Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Has Even a SINGLE CHRISTIAN Actually READ THE BIBLE??? YES, but They REFUSE to THINK -- or to LOVE!!!

Teaching the NEW TESTAMENT LOVE OF JESUS to the descendants of slaves!!!

My Kenan Family that had three properties with over 300 African Slaves each -- clear-cutting S.E. North Carolina's virgin pine forests, was the largest supplier in the WORLD of naval stores (tar, pitch, and turpentine) -- BEFORE the American Revolution, then co-founded UNC Chapel Hill in 1789, and named the Tar Heels sports teams after the FIRST Kenan Fortune!!!

Well, my mother was America's TOP NAZI -- taking over from Rose and Old Joe Kennedy when JFK's generation flipped to support Democracy!!!

Besides the Progenitor Kennedys -- Prescott Bush and Henry Ford were the most influential American Businessmen pushing FDR to SUPPORT HITLER. Here my mother wins Henry Ford's contest to find the BEST DRIVER in INDIANA in 1941 -- when Mom was a senior at Brookville, IN High School -- IMPRESSIVE that such a fresh, young driver could WIN!!!.

Mom, now 96 years of age, flanked by me and my younger sister Julie. TODAY, Mom -- and her HOLY CATHOLIC BELIEVERS -- celebrate "abortion actions" in Alabama, Georgia, Mom's native Indiana, etc.!!!



Israel’s abortion law now among world’s most liberal

Despite its conservative leanings, Israeli government approves free pregnancy termination for nearly all women, and it barely causes a ripple

Illustrative: Ultrasound. (via Shutterstock)
Illustrative: Ultrasound. (via Shutterstock)


But the POLITICAL GOINGS-ON around the country, have had me take a PAUSE -- to contemplate a few things.

My last blog posting, I sent out with the following email title: 

In doing the research to dig all of this up from eight years ago, I learned I REALLY WAS in some ways Mentally Ill back then!!! But what I was COMMITTED FOR was not REAL !!!

And TODAY, I have been studying up on EMOTIONAL MATURITY -- which I know enough to UNDERSTAND AND PRACTICE, but have been TERRORIZED VEHEMENTLY and CONTINUOUSLY by not just my Christian Kenan Family (near and far), but by both DEMOCRATS and REPUBLICANS -- completely in the SERVICE of my HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING wealthy Kenan Family -- for JESUS!!!

(I'm trying to cut back on my "confetti-typing -- and typo-ing"!!)

Laura Davis and I BOTH are Trained Practitioners of Science of Mind from the Atlanta Church of Religious Science, now known as the Spiritual Living Center of Atlanta:  -- although Laura has studied now FAR AND WIDE in all these concerns, and there is TONS of GREAT MATERIAL on her website!!!

A Co-Episcopalian Sycophant, Betty (Price) Kenan, and Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill, NC.

The Episcopal Confederate Mace (kept in hiding -- since 2005 for "Political Correctness" at the University of the South, aka Sewanee -- the ONLY Episcopal Seminary in the Old South), is the REASON the wealthy Kenans have given the Episcopal Church -- but mostly to Sewanee -- at least $100,000,000.00 over the last 100 years, that I have documented.

The wealthy Kenans have controlled Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil since Henry Flagler left Mary Lily Kenan MORE S.O. stock than J.D. Rockefeller ever owned!!! THAT is why:

The Kenans -- through S.O./XOM -- set up and run WORLDWIDE HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with this first, modern INTERNATIONAL OCTOPUS -- and later partnered with the Bush Family when George HW Bush ran the CIA.

It was a NATURAL!!!

Curtis "Robby" Anderson, the former long-term lover of Thomas S. Kenan III, whom I dated in Kenan-Built Carolina Apartments -- while BLUE VELVET was being filmed there in 1985.

And I survived EVERY BIT of the running from the Christian Drug Mafias of the USA and Mexico -- five times held hostage in Puerto Vallarta, three SEVERE poisonings, five SEVERE beatings, five FALSE IMPRISONMENTS and FOUR FALSE COMMITMENTS to the NUTHOUSE in Wilmington, NC -- by the ruling CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT/REPUBLICANS -- HA!!!

So let us also REMEMBER (not only that in the Bible Dictionary "Kenan" means either "The Sadness" or "Unbridled Greed and Acquisitiveness"), but that ONE time I was held hostage by a CANADIAN FEMALE DRUG TRAFFICKER in downtown Puerto Vallarta, and she LOVED my Kenan genealogy books, and browsing the 1999 Mercer University Edition, discovered that:


In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the diagnosis of “homosexuality” from the second edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)

This resulted after comparing competing theories, those that pathologized homosexuality and those that viewed it as normal. In an effort to explain how that decision came about, this paper reviews some historical scientific theories and arguments that first led to the placement of homosexuality in DSM-I and DSM-II as well as alternative theories that eventually led to its removal from DSM III and subsequent editions of the manual. The paper concludes with a discussion of the sociocultural aftermath of that 1973 decision.

What the KENANS had to do with this, is that BOTH the Psychiatrist who HEADED the APA when this decision was made -- as well as the one COLLATING all the studies to DECIDE THIS -- were BLOOD KENANS (but having different surnames)!!!

And let us FORGET FOR A MOMENT that it was PRIMARILY my wealthy Kenan relatives who put Donald Trump and the "Trump Christian-Republicans" into POWER:

There is not a SHRED of Intellectual or Emotional HONESTY to the New Testament from anyone who believes it LITERALLY!!!


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