Friday, June 4, 2021

YIKES!!! I Just Ran into Don Betz -- former Mayor of Wilmington, NC -- and His WIFE in Lidl!!! THANK GOD -- He Was Not with HYPER-DRUG-TRAFFICKING NC State Representative Deb Butler!!! / MANY Other Things:


Representative Deb Butler (left) presented LCFWASA Executive Director Don Betz with the Order of the Long Leaf Pine at his last meeting Monday. (Port City Daily photo/Courtesy LCFWASA)

>>> Julie: Mike and I were SERIOUS when we realized that Joel Duffy, Jr., FORCED YOU to become RESPONSIBLE -- but the KICKER will be TRUMP'S SPEECH Saturday Night at the NC GOP Convention!!!



Hi All,

I really only wanted to let everyone know the STRANGEST THING about my super-short conversation with Mom, yesterday morning. Although JANE has complained that Mom NEVER throws anything out, Mom first did not answer, but did answer ten minutes later. She had NOT been in the bathroom or similar, but told me she was TOTALLY EXHAUSTED because she was sorting things out -- to decide WHAT to throw out and what to keep. In fact, we spoke less than a minute, Mom was BREATHING SO HARD from the effort, and said she had to REST and had NO ENERGY TO SPEAK -- and Mom was NOT LYING!!!

WHY would she do that when Jane or I could have helped her??? REMEMBER, in 2009, Mom told me she had THROWN OUT years before, all of the dinner china with the small Swastikas that we had used since living in Louisville, KY -- until AFTER she had planned the NAZI TAKEOVER of the USA with Coach Lou Holtz and his wife, Beth, by the Republican Party and Roman Catholic Church!!!

And in 2009, when I visited Mom and Dad in Raleigh, when they got TIRED of my telling the TRUTH -- they would grab a HUNDRED-DOLLAR BILL from a closet (WHERE is all of that CASH, TODAY???), and literally THROW it at me, telling me to drive on back to Stone Mountain. BOTH Mom & Dad are SMARTLY fiscally conservative, and NEVER would have had much cash just lying around the house -- and what they HAD, would have been in smaller bills to pay for things without requiring anyone to BREAK a $100.00 bill to make change. NO PRACTICALITY to GIANT BILLS -- ones NOT in the bank earning interest!!!

Then, in 2010, after sending me the money to drive home from Puerto Vallarta -- the FIRST TIME -- when they were PISSED that I insisted on a Psychiatric Evaluation by someone THEY had not already claimed I was a VERY BAD BIPOLAR and so smart I convinced every doctor I was NOT MENTALLY ILL -- I had even MADE AN APPOINTMENT, wanting an UNBIASED OPINION -- they got TWO NAZI Raleigh Police Officers to claim they'd gotten a Restraining Order -- EX PARTE -- so I had to immediately leave before the required Court Hearing -- BUT that was FALSE, they didn't get one at ALL, and there is NO COURT RECORD of it or HEARING SCHEDULED, either. A few years ago, Mom ADMITTED THIS TO ME!!!

Another mystery, is that Mom and Dad went to Medjugorje THREE TIMES because of Mom's INSANE beliefs about the Blessed Virgin Mary -- and the Catholic Church NEVER claimed there was a thing REAL about this FAKE MIRACLE!!!

But Julie joined them once, and returned with a "cheap" Rosary, that Julie CLAIMED its basic metals had been CHANGED INTO PURE GOLD -- a common claim of visitors then, now long proven FALSE. When I asked Julie WHATEVER HAPPENED to that Rosary -- it should have been her MOST TREASURED POSSESSION -- Julie, you REPEATEDLY changed the subject and REFUSED TO ANSWER!!!

Well, you were young and impressionable so fell for nonsense -- just like ALL CHRISTIANS who are PROGRAMMED into Christian Hate by parents.

And a NOTE TO BOB JONES: Bob, I'm sure you remember several years ago when I was desperate for a new pair of strap-sandals. Joseph Crawford Faulk, Jr. of NYC had CUT ME OFF after I blogged how he'd sent MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, a new Windows 10 computer, and BOXES of sexy clothes to Haston Lavern Caulder II, who was not only a MAJOR HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKER and ADDICT -- protected by New Hanover County Probation/Parole System -- and who eventually had MANY CHARGES of RAPE of Underaged Girls (he liked them 14 years old), but died a couple of years ago when he ran out in front of a speeding COP CAR in Carowinds, SC!!!

ANYWAY, my mother and siblings were REFUSING to send me ANYTHING to help with that, and you mailed me a check for $100.00 -- 2/3 of it I spent on mail-order new sandals. Well, I thought those had worn out a year ago, and bought a pair at Walmart in size 15 for only about $20.00 -- and THEY have TOTALLY WORN OUT as of tonight (the straps are tearing off where they connect to the soles), so I having SAVED the pair you bought me, I discovered they are in FAR BETTER SHAPE NOW than the cheap ones from Walmart, so I'm BACK WEARING MY "BOB-JONES SANDALS" -- LOL!!!

Well, EVERYONE should tune into Donald Trump tomorrow night!!! He and his BASKET OF DEPLORABLES should REALLY BE ENTERTAINING, no???




Former Wilmington Mayor Don Betz

I went to Lidl to grab about five things, and Don Betz and his wife were right behind me in the line to pay. I said, "HEY -- aren't you a former MAYOR???", and Don replied, "GUILTY AS CHARGED!!!"

I was blanking on his name, but knew I met him at a STREET FESTIVAL years ago -- when he was with a VETERANS GROUP in their booth, and he really had impressed me -- although we barely spoke.

And then I told him I am TAKING OUT MAYOR SAFFO (and former Mayor Spence Broadhurst), and all of their GOD-DAMNED CHRISTIAN, DRUG-TRAFFICKING, KU KLUX KLAN or NAZI PARTY SYCHOPHANTS!!! 

Don replied, "Well, SAFFO was OUT last weekend!!!"

Now, I KNEW Saffo has not yet come out GAY, so figured he meant he was at some JOB FAIR that I saw he was to be at, trying to convince FOOLS to accept $10.00 and $12.00/hour -- like the GOOD REPUBLICAN he actually is -- Sen. Jesse Helms was Saffo's FIRST POLITICAL HERO -- and my father, William Scott Kenan, BRAGGED TO ME (accidentally), that HE had first put Helms into the US SENATE!!!

We really didn't speak much more, but I told Mr. Betz that I'm a KENAN, and NOBODY STOPS ME when I decide to do something -- and I HOPE to put MOST of Wilmington's Politicians and Christian Ministers into PRISON -- after FAIR TRIALS.

Don's last words to me, were, "And . . . I say, MORE POWER TO YA!!!"


The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is asking the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Board of Trustees for answers on its decision not to vote on tenure for journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones.

The foundation has given more than $131 million in grants to the university since 1972, more than $9 million in the last two years alone.

Major funding partner calls for UNC-Chapel Hill to grant tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones | The Progressive Pulse
Major funding partner calls for UNC-Chapel Hill to grant tenure to Nikole Hannah-Jones | The Progressive Pulse
UNC, UNC-Chapel Hill, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees, Richard Stevens


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