>>> TO BEGIN ON THIS FOURTH OF JULY , I'm THRILLED that hits to my LAST POSTING that was TOTALLY MAULED by CIA Agents -- or Agents of Thomas S. Kenan III and his EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group/COSTCO, Ku Klux Klan, Episcopal and Presbyterian Churches -- had ZOOMED to OVER 1,800 REGISTERED HITS by 5:00 PM, today!!!
My MAIN BLOG was hit SEVERELY : https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2023/07/by-reader-demand-complete-re.html
My Original, Narrow-Graphics Blog is nearly INTACT!!!: https://scottkenan.blogspot.com/2023/07/rp-by-reader-demand-complete-re.html

But what PROVES Nancy Pelosi's HATRED OF GOD is that even though the lone-wolf ATTACKER of Paul (whom he OUT-SMARTED!!!), was IMMEDIATELY CAUGHT -- she had a Roman Catholic Priest perform an EXORCISM of their HOUSE !!!
And, OF COURSE, I knew Frank Sinatra's HEIRS -- meeting Patricia Sinatra, who put the deal together to sell control of their BankAmerica to Kenan-owned NationsBank -- forming today's Bank of America!!!
>>> REGARDING MY BROTHER, MICHAEL WILLIAM KENAN -- who thinks he is SO MUCH MORE CHRISTIAN than my Mother, my sisters Jane Ann Kenan and Julia Ruth (Kenan) Duffy, and I are :
So, earlier today, I found Connor's cell-phone number, but it went STRAIGHT TO VOICE-MAIL -- meaning he'd ALREADY BLOCKED MY CALLS.
And ALTHOUGH my brother Mike DOES READ MY EMAILS of EVERY BLOG-POSTING -- he did NOT send me his usual $300.00 or so for the 4th of July -- DESPITE HIS KNOWING that I had $150.00 in unexpected car repair cost this week, and the SECOND DIABETIC ULCER (on my OTHER foot), threatens my being able to walk -- and will mean LOTS MORE DOCTOR BILLS -- ALL because my Mother falsely claimed I was BIPOLAR and FORCED ME to take Lithium Carbonate for 31 years, ending in early 2009.
And THIS SHIT of DIABETIC ULCERS caused by that Lithium that I haven't taken IN FOURTEEN YEARS , means OTHER PROBLEMS will also, likely, occur!!!
The ONLY REMEDY is for Connor to call me or write me and APOLOGIZE -- and for his FATHER to send me AT LEAST the $300.00 he usually sends me for this holiday. Mom, Jane, and Julie EACH send me $30.00 per week -- while MIKE -- who has MORE INCOME and MORE WEALTH than the other three combined is the TRUE FAMILY NAZI, today.
1. After watching these movies the last two nights:
I REALIZED that I am doing JUST FINE !!!
2. Long-time Blog Readers know that when I called James Graham Kenan of Atlanta for HELP after I was FIRST ARRESTED after giving EVIDENCE of HARD DRUGS being distributed through Stone Mountain Park behind my house -- including PHOTOS of drugs being loaded into SYSCO Food Service and Inland Seafood trucks -- and some DISTRIBUTED via a Krystal drive-through window on Memorial Drive -- with NO ONE paying for the HUGE SACKS THEY RECEIVED . . .
. . . I gave it to BOTH Newt Gingrich's Congressional Office and CNN's HQ in Atlanta -- and was SOON ARRESTED!!!
"Uncle Jimmy" Kenan was going SENILE, so he sent me to his ROMAN CATHOLIC WIFE's NEPHEW: Lawyer, Best-Selling Author, Race-Car Driver, and STUNT PILOT, Gregg Loomis:
And then he said HE could not help me, and he sent me to his SON, Kenan Loomis, fresh out of Law School and in a small office in Decatur, GA -- but Kenan couldn't help me EITHER !!!
So, I'm ADDING the email addresses of BOTH Gregg and Kenan Loomis to my LISTS -- so they SEE WHAT I'M NOW UP TO!!!
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