Monday, May 27, 2019

Does Amanda Mason Deserve a Spanking from Jesus??? / Wilmington's So HOT This Memorial Day That POLICE TRUCKS Are Catching Fire!!! / More:

Today, I went back and added a link so that Readers can see 15 stunning photos of Bruce and Amanda Mason's house -- and the description used when Linda Lavin put it on the market in 2012. I ASSUME most furnishings were sold with the house.

Even last night I felt bad for having given Amanda Mason such a hard time

But then, stiletto heels have ALWAYS been called "F-me Pumps" for a REASON -- and Bruce and Amanda Mason were HUGE supporters of Lindsey and Evan Luther -- the most DISGUSTING SLIMY CHRISTIAN WHITE SUPREMACISTS, and they also profit from the Drug-Trafficking (whether directly or not, I don't know, but INDIRECTLY, at least).

So at 11:45 this morning, I called their office intending to leave a message apologizing for being so rough on Amanda, whom I've never met, and a charming young woman named Rachel answered rather informally but in a lyrical voice, DENIED that she was Amanda (my guess), and we had a ROLLICKING-FUN conversation for 5.5 minutes!!!

I explained all the MAIN POINTS of Bruce's White Supremacism and corruption by my Kenan Family --and how he had TOTALLY SCREWED ME -- but that I HOPE he and I can settle things without my going to Court, so she got my phone number -- in case Bruce no longer has it.

I was totally charmed!!!

Yesterday, Wilmington, NC got up to 102 in the shade, and this Police truck on Carolina Beach CAUGHT FIRE!!!

>>> LET'S COOL DOWN WITH ACCORDIONS -- since Donald Trump, the Republican Party, Clinton Democrats, and my Kenan Family LOVE NORTH KOREA -- and want the USA to BECOME AS GOOD AS the Democratic People's Republic of Korea:

Accordions are very popular in North Korea. It was even obligatory at one time for teachers to learn to play the accordion. Journalist Barbara Demick wrote a book Nothing to Envy: Real Lives in North Korea, in which she wrote: “It was often called the ‘people’s instrument’ since it was portable enough to carry along on a day of voluntary hard labor in the fields.”

And NOW THAT WE ARE COOL, let's look at ABORTION in the USA:

Oh my God!!! Oh it is so logical I love it I love people with a sense of humor because that’s all we have left to get us through this crap. No that’s not true we are fighting and we will continue to. But anyway I think I can’t post a thing else for a few hours because this has to be the first thing on my page😜ðŸĪŠðŸ˜‚


Astra Zenicka, Bayer, Johnson/Johnson...we own stock in them, right? 


BECAUSE the Taliban controlled Afghanistan in 2001, they STOPPED OPIUM PRODUCTION, but our Christian Government went in and PROTECTED the Opium Poppies -- and no one MORE than DONALD TRUMP and my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, NC!!!

The Graystone Inn on Third Street at Dock Street in Wilmington, NC, was where my friend Stanley Winborne III from the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group visited his grandmother -- Stanley's parents owned one of the OTHER several mansions on that block, and his family controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railroad.

Stanley Winborne (those are MY devil's horns behind Stanley's head), with Colin Stuart Hamilton, retired star of BBC who was murdered by Drug Mafia in late July 2015.

Stanley's SON was 2nd in command of the US State Department in Afghanistan under Hillary Clinton -- and in charge of shipping the Heroin back to Maxwell AFB, where my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury distributed it (and still does, as far as I know), from Maine to Florida, with Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA being two of the most active trafficking places.

Stanley is CLOSELY related to Frank Hawkins Kenan's widow Betty (Price) Kenan:

Betty Kenan with a young customer of her "Fine Feathers", and Betty when she was young and married the much older Frank Kenan:

So, if you are CHRISTIAN (or Christian-influenced), you don't have to wear "F-me Pumps" to be BIG INTO HARD-DRUG PROFITS!!!

But then SO DO/DID Richard M. Nixon, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush!!!


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