Friday, November 8, 2019

Scott Kenan REMOVED the STUCK Covering When the NEW "Wilmington Coup" Marker of the 1898 Insurrection (led by my Kenan Family), Was DEDICATED, Today!!!

Right after I pulled the cover off the new marker for the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 early this afternoon!!!

That's ME -- the tall gray-head who finally got the shroud off the marker!!! 

I was very PROUD to be there, talk to some REAL LEADERS and also some corrupt Drug-Trafficking Christians -- including Mayor Bill Saffo and NC Rep. Deb Butler

I'm 6' 11", and when the black covering could not be pulled off by the Officials trying to, I stepped in and GOT IT OFF!!! 

Some people shouted, "Look, an actual KENAN is pulling it off!!!" -- and as I pulled it off, I was hollering, "My Grandfather was a Klansman who participated when he was in high school -- and my parents set up the Drug Mafias of Wilmington in the 1980s and 90s with Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary's Catholic and Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman -- both of whom I knew well -- and Ehrlichman and top Republicans in Atlanta, GA -- but Thomas S. Kenan III and his close relatives in Chapel Hill run Hard-Drug Trafficking -- and STILL are Racists today!!!" 

But the WORST culprit in 1898 was my somewhat distant Kenan relative William Rand Kenan, Sr., who as an Elder of First Presbyterian -- and in the Name of Jesus Christ -- mowed down blacks with the only Gatling Gun in town from the back of this wagon -- photo of "Captain Kenan's Rapid-Fire Brigade" hangs in the Cape Fear Museum:

1 hr
The heading on the marker reads “Wilmington Coup,” but the originally approved text referred to a “race riot,” which eventually was deleted.#ilm

Now, as ALL MY READERS KNOW, when I first returned to Wilmington from Political Exile in Mexico that Colin Powell's people had to get me to a SECOND TIME (April 2012 - June 2015), a TOP PRODUCER of WECT TV-6 (who were ALSO at this ceremony and INTERVIEWED ME -- off-camera -- for several minutes but I bet DON'T credit me BY NAME), told me that ALL of Wilmington's News Media had made an AGREEMENT that NONE OF THEM would report my name or ANYTHING ABOUT ME -- until ANOTHER ONE of them had done so!!!

Example of a "Catch 22".

And they ALL know that between local TV stations WWAY TV-3 and WECT TV-6, in 2011 they ran interviews with me on nightly news for a week, when I was protesting with "OCCUPY" -- at the base of Market Street at the Cape Fear River, and on the grounds of City Hall where protesters CAMPED for a week -- until City Council -- virtually all Democrats -- passed a Law OUTLAWING THAT!!!

>>> This ALSO hit the NEWS today -- and lines up PERFECTLY with my last-night's posting of my Letter to Craig Calcaterra -- an OHIO reporter for NBC/MSNBC and others, who reported ALL ABOUT William Rand Kenan, Senior and Junior

About this website

Last year UNC Chapel Hill planned to change the football stadium plaque to distance itself from William Rand Kenan Sr., a leader in the Wilmington racial violence of 1898. Now, it’s covered by a temporary logo.
Been there; done that

Today, I spoke of the HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING CRIMES of my Swastika-Loving Roman Catholic immediate Kenan Family that founded the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with Pope John Paul II, and the White Supremacist and Drug Trafficking crimes of my Kenan relatives of Chapel Hill who caused the 1898 Wilmington Insurrection -- when all the local Officials unveiled a new Historical Marker about that -- right by Kenan Fountain and Kenan Plaza -- and the shroud got stuck and I had to pull it off the Marker -- because I'm 6' 11" tall

BEST use of my height, EVER!!!

The Children of History’s Monsters

Nobody gets to choose their parents. In many cases, everything turns out well. But some people have the misfortune to be born to tyrants or infamous figures from history. They have to live with their family name for the rest of their lives, for good or bad. In some cases, the children of dictators o...

Possibly MORE DETAILS of with whom I spoke and what about -- tomorrow.


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