Friday, November 15, 2019

I Am -- Again -- in TOO MUCH PAIN to Edit This Much. I HOPE It Is OK (with those who sincerely worship "God", but not his Prophets Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha, or even Friar Tuck)!!!

This has been a VERY STRANGE DAY, with my Spectrum Cable TV service not working until mid-afternoon -- although I did have internet. When I awoke today, I discovered I'd had minor bleeding of the butt, and then that it had left blood spot on my office chair last night without my knowing about it. I was in HUGE PAIN, and near despair -- I'm having surgery in ten days to FIX the problem with the mix of skin tags and condyloma. Also, the ONLY pair of jeans I have that fits my now 304 pound self had a BIG BLOOD SPOT at the center of the ass. 

It ALSO has a torn-off belt loop -- because when Democratic Representative Deb Butler and her partner in Hard-Drug Trafficking Jonathan Deputy LIED, committing me to the New Hanover Behavioral Heath Hospital in January of this year, I DID get out in record fast time with a clean bill of mental health, but NO BELTS being allowed there, the straps used between belt loops to tighten my pants pulled one out.

But I spoke with two NURSES -- my 96-year-old mother (also the retired top NAZI in the USA: who told me how to get the blood out after a COLD wash in the machine did NOTHING and the surgeon's Nurse told me I CAN take one each of Tylenol and Advil (despite being warned NEVER EVER to take Advil due to my other meds), every six hours until seven days before the operation.

Wayne Gibson, the life-partner of my FAVE Spiritual Teacher Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz died today about noon

And I am SHOCKED REPEATEDLY when descendants of slaves, like Linda Wilkins-Daniels, Head of the African American Caucus of the North Carolina Democratic Party go on about JESUS, the "God" of all Racial Hatreds that White People used to enslave her ancestors -- ESPECIALLY my Kenan Family that had enslaved MANY HUNDREDS OF BLACKS -- in the Name of Jesus Christ:
Tony McEwen
Excited to have our new COUNCIL-MEMBER Kevin Spears join us this morning for his first ALL DAY Council budget retreat.

  • Scott Kenan Interesting that Kevin Spears is sitting next to Paul Lawler who LOST, so I guess Kevin is just sitting in now to get up to speed. Hey Tony McEwen: Remember all those "Drive around" videos you did with City Council Members (and you told me you HATED doing them) -- and then you stopped posting them on Facebook after I razzed you in my blog -- HA!!!

    Smoking Meth Does NOT Make One a Methodist -- Who Will Tell the METH SMOKERS That???
    Smoking Meth Does NOT Make One a Methodist -- Who Will Tell the METH…
    Smoking Meth Does NOT Make One a Methodist -- Who Will Tell the METH SMOKERS That???

    • Scott Kenan New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus: I think the grammar escaped your question, so it's hard to decipher, but if you are asking if there will be a run-off between Neil Anderson and Paul Lawler -- I have no idea. Lawler lost by only 6 votes, so he certainly is due a re-count. Contact the County Election Board to get a REAL answer -- LOL!!! I would like that, but Paul Lawler, whom I ate dinner with at the 2015 Democratic Party Unity Dinner and he IS a listener -- like EVERY INCUMBENT on Wilmington's City Council -- Lawler does NOT want an independent oversight committee for Police and other Law Enforcement. Sheriff Ed McMahon has admitted to me he protected powder drugs being unloaded from mini-subs under the Snow's Cut Bridge and Police Chief Ralph Evangelous smoked CRACK daily in the house of the uncle of a friend of mine in 2011 and 12, but I have no idea since then. ALL Law Officers should be DRUG TESTED by surprise periodically (and not kicked off if some THC shows up but nothing else)!!! Wilmington Police -- apparently under order of Mayor "Bill" Saffo -- murder my friend Evan Fish on Sept. 3, 2011 who knew my former employer of 20 years, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., in Snellville, GA supplies the Christian Clergy and Politicians of BOTH Parties with Hard Drugs -- and then had me KNOCKED 12 feet out of a crosswalk when I was going to confront Saffo. ALL of these criminals are DEVOUT CHRISTIANS like Donald Trump and all the Traitorous Republicans. Christianity should not be allowed of Political Candidates, since it seems to unite the Criminals in Crime -- but there are a few good Christians too. Everyone in jail when I was there five times on false charges in 2011 and 12 were CHRISTIANS and Sheriff McMahon (and the Sheriff of Brunswick County allowed 85% of reading material to be Christian Bibles and books on Jesus, the rest were like Tom Clancy novels, but nothing Jewish, Muslim, Buddhists, etc.. I know many good people who are Christians, but they NEVER call out the others for claiming Jesus and the Bible are the reason for their crimes. INTELLIGENT and caring people have HAD IT with Christian Fakers of BOTH SIDES!!!
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Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church (USA)
We mourn the loss of Jeanne Keith Harris, who passed away yesterday in West Warick, Rhode Island (I, Scott Kenan, have lived in West Warwick, RI as well!!!). Please pray for her son Darryl Keith and family.

  • Scott Kenan Yes, condolences to her family, but if New Hanover Chapter of the National Black Leadership Caucus's purpose is to PROMOTE CHRISTIANITY-- the religion that my Kenan Family used to ENSLAVE 100s of Africans, and to put Donald Trump into power, GOOD LUCK!!! Christianity is the religion that UNITES all the NAZI and Ku Klux Klan criminals today!!! Stick to supporting Democracy, and let those who worship Jesus do it PREFERABLY in hiding!!!

