Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Polls Close in North Carolina in 1.5 Hours from When I Am Writing This . . . I Can't WAIT to Get the RESULTS!!!

Two years ago, Mayor Vassilios Avgerinos "Bill" Saffo was DRUNK AS A SKUNK when he voted. THIS YEAR, I doubt it will matter as Devon Scott is putting up a STRONG CHALLENGE!!!

Yesterday, I got into a BIG ARGUMENT with the IGNORANT and AGGRESSIVE FEMALE "UNT-CAY", the Christian Melanie Robinson, who finally admitted she RUNS PUBLIC RELATIONS for the New Hanover County Republican Party that went into PANIC just days ago -- when they REALIZED that DESPITE the Republican Party having the MOST registered voters in the County, then Unaffiliated, and the Democrats have THE LEAST -- but in Early Voting, Democrats voted at TWICE THE RATE OF REPUBLICANS, but fewer Unaffiliated Voters voted than Republicans -- HA!!!

Here is what Melanie posted on the Republicans' website in HER PANIC:

And here is Melanie -- but SINCE THEN, since I emailed my last blog-posting to the TOP COUNTY REPUBLICANS -- she has TOTALLY FREAKED, and BLOCKED ME on Facebook (but NOT her personal email):

And HERE is where the Port City Daily published the DETAILED FIGURES on the Early Votehttps://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/11/one-facebook-thread-exposes-crimes-of.html
Michael Praats fleshes this out with the numbers of actual voters and numbers of registered voters in each Party. I had published just proportions I got from the PANICKED County Republican Party's website -- but Mr. Michael Pratts of the most unfortunate tattoos and hairlessness-of-chest!!!

Michael Praats relaxin' on the "green" -- or something . . . 

WILMINGTON — Early voting for the 2019 local elections is over in New Hanover County and while municipal elections are non-partisan, voter data shows registered Democrats have out-voted Republicans…

MORE Good News for North CarolinaSen. Thom Tillis is SEVEN POINTS LESS POPULAR than DONALD TRUMP -- and Trump has FALLEN TO FORTY PERCENT APPROVAL!!!

>>> NOW I'M REALLY NOT SURE WHO NEW HANOVER CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL BLACK LEADERSHIP CAUCUS IS -- but since they have AT TOP this OLD Photo of the Obamas, I BET it is a bunch of CHRISTIAN BITCHES who like to pretend that Barack Obama is STRAIGHT!!!

Obama is straight enough to produce two daughters -- and to have RAISED THEM RIGHT -- but it was Jesse Jackson and Rev. Jeremiah Wright who ARRANGED the Obama Marriage, so Michelle was ALSO in the know!!!

And if that is what it took to elect a gay Mulatto who was the BEST President since JFK and Eisenhower -- I'm COOL WITH THAT!!!

Now, when I returned to Wilmington, NC from Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta (with Colin Powell's people's help), nearly ALL BLACK PEOPLE IN WILMINGTON knew Obama is actually GAY -- with some NOTABLE EXCEPTIONS!!!

Judge James Faison III -- here seen swearing in District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- got ANGRY AS HELL with me when I told him -- while trying to get him to grant ex-parte a Restraining Order against MEGA-DRUG-TRAFFICKER Jennifer McCracken -- whom I had simply allowed to get one against me, assuming that like in MOST STATES R.O.s are BOTH-WAYS.

But Jenny lived only TWO INTERIOR DOORS from me in Carolina Apartments and was HARASSING ME all hours of day and night by banging on my door and walls and YELLING INSULTS and that her Drug Business was PROTECTED by Sheriff Ed McMahon.

The REAL KICKER was that I MET -- and SPOKE WITH FOR SEVERAL MINUTES -- Judge Faison at the SAME AWARD CEREMONY where Mayor Saffo, D.A. Ben David, Sheriff McMahon and most of City Council were giving Rev. James Shivers of Bethesda Christian Life Church a SPECIAL AWARD!!!

Rev. Shivers RAN Mercy House Homeless Shelter (where I then stayed), and was one of the BIGGEST DRUG-TRAFFICKERS in Wilmington -- he ALSO WORKING WITH Judge Faison -- who is ALSO A CHRISTIAN MINISTER -- in Hard-Drug Trafficking. Judge Faison is from Faison, North Carolina -- right next door to Kenansville, and he traffics with my wealthy Republican Kenan Family.

One of the MOST HIT blog postings this last week is of Black Christian Minister Pastor Robert Campbell -- who has NO education in Christian Theory or Ministering, but LOTS of Business Education -- and Rev. Campbell is probably Sheriff Ed "the Christian" McMahon's TOP DRUG-TRAFFICKING PARTNER with the CIA!!!

>>> So HERE is some more of the Facebook Thread that I BEGAN to publish in my last posting: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/11/one-facebook-thread-exposes-crimes-of.html

  • Gary Howerton Basically after the North took Wilmington the black folks took all housing. Made their own city gov.right down to their own police. After the war all the old home owners hired a bunch of thugs and slaughtered all but a few of the blacks. They filled a bunch of box cars and sent it up north. No food or water. Most of them died. I got this pamphlet from the ft. Fisher museum. The ones that weren't killed were house maids etc. They all lived on queen street. Older folks remember this. The KKK was really active in the late 60s. I'm just glad it's over. Got a lit of friends in this town.

  • Scott Kenan Gary Howerton : Please show us all the pamphlet you got at Ft. Fisher that claims that!!! Message me and I'll send you my address and you can bring it here for me to scan -- if you can't!!! I suspect that you are a DEVIL and worship Jesus, the ultimate magical invisible friend -- I see you love FOX NEWS and DONALD TRUMP -- LOL!!! They ALL GO TOGETHER, so:

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  • Gary Howerton Well it claimed a lot more than that. The pamphlet you received in the museums film. The had a narrative and a film. As far as all that other stuff your talking. We're just going to let that lay. Don't use your filthy dialogue on me. I live in Wilmington too. As far as the KKK I personally witnessed that. Haven't seen it since the late 60s

  • Scott Kenan Gary Howerton That is the STUPIDEST thing I've ever heard!!! Please go back and study Grade-School English Grammar - "to LAY" is active and can mean sex -- "to LIE" means to just stay stationary (look it up) -- or to state falsehoods. My Kenan Family that CAUSED the 1898 Insurrection had had three properties with over 300 African Slaves EACH (something I have not found documentation of since 1990, and I suspect the numbers of slaves are somewhat exaggerated), and they KNEW the way to keep them enslaved was to convert and then keep them CHRISTIANS -- because the New Testament APPROVES OF SLAVERY. I NEVER trust black -- or Irish, they were enslaved in New York and Massachusetts and we tend to forget that -- who worship the Pagan god Jesus!!!

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  • Scott Kenan Now Gary Howerton just LIKED my above, which might seem STRANGE since his biggest likes on his FB page are Fox News, Donald Trump, and Rep. Steve King -- the OPENLY AVOWED WHITE SUPREMACIST AND Ku Klux Klan member!!! Gary likes keeping blacks in slavery for Jesus -- that and the genocide of over 100,000,000 Native Americans (North and South America combined), was the TRUE Christian Way!!!
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It is WEIRD to see these recent conversations WITHOUT the other person's COMMENTS -- that because they BLOCKED ME IN FEAR, eventually, 

What is LEFT of American Christianity -- after Donald Trump and the Republican/Democrats DESTROYED IT WITH HATE!!!


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