter Services and will now ALLOW an unlimited number of cars/people to congregate for outdoor/in-car services -- although Gov. Roy Cooper says they must be LIMITED -- no more than TEN!!!

BOTH the Wilmington Star News and Port City Daily have reported on this, and if you READ IT, see if you can understand the REASONING:
Since "He" is not up and about in the real world, there is NO REASON to drive real cars with real people to this SILLINESS FESTIVAL -- LOL!!!
Showers Of Blessing Christian Center
We Drive Up because He Got Up!
🙌 🙌🙌🙌 🙌🙌 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Dr.Bernard Grant


Well, I should have DIED before now -- according to THIS!!! But, there are important things in this report to consider if you smoke pot:
Look what I found in my email SPAM FOLDER this morning:

"The reality is that Sanders’ legacy will be written by the events that come next. He may yet be remembered as the socialists’ Moses who led the far left into power. 

But just as likely, maybe even more so, is that he will meet the fate of most runners up and live on as a historical curiosity."

(ADDED LATER: Like HILLARY CLINTON -- say it isn't SO!!!)

1.5 years ago -- and it has ONLY GOTTEN WORSE among PROTESTANT MINISTERS, since then!!!


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