Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Sir Elton John or Sir Justin LaNasa: Who's CRAZIER??? HINT: Only Justin Advertises "Reich LaNasa" on His Weapons-Development Business Website.

Elton John LOST his "Gay Cred" when he played at the HUGE, DRUGGED-OUT fourth serial Wedding of Drug-Rush Limbaugh -- at Thomas S. Kenan III and his close relatives' The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach.

And just to let you in on a SECRET, Elton, a Brit, was knighted by the Queen (the REAL one), but the rule in the USA is we do NOT call knighted men "Sir", as we are NOT a monarchy, but a democracy (supposedly).

Rush with new bride at the Kenans' Breakers Hotel -- see MOREhttp://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2018/03/elton-john-just-aint-been-same-since-he.html


Justin LaNasa when I met him -- it was about the middle of September, 2011, by the entrance to the Library in downtown Wilmington.

Justin was erecting a sign on public property for his Republican Party run for Mayor -- which was about five by three feet in size. He of course knew who I was -- despite our not meeting -- because his buddies who hung out at his Hard-Wire Tattoo on Front Street had ALREADY chased me around town claiming I had MOLESTED THEIR YOUNG SONS, prompting Defender Jennifer Harjo to HIDE ME in a "dry-out tank", but I so obviously didn't belong there, the management there worked with me to commit myself to "The Oaks", where an Emergency-Room doctor inappropriately COMMITTED ME as I waited a couple of days for a bed to open up -- but the FIRST THING Patrick Martin, MD (the Head of it then, and my doctor), said: "I ALREADY un-committed you 'involuntarily' -- sorry that happened!!!"

Patrick D. Martin, MD handled my care BOTH times I was in The Oaks in 2011 -- and I STILL consider him MY HERO!!! 

LATER, my doctor there when Jonathan Deputy committed me on lies in spring 2018 -- because I would NOT STOP blogging about NC State Rep. Deb Butler and his Hard-Drug Trafficking together, Julia Triggs, MD -- who said my mother is a "bitter old woman nursing her grudges, and should NOT be listened to" (we'd grown up in my family with SWASTIKAS on the dinner plates and my parents were best friends with TOP REPUBLICANS), also said that when she spoke with my brother Mike, he'd MOSTLY lied to her, and NOT TO TRUST HIM, EITHER!!!

Julia D. Triggs, MD -- and just a "play on words", but THIS is what I consider a REAL HAIR TRIGGSTER!!!:


Then, late January 2019, Frederick H. Opper, MD -- a Gastroenterologist -- committed me without DISCUSSING A THING with me, presumably based on gossip of his office staff gals -- White Women who are CHRISTIANS and were ANGRY I was exposing their Churches' HARD DRUG TRAFFICKING!!!

Douglas Waldrep, MD (Head of the re-named New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital), was my doctor, and he had his assistant, Hans Stelmach, MD ALSO examine me, and they RELEASED ME almost immediately!!!

I do not remember Hans Stelmach being this YOUNG and HANDSOME -- but I was under a lot of STRESS, no???

But the BOTTOM LINE is that I found EVERYONE at the New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital to be ENTIRELY REASONABLE -- as soon as I got over my FEAR that THEY were the PROBLEM -- they were NOT!!!

In fact, everyone there RESPECTED that I am a Trained Practitioner of Science of Mind (Metaphysics or Spiritual Psychology), and in fact got along BEST with the Christian Chaplain -- and everyone LOVED when I did "Spiritual Mind Treatments" (scientific affirmative prayer), for CHRISTIANS who were patients there -- in a way that respected their belief ,without sharing it, that Jesus is God.


Some of Justin's self-promotion on the internet.

That day in September 2011 when I actually MET Mr. LaNasa, I KNEW that his sign -- many times size of the allowed yard signs that many candidates had installed in that area was ILLEGAL, and I challenged Justin about that. He just LAUGHED as he completed its installation, saying that he KNEW THAT, but that it would take TWO MONTHS for anyone to go through the Courts and BE ABLE TO REMOVE IT -- and BY THEN, the election would be OVER.

And that was EXACTLY what happened!!!

NOWHERE can I find WHY Justin claims to be a "Sir" -- LOL!!!

More of Justin's "Weapons Designing", like his TANK that I showed on THIS page: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/05/today-i-delivered-in-person-letters-to.html

I noticed that his www.kicklitestocks.com is located in Burgaw, NC -- the birthplace of my father -- and that under their NEWS tab, was this:

With THAT showing as their "Latest News", I figured they were OUT OF BUSINESS NOW, so called the listed number, (910) 970-7006, and a woman said that Justin is VERY MUCH STILL IN BUSINESS THERE, but SURPRISED by that, I just told her I am reporting a lot of Mr. LaNasa's BEHAVIORS in the HOPE of getting him soon into PRISON (and hung up)!!!

In fairness, Justin's wife -- seen here at their wedding -- is QUITE attractive, and appears almost NORMAL!!!

And BASICALLY, Justin LaNasa is reminding me of TWO OTHER REPUBLICANS, New Hanover County Sheriff's Detective Evan Luther and his now FORMER wife, Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther (until very recently, an ELDER at the Kenan-Endowed Cathedral to Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy -- First Presbyterian):

Judge Lindsey Leigh (McKee) Luther taking the Oath of Office with Det. Evan Luther at her side.

Evan Luther's Christian Memes he posted on his Facebook page a couple of years ago, also include THIS ONE, showing how to make a BUMP STOCK -- RIGHT AFTER the mass bump-stock shooting at Las Vegas!!!:

Judge Lindsey Luther at a WHITE SUPREMACY MEETING in Ireland in 2016!!!

And speaking of WEIRD-LOOKING PEOPLE, my Letter to my second cousin, Lawyer Robert C. "Bobby" Kenan of Burgaw, NC, came back undeliverable, because I hadn't seen his P.O. Box mailing address, so it is BACK IN THE MAIL TO HIM!!!:


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