Wednesday, May 8, 2019

One of THOSE Days??? The RETURN of NAZI Doctor Frederick Opper (who previously committed me to the Mental Hospital on LIES), with NEW HARASSMENTS of Me -- LOL!!!

First thing at top of my Facebook feed this morning -- posted by Mary Wyatt, one of the two daughters of Schuyler "Skye" Wyatt that he abandoned with their mother in Indiana when he moved to Key West in 1979 -- never to be heard from again by them.

Skye and Mary, and then Skye as I knew him when I worked for Tennessee Williams:

And it was Skye Wyatt with Gary Tucker who prepared Tennessee Williams for his murder. After Tony Narducci replaced me right after A House Not Meant to Stand opened in Chicago, late April 1982, Tennessee's health began to decline, and I later learned he claimed to Jane Smith, Vassilis Voglis and others that they were putting ground glass in his food -- but that seems unlikely to me.

And although when I ran into Tennessee with Skye, Gary, and others at The Monster Disco in summer 1982, they claimed Tony had abandoned Tennessee in Europe after only a few weeks, Tony produced a memoir of that time that claimed he spent far more time than that with Tenn, and although he knew my last name, he only referred to me in his book by my first name.

Tony's book proved to me he had to have spent more time with Tennessee, but he was back and forth. Here is a review of Tony's book:

In my Epilogue to my memoir, much is explained about the fates of most of the main characters -- and, as noted, part was actually written my John Uecker, who is now HIDING in a foreign country, John having smothered Tennessee with a pillow!!! It is a bit odd, because as I see it now, the first part is actually a chapter -- just before it gets into what Uecker wrote:

The next thing on my Facebook feed:

I'm just not that gloomy of a person -- and this music and the film clips are FUN!!!

And then I got a call from New Hanover Regional Medical Center Physician Group Business Office -- a ROBO-CALL, asking that I call them, and when I did, after a few minutes of waiting, they said to leave a message of WHY I was calling them, and they would call me (robo-call me again???), within 25 business hours.

That was CRAZY, I've called them many times and usually get through to someone without difficulty, so I called them and the woman kept telling me that although every other bill that I was looking at on My Chart (well over a dozen of them), had been ZEROED by application of the Charity help, the OLDEST ONE from Frederick Opper, showed "co-insurance of $40.36," and although neither my bill nor the electronic site "My Chart" use that term, she would not explain it or answer if that meant I OWED it or if she was going to apply the Charity to it. 

Instead of answering my question to DEFINE what she meant, she hung up on me. I called back and the next person explained that they have to call each doctor who billed me for THEIR approval to apply the Charity money. So, knowing THAT, it made sense!!!

Dr. Opper had removed two of the three polyps from my colon in late January -- then began the commitment process (that was helped by another doctor in the mental hospital's emergency room who LIED that I was suicidal), and then Drs. Waldrep and Stelmach got me out a day earlier than the usual quickest.

Frederick Opper, MD

Opper had NO conversation with me about any of the things he claimed when he began the commitment process, but the white, Christian women in his offices whom I'd spoken with were ANGRY that I knew about the Christian Churches running the Hard-Drug Trafficking here -- like it is MY FAULT that my mother who raised me with SWASTIKAS and daily BEATINGS had also worked with top Republicans, the Pope, and Father Bob Kus -- and Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman -- setting them up here in Wilmington, and then with all of them except Bob Kus setting them up in Atlanta -- and if you need to know MORE about my Kenan Family and corruption in Atlanta, call my friend and ally, Lt. Gen. Russel Honore':

So it APPEARS that Dr. Opper REFUSED to allow the Charity to pay his bill -- which is on only $40.36, but more than I have on hand today, and more than I can pay for some time, since my family cut my funds back. So I left a message on Opper's voicemail, asking him to approve the Charity paying for it -- out of "Humanitarian Concerns".

But he's CLEARLY a NAZI, and I doubt he'll do it.

So I am taking a LOT of DEEP BREATHS -- wishing I still smoked cigarettes for the first time, but DENYING that urge. And I'll go for a WALK to clear my mind of all this negativity.


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