Thursday, May 23, 2019

A Letter of THANKSGIVING to My Family -- and HOPE They Can Continue to Support Me a SHORT TIME LONGER, until I GET BACK ON MY FINANCIAL FEET!!!:

Pete Buttigieg grew up DEVOUT CATHOLIC, but converted as an adult to Episcopal, which HAS A HEART (if you don't consider that they MURDERED Tennessee Williams with help of Frank Hawkins Kenan and James Graham Kenan).

I SUPPORT HIM for NOW, but it is FAR TOO EARLY to know who to ENDORSE for President 2020.

>>> Just for family -- and Bob Jones:

Hello All,

The first thing I want to do is to thank Mom, Jane, and Julie for sending the financial help that they send. It was strange today, because Julie -- who has been good by sending it right around 8:00 AM, did not, so at 10:45 I called and left her a message to remind her, which she did a little after 1:00 this afternoon, with an explaining note. 

I doubt that any of you have -- at least in many, many years -- been so close to homeless, had people claim you are Mentally Ill and commit you on lies -- REPEATEDLY -- been accused and charged with crimes you never committed and were convicted of them -- and then even though you were able to FORCE the District Attorney to VOID those convictions, you were not allowed the monetary compensation the State provides for "inappropriate incarceration" -- because the same people who had tried killing, jailing, and committing you forced you to stay in Mexico for over two years, the period you had to file for that compensation in.

My point is that after being held hostage five times by Drug Mafia in Mexico, poisoned severely three times (the worst by a Top Political Operative of Walmart Corporation, who was herself POISONED because she FAILED to kill me!!!), beaten severely several times -- with NO EMPATHY from my family whatsoever -- in fact everyone then claimed I was MENTALLY ILL and deserved it, I guess, I am still so SHELL-SHOCKED by that callousness -- which one would expect from Patrick Stansbury, my employer of 20 years angry that I found out he distributes Hard-Drugs up and down the East Coast -- with DAD'S BEST FRIEND from 1990, Lee E. Gosney, Jr.

Not a single soul has ever, Ever, EVER apologized to me for ANY of these crimes against me -- they together left me destitute and the Fucking Christian Presbyterian ELDER District Attorney -- and a DAMNED DEMOCRAT no less -- who seems to be the ring-leader here in Wilmington of all of this (and DID steal copyright to my book, admitted that, promised to get that undone, and then was IMPOTENT to do so). I had meant to just say that no one has apologized except Mom -- three times now, but not ONCE by "Roman Catholic Rules", which Mom thinks are as good as from the mouth of Jesus or God-the-Father.

Most of my siblings graduated eight years of Catholic schools -- except Julie and maybe Mike -- but we all had enough to know that by Catholic Rules that even GOD can't forgive you for a sin until you apologize (which requires SPECIFICS, not just what Mom said, "Scott, I'm sorry I caused you so much pain in your life."), as well as MAKE AMENDS -- which means to RESTORE whatever you caused to be lost -- in my case, a nearly paid-off four-bedroom house, my Art Collection, Library -- and tons of household goods -- and of course copyright to, which with Scott Rudin and the Harry Potter movie producers looking to buy movie rights to, I could have sold them to SOMEONE -- and especially since John Lahr, who gave me a RAVE review and his Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh was such an incredible Williams biography (memoir is about a part of a life, biography about the whole life -- if you didn't know that).

Anyway, Lahr sold his book's movie rights -- and then the company he sold them to went belly-up a year later, so all that in LIMBO, my book would be even more interesting to buyers. While none of you were directly involved in that, those who did it used your LIES about my mental health to be able to steal it -- and commit their other crimes against me.

So, by Catholic Rules, Mom will suffer the Fires of Hell for Eternity (if she does not get right with me -- and who knows what other crimes/sins she committed with her Love of Swastikas)

I don't buy ANY of that shit -- although I do believe consciousness survives physical death, and no one gets smart just by dying. 

So dying while ASHAMED of any of one's past, will cause HUGE PSYCHOLOGICAL TORMENTS in a non-physical world, while learning the Gifts of Love, leaves one attracted to and in the company of those who also know how to express Love. I never saw Love expressed in a family until I went home freshman year at Denison with my girlfriend Terry, to Chicago, for Thanksgiving -- and then over Christmas break she had a PREGNANCY SCARE, but got her period on Dec. 26 -- THANK GOD!!!

