Monday, June 5, 2023

I BLAST Robert "Bob" James McKinney, Sr. -- and the Jonathan Deputy/NC Rep. Deb Butler, Democratic and Republican "CHRISTIAN" Party's DRUG MAFIA!!! / I TOLD YOU ALL -- I REFUSE to Take This CRAP Any LONGER!!!


Robert "Bob" James McKinney, Sr. -- with his dog.

James "Aaron" Gallimore, Jr. and "Rob" McKinney on Rob's front porch a couple of years ago.

>>>  Dear V.P. Harris , the Obamas, SCOTUS, and All Others:

I got received receipts from LOTS OF RABBIS !!!

I DID get President Biden's FIRST RECEIPT :

Dear President Biden,

I have been FORCED to ATTACK the BIGGEST Hard-Drug Traffickers in Wilmington, North Carolina -- that are PROTECTED by the US, NC State, New Hanover County, and Wilmington City Law Enforcement and Politicians of BOTH Parties -- and ESPECIALLY our BIGGEST CHRISTIAN CHURCHES !!!

My Kenan Family's EXXON-MOBIL that PAID for YOU and the Dems that voted for the SHAM debt-ceiling increase that YOU, McCarthy, McConnell, etc., AFTER-THE-FACT  admitted you had agreed to BEFORE you FLEECED the Public for Political Donations while pretending you needed LOTS OF MONEY  to accomplish anything.

I hope you ALL end up in PRISON  -- SOON!!! But NOT the Obamas.




>>> Regarding Rob McKinney, Jr.'s behavior at 1210 Spofford Circle


Cc:  Scott Kenan,,,,,,,,,,, Lisamarieludwig Info,

Hi Bob,

Let me first make clear that you and I have ALWAYS gotten along -- we both appreciate what Rob referred to when he told me years ago that you told him I am TOP MAFIA and must be respected -- that because I've been SHIT ON by most Politicians in town of both Parties -- and especially White Supremacist, Hard-Drug-Trafficking Christians.

Because I have witnessed both Sheriff's Deputies and City Police sit in their cars in front of our address and watch as HUGE LOADS OF DRUGS coming and going next-door when Sherry Hall Spivey lived there -- and John Gray Hunter, upstairs from me who has lived here for 27 years, told me HE was interviewed THREE TIMES by badged FBI Agents about their drug operation next-door in the year BEFORE I moved in -- and so CLEARLY they ONLY PROTECT HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING (including yours).

Your son Rob, told me he used to PARTY with these people -- at their house -- and that so did Jonathan Deputy, who placed Rob and James "Aaron" Gallimore, Jr. in Rob's apartment together. SO FAR, I have forced Jon Deputy into INTERNET HIDING, but I believe he still lives here -- or so his completely REDONE Facebook claimed a couple of months ago.

Kat Addington and her boyfriend Jack now have the upstairs apartment where Jon Deputy first placed MEGA-DRUG-TRAFICKERS Allie Ryan (Kat's sister), and Patrick Addington, Allie's BOYFRIEND who has Kat's last name -- so confusing!!! They frequently dropped blister-packs of prescription "speed" in our parking lot and in recent years Rob, Kat, & Jack are frequently visiting each other carrying packages -- I assume of drugs.

The neighbors claim Rob is addicted to Adderall -- and Aaron Gallimore claimed Rob had MANY LARGE BOTTLES of Adderall in the apartment when they lived together. Interesting that the last month -- although my blog has gone to HUGE HITS because I'm exposing the LIES of Joe Biden and his Manchin, and other Dems who get so much money from my distant cousin Thomas S. Kenan III and his EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, etc., and THEREFORE, while claiming environmentalism, he's PROTECTING the OIL INDUSTRY from lawsuits for Pollution -- and Biden and Pete Buttigieg -- took over Donald Trump's deal with President AMLO of Mexico to supply the USA with CHEAP, STRONG FENTANYL.

OF COURSE you are protected by BOTH Political Parties -- but while I believe YOU understand the importance of this, Rob seems INCAPABLE of sticking to it!!! I will NOT ALLOW this property to be RULED BY FUCKING DRUG MAFIOSI!!! 

And all he has to do is to do all of his DRUG DEALS somewhere else. He owns at least two cars, his electric bike, etc. I am NOT so upset by Jack and Kat upstairs as they remain personable and friendly -- and don't have visitors who cause problems, like the guy whom I entertained in my apartment for 20 minutes until Rob returned from somewhere -- and the next day, I found out from Rob that he wanted to KILL ROB, and you NAILED Rob's side door shut and installed security lights and cameras -- and the TACKIEST Warning Sign at the side door that makes it look like we live in the WORST, DRUG-TRASH SLUM in Wilmington!!!

