Friday, May 10, 2019

I Got a JOB (don't anyone tell my FAMILY -- they'll CUT ME COLD before I find out if it works out)!!! / Some PREVIOUSLY MISSED Details, Etc.:

Curcuma blooming -- and then showing detail:

It's like they have a second plant blooming also at the bottom of their blooming stalk!!!

I split my Curcuma from last year into three pots, and FINALLY all the little tubers in all three pots sent green shoots up this week!!!

My back deck garden (most of it), so far -- little of it blooming yet, MOST of it is volunteer plants back from last year's seeds. My family cut my funds so close, I could not afford to buy even a FOURTH of the plants and new seeds I bought last year -- because they PUNISHED ME for being against their Hard-Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy with the Roman Catholic Church and BOTH Political Parties.

The Curcuma I kept are in the two black pots to the right -- the third one, I took next door as a GARDEN-WARMING PRESENT for Chad, who is still renovating the house next door, and the one after that. He hadn't been around for about four days, and when I last saw him, I told him I'd like to work for him occasionally -- when he has small jobs I can handle, like painting, helping with anything HIGH, etc. -- but not taking work from the several others he occasionally employs, and I am 1.5 months past the installation of my Pacemaker, and so ready for most anything -- and unlike a "real" employer, Chad could work with me when I have my Abdominal Aorta Aneurysm Repair -- and my SECOND Colonoscopy this year -- after that.

Anyway, he asked me if I would water all his plants in both yards (he's planted TONS of things both places), tomorrow evening -- if it does not rain -- and we didn't talk compensation, but I'm certain he would be fair (and likely THEN SOME).

YES, I DO!!! 

And the last two days I have been ALL AROUND TOWN and Liberals and Conservatives, Christians from LOVING to GOD-HATING TRUMP-SUPPORTERS, ALL SUPPORT ME, because they KNOW the Democrats -- MOSTLY -- and the Republicans as well -- but ESPECIALLY MOST CHRISTIAN CHURCHES support the KENAN-FAMILY DRUG-TRAFFICKING with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families -- and that "BLACK-MAILED FAGGOT", Barack Obama -- run ALL THE HARD DRUGS!!!

William Rand Kenan, Sr. led this as an Elder at First Presbyterian -- and this is what INSPIRED Donald Trump in his QUEST TO TURN THE USA NAZITOTALITARIANKU-KLUX-KLANNY -- OR WHATEVER YOU CARE TO CALL IT!!!

And SINCE Chief District Court Judge J.H. Corpening CLAIMS he cannot order the Sheriff's Department to RELEASE the FULL REPORT on how Wilmington Christian Police MURDERED Evan William Fish, he left me like the DEMOCRATS trying to get Robert Mueller's UN-REDACTED Report -- or Attorney General Barr to TESTIFY TO CONGRESS

I will be writing LETTERS -- first to Mayor Bill Saffo and his Drug-Trafficking TOP PARTNER, Councilman Charlie Rivenbark -- and DELIVER THEM IN PERSON -- to SEE if they "have the balls" to hit me with another HUGE TRUCK -- like they did on February 13, 2017!!!:

Page 1 remains lost.

This, at my Alma Mater, Denison University (where NO ONE has answered my recent Letter, EITHER)

"Frank, could you make it a DOUBLE, tonight, PLEASE???"


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