And I don't know why Mike -- who was NOT part of the crazed five attempts to commit me in early 2010 in Georgia -- more than doubled down supporting the criminals in Wilmington who committed me because I would not shut up about their Hard-Drug Trafficking (Democrats and Republicans, both). Jane and Julie quickly STOPPED THAT, and have not resumed. So it should be no surprise that my Shrink in 2018, Julia Triggs, MD, said Mom and Mike were people I should NEVER listen to. 

But I have to say that Mom has relaxed enough to talk freely with me about all kinds of things -- including Spiritual Principles -- but NOT about any of her many crimes over so many years against me. As I have told all of you and others many times now, I am more than happy to discuss anything about ME -- what I am, or have done, or want to do -- at any time. 

ANYONE who is not that open is ASHAMED of something they need to REVISIT, come to terms with, etc. -- or they will suffer -- not the fires of hell, but the LONELINESS of those afraid to open their hearts to others.

OK, enough. The bottom line for me is that I am OK and happier than I have ever been before -- although SICK OF BEING TOTALLY BROKE by action of my family and others, NONE OF WHOM will restore any of what they stole from me. BUT I NO LONGER EXPECT ANY OF YOU TO MAKE AMENDS. Your current support is ENOUGH (expect for special needs at times)

Well, I got a GREAT STORY out of it all, and I will NOT change the names of anyone unrepentant when I DO publish books so EVERYONE knows what these people have done. And as I told Mom this morning, I have been able to work a one-hour job once per week watering the two properties of my next-door neighbor Chad for ten dollars, which helps with the $125.00 to $83.00 per week cut-back you all did a couple of months ago -- after sending NOTHING for several weeks. Chad has a real business (knocking-down buildings and clearing lots), so can give me a REFERENCE -- that AFTER the Aneurysm Repair to my Aorta -- and then the SECOND Colonoscopy, because Dr. Frederick Opper who committed me on LIES that last time did NOT remove one of the THREE polyps I had (although he had no problem two years before that removing FIVE polyps).

In a couple of months I should be PAST these other surgeries and able to look for a part-time job. TOO BAD those who helped me get committed on LIES have me STUCK WITH THE STIGMA of RECENT MENTAL ILLNESS -- so BAD, I was TWICE committed the last 1.5 years -- partly DELIBERATELY so that I could NOT GET A JOB!!!

So yes, I have every right to RIGHTEOUS ANGER, but I am less and less inclined to it. "Let Go and Let God" is GREAT ADVICE -- my compensation will come from other sources as I grow my writing and other talents in a MORE POSITIVE WAY!!! I just wish I had enough money to keep in paper and ink for my printer -- or to sometimes attend meetings of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke:

My blog postings of the past week show my sudden improving progress here in Wilmington and North Carolina -- and today, I found a PROGRESSIVE Political Consultant in NC who is also a blogger -- then LOST that contact when my computer went KAFLOOIE earlier today, due to the HACKERS. But I will find him again, and I am ALSO THRILLED by another org I found today in Wilmington -- and I KNOW at least one of their Directors, the others all looking GREAT TOO:

If I HAVE TO, I will PANHANDLE AGAIN, although I hope not to have to do so to get basic needs, but within the next two months I need to pay for a year of my domain and email service, $60.00 for Costco renewal to BUY SOME OF MY DRUGS CHEAP, and nearly $100.00 for car registration (I already managed to replace the used tire with another that WILL PASS the $30.00 Inspection)

But my sandals have become SCANDALS -- both strap ones and glides -- which Bob Jones was kind enough to send me money to replace two years ago -- are needing replacement now too.

Perhaps I will find a person or org who can give me a little money and get a HUGE reward of a share of the financial profits from my writing from here on. My TRACK RECORD shows I'm a GOOD BET, but no one in family has expressed interest. And it would be NICE to be able to buy the office chair and a few clothing articles, now that EVERYTHING I have is getting threadbare.