I've had to get VENMO to force Rob to give me the $50.00 he agreed to give me a few years ago when I sent him $52.00 to cover cost -- when I had no way to get any cash on a long weekend. Rob DENIED we ever agreed to anything and claimed he never received that -- but VENMO sent ME the money and debited Rob's account. Rob ALSO installed Venmo on my cell phone then, and it was SO CORRUPTED I could not get the app OFF -- until I changed Cell Service to another company.

I didn't send this to your Jet-Mulch email -- because you asked me long ago not to do that so your employees and family who can see those emails know about your "business". And frankly, I used to see your trucks around town, but haven't seen a single one in three years now!!!

My parents organized the Christian Drug Mafias here in Wilmington -- as well in Atlanta/Stone Mountain in the 1980s and 1990s with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman whom I got to know well in Atlanta about 1991 -- and Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary's -- and my BLOG forced Father Bob to hide from US LAW in Honduras several years ago.

NO ONE has a more corrupted family than I do!!! But today, my Mother and both of my sisters and I get along GREAT -- since they no longer are trying to KILL, JAIL, or NUT-HOUSE COMMIT ME!!! My sisters were so controlled by Mom's Project MK ULTRA  (Nazi MIND CONTROL), that Mom developed starting at Procter & Gamble for the CIA when she was given Dr. Josef Mengele's research on Concentration Camp VICTIMS. ONLY my brother Mike still tries to INTIMIDATE ME into stop reporting on how Biden is actually WORSE than Trump in supporting HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with Exxon-Mobil, the CIA, Christian Churches, etc.

I don't know if you will get this, because the whole time I've been writing it, spellcheck is NOT checking my spelling, so the CIA is now corrupting my computer and reading this while I write it. I googled for "McKinney" on my computer and got the three addresses I'm sending this to. If I don't see IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT, I will take all of this to GOLD WALKER and we can REALLY HAVE IT OUT!!!

Gold learned HER lesson when she tried to FUCK ME several years ago, and then relented and transferred me to this apartment.

You should know that I REALLY WAS seriously debriefed about two weeks ago by a guy pretending to rep Vivint Security -- and since then, I've had as many as 100 hits per day to THIS POSTING:

The current problem is that Rob, who previously had clipped a lot of my string lights used for deck illumination and security -- and placed half of them in a row on my deck rail where he did it. I blessed him out, he denied it, of course, and now the last couple of weeks -- after I got him to SMELL the first blossom on my new rose which he loved but claimed was SO STRONG (it has a medium-strength but excellent rose fragrance), and he claims he can't smell and ALMOST always his arm pits REEK of stench and he can be smelled coming from 50 feet away. He could NEVER hold a "real job"!!!

BUT, overnight that night, the five next-to-bloom buds were all SNAPPED OFF!!! And since then, my Tropical Hibiscus has been SYSTEMATICALLY molested so that one whole SIDE is now broken off, leaves have been stripped off, and blooms as well -- this morning, one blossom was left on the railing in the EXACT PLACE that Rob lined up those cut-off lights.

I will send an attachment of two of many photos I took late today for EVIDENCE if we end up in COURT over this!!! And because Rob CANNOT CONTROL HIMSELF due to his DRUG ADDICTION, I don't totally blame him, but he needs to be put in a MENTAL HOSPITAL for the CRIMINALLY INSANE!!!

I discussed the corruption of Wilmington with TONS of people yesterday, and had LONG CONVERSATION with one "Christian" right in the median where Market and Front Streets meet -- in total view of Police Cameras -- and I HOPE they enjoyed a GOOD LAUGH over it -- I know I did, but did not have time yesterday to blog about that incident:

I have decided I HAVE TO also send this first to my "Immediate Family Group" -- and then to my FULL BOAT of ALL Contacts from SCOTUS, Biden, the Obamas, on down!!! I've HAD IT -- and I am NOT TAKING MY GOVERNMENT trying to MURDER ME without a SERIOUS INTELLECTUAL and PRESS FIGHT!!! It was journalist Ida Tarbell who took Standard Oil down in 1911 -- Congress and the COURTS were then, TOO, TOO-BOUGHT by what is now my family's EXXON-MOBIL, Kenan Advantage Group/COSTCO, and the American Petroleum Institute, etc.

WAIT until this fall's CITY ELECTIONS get going (very soon) -- what I do THERE will make THIS EMAIL seem very mild.

Thank you for your help in this matter, and I trust we will avoid having to get Gold Walker involved (for MANY reasons).

Most sincerely,

Scott David Kenan


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