Mauri Fox
November 18 at 10:21 PM
Happy 80th birthday to Margaret Atwood.
"The moment when, after many years
of hard work and a long voyage,
you stand in the centre of your room,
house, half-acre, square mile, island, country,
knowing at last how you got there,
and say, I own this,
is the same moment the trees unloose
their soft arms from around you,
the birds take back their language,
the cliffs fissure and collapse,
the air moves back from you like a wave
and you can’t breathe.
No, they whisper. You own nothing.
You were a visitor, time after time
Climbing the hill, planting the flag, proclaiming.
We never belonged to you.
You never found us.
It was always the other way round."
~ Margaret Atwood
Photo credit to Tim Walker
Sandra Beckham
“Anybody busy with creativity has no time for the frivolity of busybody.”
― Vincent Okay Nwachukwu, Weighty 'n' Worthy African Proverbs - Volume 1
Wait until you see who Steve Kenan is -- the couple own a 3,466-square-foot, five bedroom waterfront house in the village, assessed for $3.3 million, according to county tax records. That’s where the overnight dispute took place.
Does Julie qualify as a "Christian Bitch"??? Only YOU can decide . . .
The ONLY Steve Kenan in the Kenan Family Genealogy, is my HALF-NEPHEW who may or may not be DEAD now. My father impregnated Virginia Mintz -- his older brother Rufus Harlee Kenan's girlfriend, they convinced Harlee -- as he was called -- that it was HIS child, and my half-brother Graham Harlee Kenan was born in 1942. Remember, Dad graduated New Hanover High here in Wilmington in 1935, and was close friends with David Brinkley later of NBC, and Dad's nickname was "Middle Leg" -- for his huge member that he shared with males and females alike.
Graham had two sons, Michael Harlee Kenan and Steven Samuel Kenan -- and I just researched this and THIS Steve Kenan is the one who was killed about 1982 in high school, when he and a buddy got the mind to run away from home -- and to take a gun from home and rob a convenience store to get money for it.
The guy working the register shot him dead, and my Uncle Harlee and Aunt Virginia spread a ridiculous false story to cover for what had actually happened. Well, my parents never were much for covering up ANYONE'S CRIMES (except their own -- which were nearly as extraordinary as Adolph Hitler's -- Mom's Hero's), and told some people the TRUTH -- and Aunt Virginia told Dad she always carries a revolver in her purse and would SHOOT HIM DEAD the next time she ran into him -- my parents and Aunt Virginia all living in Wilmington then.
But Virginia was so taken over by drink, she rarely left her house and could not have shot straight anyway. She died in 2009, after outliving a SECOND husband!!!
Several years ago, I researched the WEALTHY Kenan line, that mysteriously does NOT expand Frank Hawkins Kenan's brother James Graham Kenan's (who had helped me with a legal question in 1990), five children, all born in the 1940s in Atlanta. Their mother, a Kentucky Clay, was a Roman Catholic, so all five children were brought up Catholic. TWO became Catholic Clergy of note, and Brutus Clay Kenan is who became called "Bruce" (for fairly obvious reasons), and is a huge land developer in New York State -- and father to this Steve.
But just now, I see I might be wrong, and will need to contact Bruce Kenan (he loves the NAACP, very NOT KENAN -- except for me).
Well, that story is BLOWN, but this might be a GOOD TIME to point out that this last week Blog Hits have been very high -- two days over 1,200 hits each (only about eight days have gotten that many hits since 2008 -- and these almost exclusively from the USA). And LINKED-IN notified me that between Nov. 12 - 19, I had 52 people who searched out my profile, while 1 - 3 is normal for a week, and FIVE is the most I've seen in one week before!!!
My father, who was blackmailed by my mother into marriage and turning Catholic after she had his male lover shot in the head in 1948 so she could hide her Swastikas behind the iconic Kenan name, always first drew an un-cut dick and two balls -- then added everything else to become Kilroy was here.
I always though that it marked spots where guys had had sex together -- LOL!!!
Jackie Love:
12:33 AM
You need help
something is really wrong with you I don’t care what you’re going to say about
me after this but your a weird ass is really fucked up your a psychopath I
don’t give a fuck what you got against my family but leave us the fuck alone
and deleted all that shit your posting on your wack ass blog that trash ass
shit not only on that you disrespected my mother only bitches disrespect women
and you sir are a bitch the biggest bitch I’ve ever seen
Fuck you and
what you stand for you psycho
11:45 AM
What on earth
are you typing about??? I never heard of you before, and you don't say WHY you
think I'm psycho. I was recently given a clean bill of Mental Health by the two
top shrinks at New Hanover Behavioral Heath Hospital. In researching you, I
found little, but your NEW Facebook profile photo shows you are PROUD to be a
"Painted Lady" (a WHORE), but we all have to make money SOMEHOW and
prostitution and its legal form, marriage, was the FIRST PROFESSION!!!
You can now
call each other and see information like Active Status and when you've read
I’m Sonya’s
Don’t ever call
me a prostitute
If your getting
a bill for the mental health you need to go back
Just gonna let
you know if you post anything about me you going to get a lot more people
texting you
you got a GREAT education. But I will not argue with ignorant people, so keep
sending me your comments. I might or might not respond. I expect to feature you
on my blog. TOO MANY black leaders in Wilmington said your mother and her
daughter Rhonda (are you a separate daughter or Rhonda "Sekhmet Ra"
under ANOTHER alias???), are PURE TRASH and considered POISONOUS to the Black
community. And THANK YOU for being so much FUN!!! Jesus might turn you over his
knee YET.
Do you have