So if any of you can help me extra for my upcoming birthday, I will GREATLY APPRECIATE IT. Also, it has been over two weeks since I wrote Mike, after telling Mom it was not fair of me to expect HER to tell me why Mike no longer helps me at all or even will communicate with me about WHY he won't -- or anything else. Mom is CONVINCED that Mike will dole to me my share of her inheritance to me, but I do NOT believe that at all -- given Mike's current behaviors, so I do NOT expect to ever get that -- at least in a way and time that HELPS ME -- from Mike. She might as well just split it three ways among the rest of you.

BUT, I WILL NOT TELL MOM that Mike has been this hateful -- it would BREAK HER HEART, and Mom is at least far nicer to me now, and I HAVE forgiven her. I actually PREFER just remembering the GOOD THINGS of our past, growing up together -- and MOST of our adult lives.

Here is the Letter I sent Mike that he has not answered:

Mike Kenan
419 Donalyn Ln.
Berwyn, PA 19312-1006

May 6, 2019

Dear Mike,

I had an interesting, if brief, discussion with Mom this morning, and I’ve had so much more success lately communicating with those who previously didn’t want to accept the facts of the past, that I decided to write you, rather than Mom’s parish priest and/or bishop – not that you are Mom’s confessor, but I was afraid I’d accelerate things too much if I contacted Mom’s religious “bosses”, so to speak, to tell them what she has done to me in the Name of her Roman Catholic Church, their guidance, and Jesus’s Teachings.

I DOUBT they would agree with Mom, and might Excommunicate her for it -- my goal when I’m feeling mean and looking for revenge.

Somewhat related to that is that just this morning, I snail-mailed a Letter to our 2nd cousin Robert C. “Bobby” Kenan, Jr., a lawyer (and several who were in his Court, tell me a FAIR part-time Judge in Drug Cases), in Burgaw, NC. I’d been to his office in 2015, but have never met him. This weekend, I finally found his photo, and he makes Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill look handsome – NOT an easy feat!!!

My Letter to Cousin Bobby is posted on blog this past weekend, and he will receive it in a day or two.

Bobby’s Admin was who first told me that because I had blogged about the Hard-Drug Trafficking (large AND small sales, and I even blogged about my smoking pot with others in the garden there), in lawyer David A. Nash’s Costello’s gay piano bar here is 2011, that I would NEVER be able to get a lawyer to represent me short of Charlotte, and when I DID get one two years ago, Bruce Mason, he soon FIRED ME, and ran down the street calling back to me and his Admin Hannah (who quit right after that), “I have NO CONSCIENCE!”

And wouldn’t you know, a Raleigh Lawyer working for our Kenan cousin listed in the 1999 updated book, Barbara B. “Bonnie” Weyher (26 lawyers in her and her husband’s firm – ALL “Lily White” – which is NOT the South I know, but it is “The Kenan Family South”), represented Time/Warner-Spectrum-Charter Communications when their truck knocked me 12 feet out of a crosswalk in front of City Hall/County Courthouse – while I was walking to Mayor Bill Saffo’s office, after warning him I was WALKING to his office to demand release of the FULL Police Report on the death of my friend Evan William Fish, who KNEW that Patrick Stansbury who owns Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA and his agent Lee E. Gosney, Jr. supplied all of Maine to Florida (including Wilmington), with the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB. I just delivered a Letter to Chief Judge Corpening (who ordered the release of all my Commitment Papers), asking him to order its release.

Mr. Gosney (three times sentenced up to five years for running Meth Labs in Georgia), was Dad’s BEST FRIEND when he lived with me and worked with Patrick Stansbury, they meeting in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings after I got OUT of jail, but in person at Patrick and Lee’s offices while I was in the Dekalb County Jail WITHOUT CHARGES for about 15 weeks in 1990, until I filed Writ of Habeus Corpus against then Sheriff Jarvis.

I was soon charged with simple Trespass (first criminal charge ever), pleaded Nolo Contendere, was given a YEAR of “House Arrest Probation”, and forced to take 1,500 mg. Lithium Carbonate daily (I have ALL the papers from then and other charges and Court actions since), with weekly tests, Mom DEMANDING of the Judge and supervising shrink, Edward O. Nix, MD (he is still in practice), that SHE accompany me to see the doctor the FIRST time, when he OVER-PRESCRIBED Lithium – for Mom or Dad to be there is/was actually illegal without MY permission, which I did NOT give, but Mom has her contacts!!!

