Natalie Hinton-Stalling is with Sonya AmenRa.
Another opportunity to learn about the 1898 massacre, the only successful government takeover in American history on American soil!
Photos and more, here:

Scott Kenan I was there and found myself WRUNG OUT emotionally from the experience -- especially since I had checked the entire cast list several days ago -- before I even knew it was playing today -- and saw that my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr. WAS LISTED, so I expected to see him mowing down black people with the only Gatling Gun in town. Kenan led it as an Elder of First Presbyterian -- and the White People ALL were devout Christians!!!. The film did a great job of FILM-MAKING, given it's small budget, but it actually seemed to me that it was both a bit WHITE-WASHED and VERY CHRISTIAN-WASHED. By that, I mean that if my relative had been shown to MOW PEOPLE DOWN (he was not even NAMED in the film -- only in cast lists), as his wagon careened through Wilmington's streets (as I believe I learned from some Kenan Family history books -- maybe they were just BRAGGING, they are VERY DEVOUT CHRISTIANS and even today, Thomas S. Kenan III's close relatives tell me that the Chapel Hill Kenans hate only Jews more than "Niggers"!!!), people would understand what a MONSTER he was. He was ALSO the only Confederate who had managed to break Washington, DC's defenses and took a clear shot at Lincoln -- missing him but killing his Aide. But I DID several times begin sobbing -- completely quietly and perhaps some behind me saw the mini-heaves of my upper body. By Christian-Washing, I mean that the RELIGIOUS FERVOR of the White Supremacists was NEVER depicted nor any White Church shown to be a center of activity, while at least one BLACK Christian Church and minister were fairly prominent. EVERYONE knows that the New Testament says that Slaves MUST OBEY THEIR MASTERS and respect the Masters AS IF THEY ARE JESUS CHRIST!!! I cannot IMAGINE any descendants of slaves being Christian -- especially TODAY, when Christians are who put and keep Donald Trump in power -- with the descendants of William Rand Kenan, Sr., who today control Exxon-Mobil, Rex Tillerson, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, Kenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, entire Republican Party, and Clinton Democrats -- and run worldwide Hard Drug Trafficking with the Bush Family primarily, but also the Cheney and Clinton Families. So YES, I am all too aware of my Kenan Family's Crimes over SEVERAL CENTURIES -- and was surprised that this film today was so mild -- but then MANY of its supporters are likely Christians and Christians hate NOTHING more than the Truth. I spoke to the entire crowd about parts of this, and much more of it to several of the key and "regular audience" people. I especially THANK the black folks whom I felt I got great comfort from speaking with. When I was homeless here in 2011 and 12 because of the actions of my Kenan Family after I discovered they run the LARGEST HARD-DRUG OPERATIONS in both Georgia and North Carolina (with help of D.A. Ben David, EVERY New Hanover County Republican Judge and the help of Dem. Judges Jeffrey Noecker and ESPECIALLY Drug-Trafficking Christian Minister James Faison III -- and I lived under the 4th Street bridge. I'm too exhausted tonight to blog about this more than just to paste in this FB comment -- which I will do here: And then I will email it to my 100 Political Contacts, seen here: And I can report that THIS POSTING -- about the unveiling of the new Historical Marker yesterday (where I had to step in because the short people couldn't pull the cover off -- LOL!!!) -- has gone VIRAL!!!:
MORE info on the movie:
WWAY, virtual channel 3, is an ABC/CBS/CW-affiliated television station licensed to Wilmington, North Carolina, United States and serving the Cape Fear region. The station is owned by Morris Multimedia.
This WHITE SUPREMACIST TV station in 2018 was still calling this a RACE RIOT (meaning the blacks were in the wrong), while EVERYONE KNOWS it has been called the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 for DECADES -- except by Racists -- usually Christians.
And now it is also being called a Coup d'Etat -- which it certainly was -- the ONLY successful Coup in US History (with my Kenan Family the biggest force behind it, like my Kenan Family today is the biggest force behind the HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING, and putting and keeping Donald Trump in power).
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