Thursday, April 23, 2020

Wikileaks Takes a "BIG DUMP"!!! / Tom Fetzer, Former Mayor of Raleigh, NC, and Former Chairman of the Republican Party of North Carolina IS a "BIG DUMP" -- so I Write My Acquaintance Tom Fetzer a LETTER!!!

Courtney Evans O people are scrambling and losing their 💩 at the same time !

But THAT SAID, years ago during one of the incidences when Ben Schachtman encouraged me HUGELY in my blogging -- because I can publish things his Publisher and Advertisers won't allow HIM to publish, but he knew all about -- Ben suggested that Encore Magazine might be willing to publish a column by me, and I should try them.

I never got around to that because I was SO DISGUSTED by all the LIES in ALL of Wilmington's Press, but TODAY, I got an email from Encore Magazine -- as if I'd signed up to receive it via email.

Well, isn't that what I am FOREVER DOING??? DRAFTING email recipients??? So, I might just contact them via the email address they used to contact me today:

These Fetzers are apparently NOT related to Tom, but here is the BEST image or meme I found for Tom Fetzer, today:

>>> Concerning Tom Fetzer: the Letter I just got a received receipt from him for. Since the HATE in North Carolina tracks back to Thomas S. Kenan III, I'm including his assistant, Steve Armstrong as well:



Tom Fetzer
Fetzer Strategic Partners via secured server

April 23, 2020

Hi Tom,

It has been a while since I met you in front of the Dixie Grill on Market Street in Wilmington, NC, early in 2011. I had just had a “one-night-stand” with a man from Raleigh, and as we ate brunch there, he pointed out you, your wife Kate, and I think the first three of your children, eating at a table toward the back, and told me that you had been single as Mayor of Raleigh, and that two of his male friends had had sex with you then.

He also told me that after you became Chairman of the NC Republican Party, the Tea-Partiers managed to DUMP YOU, because of your Homosexuality. I was intrigued, and when you went outside as your wife was getting the kids together to leave, I went out and introduced myself, and you got very excited and told me how you (this is a direct quote that I could not forget) – that you “WORSHIPPED” the late Frank Hawkins Kenan.

For the next couple of years, I followed your career, but then forgot about you, since you seemed to be going nowhere – expected of Homosexual (OK, Bisexual), Republicans – especially here in North Carolina.

Then, today, this great article by Joe Killian appeared in my email:

After reading it, I decided to write you, and copy Mr. Killian, as well as some other famous North Carolina Homosexual Criminals: Thom Goolsby, of course, and New Hanover District Attorney Benjamin R. David as well as Wilmington’s Drug Mafia Mayor, Vassilios Avgerinos “Bill” Saffo. Ben David is a Democrat in NAME ONLY, and the County Party REFUSED to list him as a Democratic Party Candidate the last time he ran for re-election.

Also, you, Mayor Saffo, and my father, William Scott Kenan (who died Easter Sunday, 2014 – and today is Dad’s 102nd Birthday Anniversary), are TOTALLY TIED to the most unpopular Senator in US History, Jesse Helms. My father always claimed that he was most instrumental in getting Helms into the Senate, and Mayor Saffo’s FIRST Political Hero (and the first politician he actively campaigned for), was Jesse Helms – yet Saffo FOOLS people into thinking he is a Democrat.

Also, as you know, Frank Hawkins Kenan was the head of the “Gang of Five Republicans”, seeking to spread White Supremacy and Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Christian Churches across North Carolina – and was VERY SUCCESSFUL!!!

Like you, Thom Goolsby has had serious problems from breaking laws – and both of you must be protected from prosecution by Thomas S. Kenan III. I know TOO MANY of Tom Kenan’s secrets of promoting the NAZI/Ku Klux Klan/Episcopal Church agenda in North Carolina, and it was his branch of my Kenan Family that put Goolsby on the UNC Board of Governors.

Goolsby, when I met his entire family when they lived at Fifth Avenue and Dock Street, then worked with Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary’s Catholic, who fled to Honduras nearly two years ago – because I kept blogging about his running Hard-Drug Trafficking and Whore Houses for thirty years!!!

When Father Bob was at St. Mark’s Catholic here years ago, was when he worked directly with my parents who attended there, and Richard Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I got to know well in Atlanta in the early 1990s, as he set up the Christian Drug Mafia THERE, with my employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA – and Patrick distributes all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida, but especially to Politicians and Christian Clergy in Wilmington, NC and Atlanta.

And I saw that you Chaired Newt Gingrich’s Presidential Campaign in 2011. Gingrich and Sean Hannity were two of my parents’ top allies in setting up the Christian Drug Mafias, and it was AFTER I delivered evidence to Gingrich’s Congressional Office three times of the Drug Operation then running through Stone Mountain Park, that I was arrested on False Charge of Trespass, spent FIFTEEN WEEKS in Dekalb County Jail, and was convicted and given HOUSE ARREST for a year and MANDATORY that I take Lithium Carbonate, a NAZI form of “Soft Lobotomy”, that is only allowed in NAZI Countries like the USA for longer than a couple of months.

I’m getting tired of re-writing so much of my story, so will paste in some links – and copy the UNC Board of Governors like I did my LAST LETTER to them, which you can read here:

Now, the Democrats are BIGGER HYPOCRITES than the Republicans, who admit they are CHRISTIAN DEVILS and HATE GOD. Joe Biden doesn’t have a CHANCE because he’s going SENILE FAST and is a “Clinton Democrat” Hard-Drug Trafficker with the Bush, Cheney, and Kenan Families as well. That said, no one hates Donald Trump more than Educated People, but you and Thom Goolsby do your best to DUMB DOWN the UNC System (for Jesus), so maybe Trump will win this state – but I doubt it.

So GOOD LUCK in your HATE-FEST, CLOSET HOMOSEXUALITY, and ALLIANCE with CRIMINAL Politicians, who will cut your throat immediately, if they get bored with you – or find you to be too much of a liability (which you already are).

My blog has now gotten over 1.7 million hits.

My cell phone is (910) 200-XXXX, if you would care to speak with me.

All Best,

Scott D. Kenan

>>> "Thank you for contacting the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina. We will respond to your email as soon as possible. For media inquiries or public records requests, please contact Josh Ellis, Associate Vice President for Media Relations, directly at"


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