You don't know
ANYTHING about me, do you??? I suggest you read a few of my blog postings --
I've had over 1.6 million hits so far and MOST Politicians, Press, and Law
Enforcement in Wilmington read it. I've decided to take you at your WORD --
that you are NOT a prostitute or a whore -- just a painted lady. WHAT is your
source of income since you list no job??? Thanks for your help.
No I don’t know
nothing about you and I definitely don’t give a fuck about you ether all I do
know is that you need you leave my family the fuck alone and delete all the
shit you’re posting about my mother and my sister and you don’t have 1.6
million views on your blog
that’s a complete
lie I am young I have social media I know how social media works and like
before you a bitch only bitches attack women leave us alone

You DON'T have
a job do you??? You crack me up and I can't wait to blog about you later
today!!! You said my writing doesn't matter, so what difference does it make to
you what I write??? You sound as STUPID as a Christian!!! Why not write
something back that you want me to PUBLISH because ALL OF THIS message will be
published and emailed out to my list.
I’m a hard
working young black woman with 2 jobs
underestimate me because I’m black you must not have a job posting all these
stupid ass blogs and I’m not a Christian 🤔 post what ever you want just know you gonna get a lot of
and I’m not
threatening you an any type away so these messages between me and are not going
to count as anything

HUH??? Go back
to school and learn how to use the English language so you make sense. Sorry if
you have to work two jobs, but since you don't say what TYPE of jobs, they must
be ILLEGAL or things no one is proud of. I work with Gen. Colin Powell and Lt.
Gen. Russel Honore', so I KNOW black people can be SUPER SMART -- think of
Barack Obama too!!! Glad to hear you are NOT Christian I'm gonna get a LOT OF
MESSAGES -- WHOA, I'm shakin' in my boots!!! I promise to publish the BEST of
them. Toodles for now, your Buddy, Scott
I’m not telling
you where my place of work is I don’t know want you pooping up or calling my
jobs you a psychopath 

