Thursday, May 2, 2019

My Hand-Delivered Letter to Judge J.H. Corpening Concerning the Report on the Death of Evan William Fish on September 3, 2011:

Chief New Hanover County District Court Judge J.H. Corpening

Chief District Court Judge J.H. Corpening, II
W. Allen Cobb Judicial Annex Building
316 Princess Street, Suite 328
Wilmington, NC 28401

May 2, 2019

Dear Judge Corpening,

First, I fully appreciate that about a year ago you kindly released my Commitment Papers, which proved my previous commitments in New Hanover County had been by Drug Traffickers angry that I refused to stop blogging about their crimes, and in fact Rep. Deb Butler told me to my face last summer that she does a lot of Drug Trafficking with Jonathan Deputy who had committed me on lies that time, spring 2018. Sadly, Deb’s legal wife “Anni” Parra died of an apparent overdose on December 28, 2018, much like former Democratic Party 3rd Vice Chair Ryan Lee Burris and his fiancé Wes Taylor -- Ryan in October 2018, and Wes about 1.5 years before that.

As a result of that release of my commitment papers, Jonathan Deputy resigned as manager of my apartments owned by Gold Walker, and I have had no further problems with Mr. Deputy, Ms. Walker, or her current manager. The two other tenants that Mr. Deputy placed in other apartments here continue to sell both Hard Drugs and marijuana (no one really caring about the pot), and they harass me mildly by calling me the “nastiest, creepiest person in Wilmington”, and bragging that they are protected in their Drug Sales by Wilmington Police and Sheriff’s Deputies – something I have proven true, but NOT in a Court of Law.

What is important is that the other neighbors and I have forced them to curtail their public behaviors which had included wildly yelling CRACK-whores, and other behaviors not becoming a neighborhood with children.

Today I am requesting that you order the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Department to release the FULL Report on the death of my friend Evan William Fish on September 3, 2011. What is agreed on by all is that Evan, after a long negotiation with the Sheriff’s Negotiator with several Police Officers and Sheriff’s Deputies on the scene, jumped from the top of the parking deck next-door to the downtown Library to his death.

The reason for my keen interest is not only that Evan was my friend and we had been sharing a room at SUPER-8 Motel on Market Street for a week at the time he jumped, but he knew all about my former employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., Snellville, GA, distributing all the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Florida to Maine, and Maine was where Evan and his former girlfriend Eleanor “Ellie” Schwaner had for two years been the second largest Cocaine distributor in the state, until Evan broke off with Ms. Schwaner and moved to Wilmington to get out of that business.

Mr. Stansbury and another of his employees, the actual person making the Drug Deals including here in Wilmington, Lee E. Gosney, Jr., worked very closely with my own parents, Father Robert J. Kus, recently of St. Mary’s Catholic here, but now fled to Honduras, and Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman (I knew them ALL well), set up the Wilmington Drug Mafias in the 1980s and 90s, and Ehrlichman with my parents, Stansbury, former GA Republican US Congressman John Linder, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, and others set up the Drug Mafias in Atlanta, while I lived there 1983 – 2010.

Heck, I even knew my own GA Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney who was primaried by “Clinton Democrats” after she filed Articles of Impeachment against G.W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others for planning “9/11” with their long-term business partners the Bin Laden and Saudi Royal Families.

I might as well state the FACTS as I have so far found them to be. NO ONE argues against what I say – instead, they claim, and SADLY TO ME, to do so in the Name of Jesus Christ the Savior, and just claim I am “CRAZY”, and charge and convict me of crimes without evidence (Defender Jennifer Harjo forced Ben David to ERASE all his false convictions he got of me in 2011 and 12) – or commit me on lies – and I will NOT BE STOPPED in my search for JUSTICE, and to DIVORCE Hard-Drug Trafficking from both the Leadership of the Republican and Democratic Parties as well as TOO MANY of the top Christian Churches in the Lower Cape Fear.

By the Grace of God, I have been helped by Secretary of State Colin Powell’s retired Chief Protocol Officer Army Col. Dorothy Newman -- who got me to Mexico for Political Exile after my own parents with my siblings were unable to commit me in five attempts in Georgia in one month in early 2010. 

Currently, I am still in contact with Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’, who when I met him in 2015, told me he knows all about my wealthy Kenan relatives corrupting Georgia and Atlanta governments via Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil, which under Kenan control since Thomas S. Kenan III’s side of the family inherited control of Standard Oil in 1913 from Henry Flagler. It was a natural that the Kenan-controlled S.O./Exxon-Mobil, with its worldwide operations was married to the CIA’s Hard-Drug Trafficking while George H.W. Bush was in charge of that. His father, Prescott Bush, had made the first Bush Fortune by investing in Hitler’s War Machine.

I also have Rob Reiner’s Admin on my speed-dial, Rob and David Frum co-founded Rob’s first cousin Jonathan Reiner, whom I’d known since 1999 and who now has his own Emmys, made me an “Honorary Jew” in 2010 – right after I first blogged that in 1990 two top Jews in business in Atlanta told me my parents were LITERALLY “America’s TOP NAZIS” – and THAT was precisely when led by Patrick Stansbury, Sean Hannity’s close friend Christal Presley (who had friended me on lies), and my own immediate family began the attempts to commit me, and in fact SOME of them later supported Wilmington Gastroenterologist Frederick H. Opper, MD, who without discussing these matters with me at all, began the LAST false commitment of me in late January 2019.

