Monday, November 18, 2019

I No Longer Respect Wilmington Black Leadership AT ALL -- ESPECIALLY Devon Scott, Councilman Kevin Spears (and even his mother, who PRETENDED to like me when she invited me to lunch). They ALL ALLOW CHRISTIAN BLACK BITCHES to Attack Me for EXPOSING RACISM and HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING by Their Christian Black Leaders!!!

Ain't THAT the truth!!! 

Buttigieg is a DEVOUT EPISCOPALIAN, the religion that has the Confederate Episcopal Mace and the Seal of the Confederacy as its MAIN SYMBOLS of GOD'S POWER and kept at Sewanee, aka University of the South. 

My racist Kenan Family has given them over $100,000,000.00 over the last 100 years to SUPPORT Episcopal White Supremacy, and NOW they got an OREO Black Prelate Bishop, Michael Curry, a TOTAL TRAITOR to his RACE!!!

SOUTH BEND, IN—In an effort to unite disparate groups of white Americans, the Pete Buttigieg campaign released a new series of ads Monday appealing to moderate Republicans by touting the candidate’s low approval rate among black voters. “We hope that any Republican who finds Trump beyond the p...

"Social media provides the highway straight back to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. The restless natives react to digital shadows on the wall, reduced to fear, hate, and superstition. There are climate change deniers, and there are even more who think that the climate is being maliciously manipulated by corporate conglomerates owned by the Central Bank to achieve global control of resources and wealth. If only that James Bond-style fantasy were true, I would be much more excited about the future..."

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Following the band's Rock Hall nomination, founder Gerald Casale reflects on its dystopian legacy in the age of Trump.

>>> AND BACK TO NEW HANOVER CHAPTER OF THE NATIONAL BLACK LEADERSHIP CAUCUS -- allegedly led by Sonya AmenRa/Sonya Bennetone-Patrick:

Scott Kenan I am currently writing a Letter in response to Sonya "AmenRa" (actually Sonya Benneton-Patrick), who under guise of New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus, attacked me in this thread. When it is completed, I will then publish it on my blog that has been VERY EFFECTIVE in exposing the CRIMES of Christians who love Donald Trump, Hard-Drug-Trafficking, and/or White Supremacy. I HOPE (Barack Obama was the President of HOPE, no???), that Ms. "AmenRa" comes to her senses and writes back to me -- after I complete this which probably by 3:00 PM today or so:

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  • New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus Scott Kenan
    Attacking our black leaders is a common practice of white supremacy. Go ahead. . Either you apologize to the family Jeanne Keith Harris for your disrespect or you will be banned from this page .

  • Scott Kenan New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus If you tell me that one or more members of Jeanne Keith Harris's family actually told you they were offended, and you send me how to get a Letter of Apology to them directly by snail-mail or electronically, I will do that -- but since I said she was apparently a WONDERFUL person, I'm not certain you even READ the Letter I sent you and other NC Black Leaders, as well as my 100 Political Contacts. Perhaps you did not get the copy I emailed you at your listed address: at 4:30 PM, yesterday, Sun. Nov. 17, 2019. I did not attack black leaders, but the superstitions humans are prone to, and how Christianity has been used by BOTH sides of this Liberal/Conservative divide to manipulate people, with "God" never moved by prayers. You and I can disagree on that, but we must still be able to get along. One concern I have is that I believe you and I interacted at the showing of "The Red Cape" last Sunday at the Cape Fear Museum. Anyway, PLEASE read what many hundreds of people THINK you have already read if it did NOT reach your computer because of hackers or other reasons, then let me know what you think, and we can go from there. I'll be out running errands all morning. Also, let me know if I mis-identified you, please. Thanks!!! Scott Kenan

  • New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus Scott Kenan Out of respect to the family I am going to delete your comments from this page ; it is a distraction from the real purpose of the original post . However you will not be banned .

    This organization has members of ALL religious backgrounds including Muslin (sic), Christianity and more . As for Christianity we have enough Black people who are well informed on the topic . The biggest problem with the oppressor/ trump, kkk is that they lack a moral conscience when it come to back people, has very little to do with religion. It has everything to do with morality . The oppressor contaminates everything they touch including the water , environment, economic , health,
    religion, political system, human race, history, education and more. Do not use religion as an excuse for their evil , immoral, crimes against humanity.