Go right ahead
and post about me it doesn’t bother me 

I’m waiting 

I’m ready to
see the lies you’re going to post about me 

LOL!!! Most
people will write "restaurant server" or maybe "cook",
"hair-cutter", "accountant", but STREETWALKERS might be
afraid I might "pop" or even"poop" by, so won't disclose
that. I'm gonna take a nap now, and then after I get back up and write, I'll
send you a link -- or if you give me your email address, I'll email it to you,
like I will email it to your mother and sister.
3:38 PM
Sorry to have
to tell you that on waking from my nap, I discovered I'd made a BIG, STUPID
mistake. You were born in 2000, and I was thinking you were 29 years old. You
are only 19, and your mother should be ASHAMED that at that tender age, you run
around looking like a painted whore -- but PROUD that you attempted to defend
your Mom and sister. I do hope your hymen is still intact, but we don't stone
women for going to the altar with it BROKEN anymore -- PRAISE THE LORD!!!
That's sad
someone your age continues to call a 19 year old a WHORE that shows how low and
trash you are as a person I feel so sorry for you and I feel sorry for your
family having to be related to someone like you
Why does my
hyman interest you 
are you a pedophile

You are of legal age (at least 18), and your hymen does not interest me at all
-- I just wondered if through rape or normal seduction, it had been BROKEN yet.
Just this week, Kanye West BRAGGED that he sends his daughter who is your age
to the doctor every year to be sure her hymen is still intact -- LOL!!!
Christians are CRAZY, no???
What the fuck
it’s wrong you with
you are sick my guy

LOL!!! 19 year
olds who get people to make calls anonymously are just DEVILS (at this point I got TWO CALLS from hidden phone numbers and a female who refused to identify herself threatened me with LAWSUITS and LOTS OF HARASSMENT EMAILS and FACEBOOK COMMENTS if I did not ERASE everything I'd published about ANY of the Bennetones) -- and too
childish to be taken seriously!!!
Didn't you know it's illegal to fake being a lawyer -- and anonymous calls from lawyers are a BIG CRIME, so no lawyer would make it??? In the future, keep your spew of venom to yourself. I will BLOCK YOU right after I publish all of this, and tell the "Bennetones" to hire a REAL LAWYER instead of misrepresenting themselves -- that conversation was RECORDED for Court should we ever land there.
Didn't you know it's illegal to fake being a lawyer -- and anonymous calls from lawyers are a BIG CRIME, so no lawyer would make it??? In the future, keep your spew of venom to yourself. I will BLOCK YOU right after I publish all of this, and tell the "Bennetones" to hire a REAL LAWYER instead of misrepresenting themselves -- that conversation was RECORDED for Court should we ever land there.
what is yo psycho ass
talking about now 