Dr. Opper apparently did so on the word of the White Christian women in his two offices who were angry with me for telling them how the Christian Churches of Wilmington are the REAL LEADERS of the Drug Trafficking here – and many ”Christians” here are also White Supremacists, who support Donald Trump’s brand of “Christianity”. My only two ancestors who fought in the Civil War fought for the Confederacy – and I know they were TRAITORS to the USA, as is ANYONE who supports the positions taken by the “Trump Republicans” – any REAL Republicans have already left that Party.

However, the two top Psychiatrists there, Drs. Douglas Waldrep and Hans Stelmach, made clear to me that they know I am not Bipolar and in fact was not then committable, and got me out with record speed. So, I DOUBT anyone will ever again commit me there on lies.

Also, I have just a month ago, filed a long and well-documented Complaint against D.A. Benjamin R. David with the NC State Bar, and can also do so against every Republican NHC District Court Judge, as well as two of the Democrats. I might have no time to file against all of them, so let me just say that I don’t remember actually dealing with you or Ms. Crouch in Court, so no complaints there, and Judges Robin Robinson and R. Russell Davis have both either encouraged me in my quest, or/and treated me completely fairly in Court.

I find it SHOCKING that Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther is well documented as attending White Supremacy meetings in Ireland. And no doubt here as well – her former husband NHC Sheriff’s Detective Evan Luther published MEMES on Facebook supporting “Christians” buying guns and KILLING everyone who disagrees with them, and even posted one PROMOTING Bump-Stocks right after the shooting in Las Vegas!!! 

WHY does Sheriff McMahon HIRE and keep-on-staff these CRIMINALS???

Judge Sandra Ray/Criner’s former husband Sherman Lee Criner posted photos of himself in “Christian Snake-Handling Worship”, that after I published them on my blog, Sandra DIVORCED Sherman – who also had been caught molesting a young girl in Thalian Hall about ten years ago. And you can still google up the Star News’s report of how Police convinced the girl’s father NOT to prosecute – because the Criners were LEADERS of the County Republican Party and EXEMPLARY CHRISTIANS!!!

And Wilmington CONTINUES to re-elect these Criminals!!!

I have very recently met Philip Gerard, whose Cape Fear Rising has just been updated and released in a 25th Anniversary Edition, detailing how my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr., an Elder then at First Presbyterian, led the White Christian Churches in the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898. And I also met the best friend of the man who very recently bought WRK Sr.’s boarded-up-for-several-years house at 110 Nun Street, and is working to renovate it. His friend said that the two of them -- and many other allies they have -- knew very well that Rep. Deb Butler and NC Governor’s Cabinet Member Susi Hamilton are big in the Narcotics trade.

Wilmingtonians are now TAKING BACK OUR CITY from the Politicians and FAKE Christians – and with NO HELP from ANY of local Law Enforcement -- or the Local Press, who all SUPPORT DRUG TRAFFICKING, my blog being the only Press that at least ATTEMPTS to get to the Truth.

I DO have the contact info for Evan Fish’s family in Ohio, but nothing will bring their boy back to life, so it is NOT my intention to trouble them further with this. Many other Wilmingtonians I knew while I was homeless in 2011 and 12 also knew that Lee Gosney and Pentagon Publishing supplied Wilmington with lots of Hard Drugs – including D.A. Ben David’s former long-term male lover, Lee, whom I then knew well. For THAT reason, I would like to see the FULL REPORT of Evan’s Death and Lt. Jerry Brewer said I would have to get a Judge to order him to release the full report, and I thought of you as a good bet.

This will not change a THING, but clarify what is both incomplete and has many errors – and if Evan had not been involved with my former employer, Pentagon Publishing, he might be alive today. The report claims to be about “William Evan Fish”, when he was Evan William Fish – simple carelessness (or to make it harder to search electronically), the location, 214 N. 2nd Street is said to be “Field/woods”, and the non-law-enforcement-officer on scene is named as “Ellie Schroder”, which CANNOT be anything but a deliberate lie.

Nothing else is stated except to call it a suicide, and that on 2/14/2012, case status was “exceptionally cleared” and the disposition was “Prosecution Declined”. Deputies on the scene told me that Police released Ellie SCHWANER from hiding after the Sheriff’s Negotiator talked Evan back from the edge, she ran up to him, whispered something in his ear, then Evan yelling “There’s NO WAY OUT!!!” jumped to his death.

Here is Evan’s Obituary that might help clear up some of this:!/Obituary.

Whether you decide to order this release or not, I assure you that I will continue working tirelessly to expose the crimes of my Kenan Family – both immediate, and the wealthy ones associated with Chapel Hill who put Donald Trump into power to DESTROY DEMOCRACY in favor of Kenan-Family-Friend Vladimir Putin.

With respect, I thank you for your consideration and hope you can decide on this matter ASAP.

Scott D. Kenan

Wilmington, NC 28403
Cell: (910) 200-XXXX


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