Michael D. Samuels
Christianity didn't start in America!!!
Get understanding and knowledge folks. If anything, Christianity was distorted in America.
  • Scott Kenan PLEASE!!! One of my best friends in Atlanta (and I had studied both African Cultures and Art at Denison University deeply), Marty Mehta, was married to a top Mathematician at Georgia State University who was the SECOND LARGEST collector of African Art in the USA that was NOT in an Art Museum. I LOVED enjoying it in their home -- and YES, he lent pieces to museums worldwide on a regular basis. But NEVER have I learned that Christianity started in Africa -- and WHO CARES if it did??? Northern and especially northeastern Africa was a crossroads of cultures and people. Black Africans were mostly sub-Saharan. Do YOU have a college degree in ANYTHING other than Computer Science (a good one to have but NOT about culture, art, or civilization). You are just too STONED and given my experience with various types of Drug Addicts, I would say you exhibit symptoms of addiction to CRACK Cocaine. I, personally, am taking the night off from BLOGGING to relax on doctors' orders to take this STRESS MED. I would LOVE for you to join me sometime!!! I live off Wrightsville Ave., near The Creek Apartments, and your office is next to the gated entrance to Kenan Family built Landfall!!!
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  • New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus Christianity was originated in Africa, the oppressor contaminates every thing that it touches, the water the environment, religion, political system , health , history and education and more . The problem with white oppressors he lacks a moral conscience stop blaming Christianity for the wicked evil deeds of white supremacy.

    • Haha
    • Reply
    • 1h

  • Anthony D Hall Christianity has been the biggest mind control experiment in human history... 😂

  • Josh Resz Christianity was designed to control slaves. I say this because it was designed to be distorted.

Scott Kenan Why would BLACK PEOPLE enslaved by WHITE CHRISTIANS -- using the Bible to justify it -- EVER be "Christian"??? They have to be DRUG-ADDICTED FIRST to fall for that crap!!! My Kenan Family that controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of AmericaKenan Advantage Group, the Ku Klux Klan, and apparently New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus, ALSO controls worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families with MOST Christian Churches also selling drugs -- and MANY operational Whore Houses. GOD'S PEOPLE are sick of God-Hating, Drug-Addicted CHRISTIANS, and will teach them a LEGAL LESSON soon. If you don't like General Colin L. Powell, Russel Russel L. Honoré, and MexPrez Vicente Fox (whom I work with), then you MIGHT BE A BLACK BASTARD or WHITE SUPREMACIST!!!

Scott Kenan OK, what's the explanation here? We all know that half the world's population (women) cannot be queens. My FIRST thought was that you were honoring ME and other gay men who are often called "Queens". I know you like to defend Christianity -- which has a history of one Queen per country allowed, but NO MORE and women have to defer to men. So what's up with this???

Scott Kenan New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus What on earth is the matter with you??? As you and everyone in North Carolina KNOWS, Silent Sam is the PERSONAL EMBLEM of my Kenan Family that co-founded UNC, caused the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898, put Trump into power and ALL OF THIS they did for Jesus Christ -- and the New Testament tells slaves to obey their masters as if they were Jesus Christ -- LOL!!! You ARE a CRACK ADDICT, aren't you??? You are EXACTLY like my roommate of a couple of months in 2011, Brenda McKnight, who with her CRACK DISTRIBUTOR (who since then spent four years in SC Prison and now lives near Washington, DC), got Republican HYPER-CHRISTIAN Judge Sandra Ray/Criner (whose husband Sherman Lee Criner had diddled a five-year old girl's vagina in Thalian Hall, but Police forced the father NOT to press charges since the Criners were TOP CHRISTIANS in town then -- but when I found and published photos of Sherman Criner worshiping Jesus with SNAKES, Sandra DIVORCED his pecker!!!). Anyway, the info for New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus shows Sonya AmenRa as leader. If she's in SC how can she lead (or be member of) a North Carolina County chapter -- and WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??? Come out from hiding WHOEVER you are!!!
No photo description available.
There IS HOPE FOR HEALING -- but as long as Wilmington, North Carolina's CHRISTIAN BLACK BITCHES and BASTARDS think that the religion that ENSLAVED THEM will now SAVE THEM -- there is NO HOPE in North Carolina!!!

Together, white and African-American descendants use the plantation location of their families’ painful past to learn from it and create healing friendships.

UNCW Creative Writing Professor Philip Gerard has won the North Carolina Award for literature. It’s the state’s highest civilian honor. WHQR reports on the

Yes, my friend and help in PROVING that the Episcopal Church as Sewanee/University of the South murdered Tennessee Williams and STOLE his estate from Harvard University, Randall Kenan (descended from slaves at Kenan Family's Liberty Hall in Kenansville, North Carolina), wrote the introduction.

Randall Kenan in 2018, and Randall's FIRST BOOK:

Randall's book is SO GOOD it remains in print THIRTY YEARS LATER and has its own Wikipedia Page

So WHAT THE HELL have ANY of Wilmington and New Hanover County's CHRISTIAN BLACK LEADERS DONE but SELL OUT the people to DRUG ADDICTIONS, and from those I've been dealing with, this is CRACK COCAINE!!!


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