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  • Ernestine Washington Condolences to the family Paradise



July 17
It's crazy how much oil is produced on a daily basis 🛢😱

  • Scott Kenan Flynn Kenan: You have given me no reason to believe that we are closely blood related. Years ago, I did deep research and found that at least six other Kenans are documented to have landed in the now USA than the three brothers who landed at Wilmington, NC in the 1730s (whom I'm related to), and today control Exxon-Mobil, Kenan Advantage Group, Donald Trump, the Clinton Democrats and worldwide Hard-Drug Trafficking with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families. Kenans have controlled Standard Oil and its successor Exxon-Mobil since 1913, so ALL THE POLLUTION and ALL THE CORRUPTION of Governments around the world by Kenan-controlled Oil for Profits is not related to you . And THAT is why I had to EXPOSE these crimes -- totally related to the Christian Churches who also decimated not just the Jews in Germany, but 100,000,000 Native Americans in the Americas and think that Jesus STILL LOVES THEIR HATEFUL Christian Arses -- LOL!!!
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    • Flynn Kenan Scott Kenan I am sorry. I didn't see the question. Maybe we are maybe not...
      I hope peace finds you. I must allow for others to believe in their thoughts whether I agree or not...mainly asking myself and others blue,red,black,yellow.... how are you living?

    • Scott Kenan Flynn Kenan There is no "semi-like" button in Facebook -- LOL!!! Peace has found ME -- but not those who have fallen into the HATE-TRAPS that religions provide. Christianity is the WORST of all religions, and nearly ALL supporters of the Kenan-puppet Donald Trump think he's a GREAT CHRISTIAN (especially Catholics -- the Church that supported Hitler while he was alive). I ASSUME you are Roman Catholic, because in your Timeline less than a year ago, you were really into how each of Jesus's top disciples died -- something that I, too, studied deeply as an adolescent when I wanted to be a Jesuit priest. But the biggest people OPPOSING Trump are ALSO devout Christians -- and many of those are Roman Catholic, like Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' whom I work with DIRECTLY and knows the Kenans have polluted the world via Standard Oil/Exxon-Mobil and also hard- drug trafficking. Russel and his wife are devout Catholics, and he serves on the Board of an Atlanta Catholic Charity whose hospice provided for an old impoverished friend of mine -- a ground-breaking Drag Queen called Diamond Lil, who was ESPECIALLY proud of his Army service -- and he CERTAINLY did not believe in "Jesus"!!! I, too, within the last few years have sent them donations.When I was homeless in Wilmington, NC in 2011 and 12, I TITHED not only from my Thomas Lanier Williams (Tennessee Williams) memoir -- that was then selling on Amazon -- but also from my panhandling without a sign. I HATED panhandling, but could easily make $100.00 in several hours. THAT money I gave to Sister Mary Isaac Koenig at St. Mary's Catholic where simultaneously Fr. Robert J. Kus ran hard-drug trafficking and whore houses. Sister HATED Fr. Bob, but was bound by Catholic Oaths of Obedience and Silence. And other than a few Politicians, I have sent donations also to the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University -- ONE of several Kenan Charities that do GREAT WORK!!! But I know I don't seem to be at Peace -- and I am in fact in CONSIDERABLE PHYSICAL PAIN as I now type. But I am soon having the problem resolved by surgery (in 10 days), and am THANKFUL FOR THAT!!! Also, no one has a choice about letting others have their own thoughts (I assume you mean opinions), that has nothing to do with you or I or what we do or don't express!!! Now, this is rather bizarre, because people are not the colors of "Indian Corn": "mainly asking myself and others blue,red,black,yellow.... how are you living?" Still it's a GREAT QUESTION and might move some people to RE-THINK their current beliefs -- one of the things I like you for the most.

  • Flynn Kenan Scott Kenan I would rather use sugar than salt...
    Mankind is a huge piece of bipolarity trying to navigate in a world of orchestrated chaos.
    Spread love over blame and embrace the lessons and move forward...time is too valuable.

  • Flynn Kenan Scott Kenan hope all goes well with your surgery....healing vibes your way.
  • Scott Kenan Flynn Kenan Your assessment is CORRECT, but the way CHRISTIANS (all who are into Religions, actually), destroy Love, Peace, Democracy, and Opportunity is by staying ONLY on the POSITIVE (extremely important to promote it), but as you say, it's BIPOLAR humankind in a world of CHAOS. So the chaos and LIES of what Christians call SATAN must also be REBUKED -- something Jesus was actually FAMOUS FOR, no???

I would like to see New Hanover Chapter of National Black Leadership get involved in CORRECTING these districts -- as is the TOP PRIORITY of Barack Obama (whose photo they use on Facebook), rather than Praying to Jesus for the family of someone who just died. 

1. Let the Christian churches and Ministers worry about that non-sense -- NOT Political Orgs!!! They are AS BAD AS THE REPUBLICANS!!! 

2. My Kenan Family used the New Testament to JUSTIFY SLAVERY -- and also think Donald Trump is CLOSE TO JESUS RETURNED

In my opinion, anyone who worships Jesus Christ -- the Pagan Son of God -- ABSOLUTELY deserves to be enslaved!!

North Carolina General Assembly, congressional redistricting, public hearings, public comments, Jane Pinsky, Rep. David Lewis
Ohio wins the race to the bottom. Hopefully the bill will die in state senate or be vetoed. Otherwise anyone with a diploma from an Ohio institution should know that diploma is now worthless.

POSSIBLY a slight over-statement -- but DEFINITELY how God-Hating Christians DESTROY EDUCATION and POISON MINDS!!!
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Anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-education: In a disturbing development the Ohio House has passed legislation that would allow students to give wrong answers and not be penalized if those wrong answers are based on the student’s “sincerely held religious belief.”


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