Only 900 mg. (all I took, although Alex and others prescribed 1,200/day), gets me to at least 0.7 level, I and what the Court said I had to achieve, which is therapeutic for Bipolar which it was claimed I had – and I was convinced of that (and still acknowledge my symptoms fit Bipolar then), until I no longer suffered those symptoms beginning in 1992.

Really, that is IMPOSSIBLE by all scientific theory about Bipolar Illness, and after eight years of being my therapist, Alexandra Whiddon of PACT-ATL took me OFF Lithium, saying she never saw a single symptom of Bipolar in that time. Since no one QUALIFIED to diagnose me had said I am Bipolar since then, anyone claiming otherwise was only saying what they HOPE IS TRUE.

I WAS told I was Bipolar at New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital when it was called “The Oaks” in 2011, but only because people CLAIMED to them that that was my actual diagnosis, which it no longer was. My last visit (a commitment by a “Butt Doctor” whose female, white, Christian office staff were angry about my politics), led the two top shrinks there to declare I am NOT any kind of Bipolar this past January, and a psychologist who had been observing my Facebook feed told me it was obvious to him I suffer from “complicated PTSD” which comes from abuse growing up and later.

No drugs are known to help with it – just meditation and a little marijuana – both of which I have been using. And I just learned that Alex has opened her own practice (and articulates a therapeutic philosophy I love), called her number just now (after hours), and left her a 3:30 long message that I’m now doing FINE, and part of how I got to this point. I think I will copy Alex when I email this to you, since I told her I would like to write her, but have so much on my plate, now – and will post it on blog, as I like to be as transparent as possible in what I do. Alex’s new practice is at, but she could not discuss me with you or anyone else without my permission (or perhaps a Court Order).

When years ago Mom and Dad frequently traveled to Lower Mississippi where Uncle Bob was in a Veteran’s Hospital and Mom said she “oversaw” his treatment with the doctors of DOUBLE-DOSE Lithium Carbonate (remember, he let cousin Jan marry a Jew, and TWICE told me he was actually gay), I do still have Mom’s handwritten notes that Lithium levels 1.5 and above cause “chemically-induced diabetes” from before that time.

OK, I understand that you don’t want to believe Mom killed her brother – neither do I, but knowing that she DID (and my Psychiatrist Julia Triggs, MD told me just over a year ago that 96-year-old Mom is just a “bitter old woman nursing her grudges” and that I NEVER should listen to Mom – or YOU, for that matter, because when you spoke with Dr. Triggs, she said it was obvious that you were mostly telling her lies – I assume the same lies about me that Mom has gotten you and both of our sisters to claim to others, but Jane and Julie stopped that in recent years.

As I have said many times, Mom headed Procter & Gamble’s Chemistry Labs right after WWII, when they got Dr. Mengele’s research on Jewish Concentration Camp victims, and I believe worked mostly on what became in 1953 Project MK ULTRA for the CIA (sometimes called “Operation Paperclip” – as in clip the Swastika over the field of stars in the US flag), which is NAZI Mind Control – which Donald Trump, Evangelical Christians, and his FAKE Republicans also have been using.

Funny, is that the CIA in that project was obsessed with LSD-25, and just three days ago, my landlady Gold Walker – whose longest tenant Sa’ant Samuel Celia, Jr., was the FAVORITE supplier of LSD to his personal friend Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead as well as Dr. Timothy Leary, and Leary’s male lover from the Millbrook days, Theodore Druch, who later “straightened up”, converted to Christian and married Maria Ruiz, and while they were both in my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group, was HUGE in Hard-Drug Trafficking with the CIA, Hillary Clinton State Department, and Governor of Nayarit State – who sent killers to get me twice in early June 2015, and that is WHY I finally drove back to the USA.

Anyway, Gold Walker called me to ask about her two (of four tenants here), that are known Hard-Drug sellers and how they are behaving, and I told her they are no longer a nuisance to the neighborhood, so I no longer care if they live here – Wilmington still being the BIGGEST Port of Entry of Hard Drugs in the USA, drug-sellers are EVERYWHERE. Gold also had as a tenant a woman, Denise Renee Wood (currently in Mayor Saffo’s Drug Mafia), with 43 Felony and 13 Misdemeanor Convictions as an International Drug Mule from 20 years ago, but now out of prison, but Gold smokes pot from the moment she gets up until she goes to sleep at night (at 69 years of age, now), and is so confused these people take advantage of her.

