It is EASY TO FORGET that ALL sentient beings are connected within This Thing Called God.
Religionists' CHIEF GOAL is to make us forget this and GO TO THEIR HELLS!!!
Trump calls newly released UFO footage "a hell of a video"
By Devan Cole, CNN
Updated 9:50 AM ET, Thu April 30, 2020
If there IS "Alien Life" out there -- and it is getting near us, it has to be FAR MORE DEVELOPED SPIRITUALLY, than we who "suck the Lord's cock".

And today, Melody Moezzi's office is in Kenan Hall at UNCW -- and she teaches writing.
Marty Mehta is on left, and her husband, a top Professor at Georgia Tech, is one of the world's LARGEST COLLECTORS of African Art, which they loved to show when they had me to dinner several times.
Marty was also close friends with Philip Rafshoon, of OutWrite Books, the gay bookstore then at Piedmont Avenue and 10th Street -- and Mr. Rafshoon was COMPLICIT in the TANKING of my book:
Now, in fairness, I like Rumi's work TOO -- and EVERY RELIGION has lots of amazing ART, especially Architecture, Paintings, and Music. And since this work SO HELPED Melody's Bipolar Illness (which I never had, so must STOP thinking I know what helps it), that RELIGION -- if it genuinely helps people with genetically-based psychoses, then I SALUTE THAT, as Melody also takes drugs, including HALDOL, which she ALSO wrote a book about:
And Melody is the ONE PERSON I usually DROP TEMPORARILY from my Email List of 100 Contacts who get every one of my blog postings -- when I need to add someone I've written about -- BUT, now that AOL Email is again allowing me to send to OVER 100 (after restricting me for about 1.5 years), I'll put her back on PERMANENTLY -- and perhaps add some OTHERS to "test my new limit" -- which I do not know!!!
And one FUNNY thing about this, is that this WHQR series that Melody's interview is part of -- CoastLine -- is the SAME NAME (singular), of the annually published compendium of members' work of my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group!!!
My best friend in Puerto Vallarta, Stanley Winborne III, did most of the work to put this anthology together, and in it published a chapter of my memoir:
On the right, LEFT, bottom, you see he PLUGGED MY BLOG!!!
Stanley Winborne grew up in Wilmington, NC, his grandmother then lived in what is now the Graystone Inn,, and his family controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railway, based for most of its life here in Wilmington. The anthology HAD THAT NAME before Stanley and his wife Alice ever MOVED to Puerto Vallarta, and when I wasn't helping Stanley buy Marijuana (which he needed medically for reasons I don't know), I RAZZED him about how, one day, I would HANG COAST LINES around his NECK!!!
Additionally, Stanley's son, Stan Winborne IV, was second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan -- and charged with shipping the HEROIN back to the USA on Air Force planes. Stanley III DID NOT RESPECT HIS SON AT ALL!!!
TODAY, Stan Winborne works in Education in north-central North Carolina -- a DEVOUT CHRISTIAN, he should be THROWN TO THE LIONS for his addicting so many to Heroin for JESUS CHRIST HIS SAVIOR!!!
Only ONE THING has annoyed me today: After the $1,200.00 Trump Stimulus Checks were approved to go out, EVERYWHERE, it was reported that those of us on Social Security or Disability would be guaranteed to get our money BEFORE THE END OF APRIL. I checked, and late afternoon today, Benefits Management had NOT received money for ANY OF THEIR CLIENTS -- and has NO IDEA when they will!!!
WASHINGTON—Urging supporters to help out and chip in as much as they can, the Joe Biden presidential campaign sent a fundraising email Thursday reminding donors that sexual assault allegations don’t bury themselves.
“Now, more than ever, the Biden campaign needs your support in sweeping this under the rug,” read the email in part, calling on each and every Biden supporter to do their part in defeating Donald Trump by looking the other way.
“We’ll be honest—this isn’t going to be cheap. It’s not just going away like we thought it would. We know it seems like we can coast off the media suppressing the story, but there’s a lot of important work to be done behind the scenes to ensure these accusations never see the light of day.
These sexual assault allegations have already broken through to The Washington Post, and if we don’t meet our fundraising goal by midnight tonight, it could be front page news tomorrow. ”
The email added that if supporters donated $25 or more, the campaign would express their thanks by sending them a free “Allegations? What Allegations?” bumper sticker.
OK, The Onion is satirical, but LOOK WHAT Gay Media put out today -- and MORE IMPORTANTLY, the response on Facebook:
Prior to this, Rufus Gifford served as the U.S. ambassador to Denmark during President Obama’s second term.
As you can see, only the first and last comments got any "LIKES" -- and the last one got FIVE!!!
I got ANOTHER great article by email today from Joe Killian of NC Policy Watch:
COVID-19 crisis spawns another dangerous epidemic in NC: A spike in domestic violence
By Joe Killian - 4/30/2020 - in Top Story
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