Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Searching for Some "Nice Wholesome Breasts" to Complement This Morning's HOT HAIRY PECS, I Landed in the Episcopal Church -- USA!!!

The ABOVE is the purported result of following THIS ADVICEhttps://vivaglammagazine.com/7-foods-that-are-good-for-your-breasts/

Frankly -- although I am a HOMO -- I see no vulva here (muscular or not) -- but I DID find some EDIBLE ONES!!!

Well, since I long ago lost track of the article this was from, you'll JUST HAVE TO TAKE THE AUTHOR'S WORD FOR IT!!!

I know AYE do.

And after searching far and wide for some HOT BREASTS that I could publish without offending anyone (or everyone), I ended up looking for some Chicken Breasts at Harris Teeter -- my CLOSEST grocery store -- and THERE, I ran into the 60-ish white woman (sporting non-remarkable breasts), but wearing THIS on her T-shirt:

If that was what Robin Williams considered spirituality, then I'm NOT SURPRISED that he committed suicide -- TRUE!!!

Then I found a FAR MORE SERIOUS LIST -- steeped in Faux Reason:

Seven Reasons to Be an Episcopalian


Since Episcopalians, Catholics, and Mainstream Protestants believe the Old Testament is mostly ALLEGORY, we can all only laugh at the Evangelicals for their SILLY NON-SENSE:


And there is NOTHING they can do to EXPLAIN in logic (or even known mythology), that makes any SENSE of the RESURRECTION:

And the Episcopal Church MURDERED Tennessee Williams to STEAL HIS ESTATE FROM HARVARD -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned us on January 11, 1982 at Jean Babette Stein and and George Plimpton's party. In my memoir, I left the Politics OUT:

If Tennessee Williams was ANYTHING, he was Roman Catholic -- and I say that because he NEVER showed interest in the Episcopal Church while I worked for him, but THREE TIMES -- in a panic -- he DEMANDED I find a Jesuit Priest to come speak with him
(and once I was able to do that)

And the one time we went to New Orleans (arriving late on Ash Wednesday), he soon stopped at St. Louis Cathedral -- genuflected in front of the altar -- and went to the side to light a candle in front of a plaster Virgin Mary.

IF I were to somehow go backwards into Christianity -- it would LIKELY be to Episcopal (despite their Cannibal Communion). The Presbyterian Church I found to be nearly ALL un-repentant White Supremacists and Hard-Drug Traffickers!!!

That suspension just ended early in 2019 -- and NO EPISCOPALIANS ever knew about it (except Clergy, who REFUSED TO DISCUSS IT)!!!


And this is more my Cup of Tea -- unless THIS IS:

And here are some SUCCULENT BREASTS!!!:


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