Here is a
psycho ass talkin' -- LOL!!!:
"I have observed that the prosperity or misery of each people is in direct proportion to its liberties or its prejudices and, accordingly, to the sacrifices or the selfishness of its forefathers."
THU 8:20 PM
Hi Daniel: Your wife's old 6' 11" roommate now works
with top NC Prosecutors and the FEDS to BUST DRUG TRAFFICKERS like her, you,
and your friends!!! Checkout my blog about YOU -- over 1.6 million hits so far.
Friend me, please!!!
12:41 AM
What are you saying?
You can now call each other and see information like Active
Status and when you've read messages.
Who are you?
If you're not talking then fuck off
5:42 AM
Fuck you
3:36 PM
Hey Shepherd Daniel (I assume "Shepherd" is a
title like "Pastor"), and if you are as much fun in bed as you appear
to be, I'd let YOU "shepherd my ass" as they say. My dentures come
out so I could gum you to the ROOT!!! ALL guys love that, gay and straight, and
ALL colors and religions!!! Just tell Brenda that I'm THRILLED to see how
healthy and happy she appears to be. She was a CRACK-ADDICTED MESS when we
lived together in 2011, and her alleged cousin Gerald Austin-Wynn who was
supplying her and humping her then, was a TURD!!! I think she followed him to
SC and then he was imprisoned for four years and now is in Virginia near DC.
Also, Danny Sinatra, my friend who got my things out of her house since she had
a Restraining Order against me, and she seemed to get along with well, was
Frank Sinatra's great nephew, his mother, Patricia, runs Sinatra Enterprises
and sold control of Bank of America to my wealthy Kenan relatives in Chapel
Hill -- and HATES them for turning it NAZI and for Donald Trump. Danny and I
used to hang out by Bank of America's main office here on Third Street and kid
around about our "Family Bank". But Danny got into trouble with
Meth/Adderall, and he and his wife and family drove back to California early
June 2015 -- and Danny was soon in CA Prison for three years for a Meth Crime
of some type -- but it kept him from dying of it. Here is the devastation to
his face right before he and his wife, the well-known Goth Actress Phoebe
Dollar, left Wilmington. So I'm really just glad to see Brenda looking so good.
I had NO IDEA she was such a HOT MAMA -- especially at age 72!!!
No problem
Thanks for the heads up man
I appreciate
But remember I'm African breed
Larger than you think
JUST what I LOVE!!! I'm 6' 11" so built for gigantic
African members -- and I didn't mention it, but Frank Sinatra's reputation was
that he was a giant dick with a little body attached. I don't known if Danny
Sinatra inherited that size, but he confessed he wanted to have sex with me but
his marriage vow to Phoebe prevented it. My father graduated New Hanover High
here in Wilmington in 1935 and his nickname was "Middle Leg" because
of his size, which he shared with both men and women -- but I'm NOT that huge
(but no one ever complained). And I've taken giant black members both front and
back -- I even like that "African smell". Well, if you ever break off
from Brenda and would like to give it a try with a "White Giant Guy",
my email address is and I wouldn't mind seeing any photos
you care to share. Here is a painting of me:
5:41 PM
Now you're talking my language
Remember what Dear Ol' Jesus said (and I own this painting):
That's right
I beat off earlier thinking of you . . .
Why don't you come straight to the point instead of beating
around the bush?
I did earlier and we are not going to do anything but FLIRT,
so that's probably enough of that. It was FUN while it LASTED!!!
Shepherd replied to you
Since when have you been thinking about me?
Since I first saw your photos.
Wow...I'm flattered
Am I that good looking?
Well, you are HOT -- it is more an ATTITUDE.
And it was FUN to flirt with an old roommate's husband. Call
me St. Bad Boy!!!
St bad boy this is a good painting of you!
Scott: Can I see a full picture of you ?
More sexy pic of you
At least you've seen enough of me so I need more of you if
you don't mind!?
I'm too old and fat to be sexy. I'm just sexy in my mind.
Here is the most recent one of me ripping the shroud off the new 1898
Wilmington, NC marker when the short officials could not. My relatives murdered
blacks then in the name of Jesus Christ and stole their property, businesses,
political positions, etc. Brenda should know about that. Next I send another
Me with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, the RETIRED top
literal NAZI in the USA, and my sister Julie, Christmas 2018.
I'm going on dinner break now.
Ok -- Ever since I've been noticing Brenda, she's acting somehow
but I'm super glad you told me about her, I'm about to flip off her but if I
send her back how am I going to get you?
How are we going to meet and be together?
I'd like to have you on WhatsApp if you don't mind?
That will be better for me!
OK, I ate and now I have duties most of the evening and will
have to get back to you later tonight or tomorrow. Brenda really screwed me,
but I'm SERIOUS that I'm glad she looks in much better shape now, and I forgave
her for what she did. I've never used WhatsApp before . . .
9:34 PM
Download it then it's easy
And follow the steps

"The sacking of Prince Andrew, as it is, is unprecedented. We have to go back to the abdication of Prince Edward VIII in 1936 to see anything vaguely comparable," said Hunt.
And here in the USA, Jeffrey Epstein's CLOSEST ASSOCIATE Story Cowles is BOSOM BUDDY to James Graham Kenan II Frank Hawkins Kenan II (the constantly recycled and reordered few names drives me nuts), who is being groomed as the new Kenan figurehead, but seems to NOW BE IN HIDING!!!
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