Now back to the point I’m writing about, but you have always prided yourself in not reading my blog or emails, so I will also send this to you paper via US Mail.

Since you have refused to speak with me or tell me why you cut off your financial help of me – unlike Mom, Jane, and Julie after they came back to their senses after stopping for three weeks, and it was only a total of $125.00/week from you four combined, the others only helping $83.00/week now – I asked her how it will ever work that she set YOU up to dish out the ¼ of her estate Mom still claims she will leave me – and so that I can’t get it at once like the others of you will. You won’t even SPEAK with me or answer an email.

Mom said that you will, but I don’t believe that at all – or that if so, you will do it in a deliberately obnoxious way. I fully expect to be able to get back on my financial feet on my own before Mom ever dies – she brags that the 40-year-olds in her Bridge Club can’t keep up with her. I have filed a HUGE well-documented Complaint with the NC State Bar against D.A. Ben David and soon will file against the five of our nine District Court Judges who grossly violated my Civil Rights in their Courts – all in the Name of Jesus Christ the Savior.

Remember too, that the Courts Inspector in Chicago said that Ben David et al getting the HALF MILLION DOLLAR SETTLEMENT on false charge of Libel that I was NEVER legally served, then they tried and convicted me in absentia and they also got copyright to my Williams memoir that Scott Rudin and the producers of all the Harry Potter films were looking to buy film rights to, PLUS copyright to EVERY blog posting and email I write until I die, could EASILY be tossed out – if I could afford to live in Chicago long enough – and THEN I could SUE THEM BLIND.

Since I already forced the D.A. to ERASE all the convictions that he and these Judges got of me – and also let the State Bar know EXACTLY how D.A. David with a Fox News Talking Head/Lawyer, and one of Rahm Emanuel of Chicago’s top Drug Traffickers in Puerto Vallarta STOLE copyright to my Tennessee Williams memoir, I believe I will prevail!!! And yes, I’m filing against our cousin Barbara Weyher and her subordinate lawyer Brian M. Williams as well. I just wish I could file against Mom’s best ally, Robert C. Kenan, Jr., as well, but I never dealt with him in his lawyer capacity.

I decided I am NOT asking you to send me money again – you are DEAF to my plight for reasons you refuse to explain. But as I told Mom, if you and I don’t “get straight with each other” before she dies, I will sue you for everything I possibly can – because you are like an ANTI-BROTHER to me, a clone of Donald Trump or Mitch McConnell.

Thank God I quit smoking tobacco over a month ago when I got my FABULOUS Pacemaker, and have not bitten anyone’s head off – in fact, I had SEVERAL civilized conversations today with people whose FSNB Bank and Mormon Church SPECIFICALLY and deliberately abused me in the past which I can EASILY PROVE.

Remember, I even got Mitt and Ann Romney to help me when Mitt’s second cousin Douglas Wayne Romney’s “widow” after legal gay marriage, William (Wilhelm) Romney, was harassing me when I refused to date him two years ago – LOL – I get AROUND -- with the politically connected.

Do YOU???

With Hope that we can become brothers again,


I hope everyone has a GREAT MEMORIAL WEEKEND and everyone honors ALL OUR US VETERANS -- including Dad -- who FOUGHT and DIED (or lived on), for the IDEALS OF THE US CONSTITUTION!!!

I'm NOT a veteran, but am PROUD to have partnered with people like Colin Powell's Chief Protocol Officer, and Lt. Gen. Russel Honore', who knows ALL ABOUT the Wealthy Kenan Family running the Drug Mafias of Atlanta -- and polluting the world unnecessarily through Exxon-Mobil and the Kenan Advantage Group,, etc.

God always WINS, and when we align ourselves with God's Principles, so will we -- so I am moving on to more POSITIVE BLOGGING, and hope ALL of you have noticed that recently I BARELY mention any "immediate family crimes" in my blog.

I have NOT YET re-read what I wrote Mike, but will do so after publishing this all on blog -- perhaps it will bring some MUCH NEEDED RAIN to S.E. North Carolina -- HA!!!

Thank you all for your consideration of my words this evening.




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