Sunday, November 24, 2019

NEW Attack of Lies by Aregbesola Brenda McKnight, and in Finding the Documentary Proof of Brenda's NEW Lies, I Discovered I MIS-CREDITED Judge Sandra Ray/Criner as Signing the Commitment Papers -- It Was Judge Jeffrey Noecker (Deacon at First Presbyterian, of course) -- LOL!!!

Brenda posted this photo on September 30, 2019, and if you go there, she wrote all about how HAPPY she now is.

Brenda's new husband, Shepherd Aregbesola Daniel is 30 years old and GREAT AT HUMPING.

For whatever reason, last night as I emailed out my last posting,, at 11:10 PM, I got a Facebook Message from Daniel's account, but in it, Brenda claims to write it, and nearly everything she claimed is a NEW LIE. I checked the commitment papers that Chief Judge J.H. Corpening released to me about a year ago now, and while I'll get into more detail when I write back to Brenda, these things were of GREATEST NOTE:

1. It was Judge Jeffrey Noecker (not Sandra Ray/Criner), who signed the papers, so while I have LOTS against Judge Sandra Criner and her snake-Christian-worshiping, five-year-old-girl-molesting NOW former husband, Sherman Lee Criner, she did NOT do this -- although she DID break the Law in calling me back to Court to proceed after she had DISMISSED the Restraining Order claim when Brenda and Gerald were NOT in Court when the case was called.

I probably should write Judge Ray/Criner a Letter of Apology. I'd been told at the time that she had signed it, and the Commitment Papers are about FIFTY SHEETS, so I had concentrated on reading about the past that I did NOT think I already knew.

2. The most repeated claim against me was that I kept claiming I would put District Attorney Benjamin R. David into prison for running drugs. In fairness, I probably should have said "protecting the biggest Drug Runners, many of whom belong to his First Presbyterian Church."

Judge Jeffrey Noecker was then a Deacon at First Prez, and Assoc. Pastor Jim Holderness had ALREADY told me the he was PROUD that he and then-Pastor Ernest Trice Thompson PROTECT D.A. Ben David and his Drug Trafficking and his White Supremacy, so OF COURSE Judge Noecker committed me on LIES -- to further protect Ben David.

3. Both Brenda McKnight and Gerald Austin-Wynn signed the complaint to get me committed, and CLEARLY MARKED on the question about abusing alcohol and also drugs that I DID NOT ABUSE ALCOHOL OR DRUGS (the opposite of Brenda's claims last night)!!!

Additionally, there was the FALSE claim that D.A. Ben David in direct contact with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, had CONTINUED to spread, that I was on Psychiatric Meds -- and BOTH of my sisters have called Police in Georgia in 2010 claiming this lie as well. NO ONE could have known the details listed in the complaint WITHOUT speaking with my mother, father (then still alive), sisters or brother -- because my last Therapist (2000 - 2009), Alexandra Widdon of PACT, ATL, had taken me OFF psych meds in early 2009 -- because she had never seen a sign of Bipolar in me in eight+ years as my therapist.

In this 2011 commitment, it was claimed that I did NOT take my prescribed Bipolar meds (I was NOT PRESCRIBED any meds AT ALL, then), and that I was MANIC and running around town CRAZED, and given how it was written up and the LIES FIT THE FALSE CHARGE so well, I can't blame the Judge who committed me since he never saw or otherwise had interacted with me at all. The problems I had with Judge Noecker in Court, came LATER.

After my most recent commitment, January 2019, by Gastroenterologist Frederick Opper -- on HEARSAY of his female office staff who were ANGRY WITH ME because I told them MOST drugs in Wilmington are Trafficked by help of the Christian Churches and Clergy -- and this is COMMON KNOWLEDGE, today!!!

The LAST time I was committed -- January 2019, and AGAIN ON LIES -- I was released after 48 hours (record time), and the two top Psychiatrists scratched out the Bipolar II diagnosis (new, as I'd always been claimed to be Bipolar I, previously), and I was NOT prescribed any drugs to take except smallest-dose Seroquel -- on an as-needed basis. I tried it twice, but it knocked me out so bad, I could not get out of bed until afternoon, and I have not needed it, anyway.

Anyway, it has become CLEAR how North Carolina EARNED these two memes -- and another visual statement of Christian Faith:

Donald Trump is the NEW CONFEDERATE JESUS and Christians keep him in POWER.

Here is what Brenda McKnight sent back to me late last night via Daniel's Facebook Messenger -- then BLOCKED ME so I cannot respond, but I WILL respond via Brenda's Facebook Messenger:

Yes he is very committed and that is why me, Brenda McKnight, had been talking to you stupid husband isn't like that... immediately he told me about you stupid blog, he gave me his phone to hear you (I never spoke with Daniel or Brenda by phone -- since 2011, anyway, so she was REALLY STONED if she hallucinated THIS -- LOL!!! ~ Scott).

You were mad because you were taken to court lol

Scott didn't tell you about his devil side. He told the landlord that he didn't drink. (I never met the actual property owner -- I had responded to Brenda's ad for a roommate and only spoke with her.) 

After he moved in he got drunk the first night and then after for two weeks. He is a roudy drunk. When we went to the police station to make the complaint about his bad behavior. This police department knew who he was right away, no questions asked And they came to walk him out immediately. (The process of Commitment requires much more, which I have record of -- but Brenda acts like they just believed her and committed me as if she and Gerald didn't have to go SWEAR PAPERS to a Judge.) 

In between that time he began writting lies on Facebook about the landlord because he talked to him about his drinking and distubing all the tenants peace. They police wouldn't even allow him to get his things. They wanted him out immediately. Someone else came to get his things later on in the week. The police took him straight to mental institution.

You see now!
You are the biggest fool of all time!

(Twelve icons of laughing were inserted here)

Have a great day drunkards

* * *

So, was that a TYPO -- or was Brenda SO HIGH she was seeing DOUBLE???

So NOW, I will just send this entire blog post to Brenda and Daniel, and Brenda, too, will likely BLOCK ME. In ANY CASE, in the last few days, I have SHUT UP hate-mongering Christians

1. Brenda McKnight:

 2. Shepherd Aregbesola Daniel:

As well as Wilmington-based members of the Bennetone Family, some of them Christian, but NOT the "Painted 19-year-old Lady", "Jackie Love":


Jackie Love (aka Jackie Bennetone)INSISTS she is NOT CHRISTIAN

2. Sonya AmenRa (aka Sonya Bennetone-Patrick):

3. Rhonda Sekhmet Ra (aka Rhonda Bennetone)

Let me GET THIS PUBLISHED and EMAILED to my temporary TWO LISTS of Political Contacts -- so I am including MANY in Black Leadership and FAUX Black Leadership as well.


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