Monday, May 27, 2019

"One Toke Over the Line, Sweet Jesus . . ." (WEIGHT GAIN -- Sweet Readers: think WEIGHT GAIN!!!) / The Bitch Is BACK -- for REAL (after previously losing all his GAY CRED at Kenan-Owned The Breakers, Palm Beach):

WHERE is Michelle when ya NEED HER???

Gail Farrell and Dick Dale sing Brewer and Shipley's song "One Toke Over The Line," on The Lawrence Welk Show.  Lawrence -- a NICE ACCORDION PLAYER -- describes this song as a "modern spiritual".

And heading South:

Today, I passed on packing off to Kure Beach early enough to find a free parking spot -- MOSTLY because I'm PINCHING EVERY PENNY, because I got my $97+ car registration bill (and $30 more for inspection), $60.00 to renew Costco membership (for cheaper drugs), and a SERIOUS NEED to buy new sandals, while my Family cut back my allowance (telling me at the time it was to SHUT ME UP about being raised with Swastikas and my parents partnering with Republicans to run HARD DRUGS and put Donald Trump into office).

I've asked for some extra for my birthday in three weeks, but they haven't responded -- yet, anyway:

I figured out what seems off-putting about Mayor Pete Buttigieg -- he and his husband always sound like they are in my first and second grade readers of Dick, Jane, and Spot -- I mean their PERSONALITIES!!!

And although I've REDUCED my smoking of pot, I've suffered TERRIBLE MUNCHIES, and maybe Jeff Sessions could help me, no???

I finally began re-reading Philip Gerard's Cape Fear Rising ( 

In August 1898, Wilmington, North Carolina, was a mecca for middle-class black citizens. Many of the city's lawyers, businessmen, and other professionals were black, as were all the tradesmen and stevedores. The black community outnumbered the white community by more than two to one. 

But white civic leaders, many descended from the antebellum aristocracy (led by William Rand Kenan, Sr.), did not consider this progress. They looked around and saw working-class white citizens out of jobs. They heard black citizens addressing white neighbors "in the familiar." They hated the fact that local government was run by Republican "Fusionists" sympathetic to the black majority. 

In this roiling environment, the newspaper office turned into an arsenal, secret societies espousing white supremacy were formed, and isolated acts of violence ensued. The situation was inflamed further by public speeches from both sides. One morning in November, the almost inevitable gunfire began. By the time it was over, a government had fallen, citizens died or dispersed, and Wilmington would never be the same again. 

Based on actual events, Cape Fear Rising tells a story of one city's racial nightmare―a nightmare that was repeated throughout the South at the turn of the century. Although told as fiction, the core of this novel strikes at the heart of racial strife in America.

And I took a brisk walk -- and discovered two very neat homeless camps in the woods near my apartment.

Since this happened in March 2018, Elton has done MUCH BETTER -- and THANK GOD he INSISTED that the film be TRUTHFUL about how DEEPLY he got into DRUGS and SEX!!!

Actually opening in the USA on May 31, 2019.

And a little something for the STRAIGHT PEOPLE!!!

Perhaps Elton John read Fr. Robert J. Kus's book (he was a Psychologist before he became a Drug-Trafficking and Whore-House-Running Catholic Priest with my MOTHER'S HELP)!!!


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