Wednesday, November 13, 2019

An Incomplete Tale of THREE Kenans from Cincinnati!!!

Flynn Kenan in a romantically bordered photo in early 2018. Only one more of his photos include her, so I guess it did NOT work out. In fact no woman appears to be his girlfriend, but given the way he likes FISH, I assume Flynn is straight!!!

Flynn studied Political Science at University of Cincinnati -- but lists no employer ever on Facebook and has NO LINKED-IN profile.

He contacted me about two weeks ago, and I filled him in on a lot of Kenan Family History and where to find out more, but he seemed to know NOTHING about the family that is one of the WEALTHIEST and MOST POLITICALLY POWERFUL in US History. 

Flynn said he has a cousin Scott in Cincinnati (and all Kenans he knows are tall), but he did NOT say if Scott C. Kenan (I'm Scott D. born in Cincy), who is 6' 10" tall (I am 6' 11" tall), is his cousin. I found out about Scott C. -- now of 627 Genenbill Dr., but I don't know if he is his cousin named Scott -- or not. Scott C. also has no regular job listed, but owns the VIRTUAL team, Carolina Copperheads.

>>> At this moment I CANNOT get into LINKED-in -- not even to my own posting, it claiming I am BLOCKED by an "ext." And now it says "TUNNEL CONNECTION FAILED" and will not allow me to use it's links it says will get me there too.

For three weeks I was BLOCKED from getting to my AT&T voicemail messages -- and then suddenly I was allowed to pick them up again. FOUR TIMES since I bought my current computer in 2015, it has showed my battery slowing going to holding no charge -- I mean over a few months -- and then when it got to NO CHARGE HELD the battery suddenly FIXED ITSELF and worked just fine again.


Anyway, I first learned of Scott C. Kenan's existence when college basketball recruiters called me thinking I was Mr. C -- several times in 1999 -- how I learned his height, etc. Here is his photo and one of his Cincinnati house:

Scott C. Kenan's house looks like half the houses I lived in growing up!!!

And here is a Facebook thread I got into with Flynn Kenan, today:

  • Scott Kenan The Kenan Family's Ohio-based company, Kenan Advantage Group,, is the largest trucking company in the USA, Canada, and Mexico, mostly hauling petroleum products, and the world's largest distributor of Ethanol that takes MORE CARBON ENERGY to distill it, than it gives off burning. YES, something is a MESS!!! KAG is protected by Donald Trump as the Kenan Family (also controlling Exxon-Mobil, Rex Tillerson, Bank of AmericaCoca-Cola, the Ku Klux Klan, entire Republican Party and the Clinton Democrats), put Trump into power. The KAG violates Native American Treaties in Oregon, and here in New Hanover County, NC (where the Kenans first landed in the 1730s), the Kenan Family demanded KAG truckers to dump petroleum sludge into local wetlands. The Kenans are DEVOUT Episcopalians and gave the Episcopal Church over $100,000,000.00 over the last 100 years, in support of The University of the South's (the only Episcopal Seminary in the Old South), Episcopal Confederate Mace.

    Image may contain: one or more people and people standing

  • Scott Kenan What's True
    A book co-edited by Thomas Homer-Dixon contained a passage stating that windmills "might never generate as much energy as was invested in building [them]." This passage was written by David Hughes.

    What's False
    Hughes didn't make that statement of all windmills, and he allowed that some could recoup their construction costs in three years or less. How long does it take a typical wind turbine to generate more power than what was used to create it? Modern wind turbines of typical industrial wind farm scale -- 3 MW and up -- pay back energy used in their full-life-cycle -- materials, manufacturing, construction, use and decommissioning -- in less than 146 days.
    Do Windmills Consume More Energy to Build Than They Ever Produce?
    Do Windmills Consume More Energy to Build Than They Ever Produce?
    Do Windmills Consume More Energy to Build Than They Ever Produce?

  • Scott Kenan Kenans will do ANYTHING to burn more Petroleum!!! Our original partners, the Rockefellers, sold off ALL carbon energy stocks and also their Foundations and Charities did -- ten or more years ago -- while the Kenans DOUBLED DOWN investing more heavily in carbon energy and today own more coal mines in Kentucky than anyone else does!!!

Well, Flynn Kenan is not responding on Facebook right now, and SOMETHING RELENTED and I got into LINKED-IN but Scott C. Kenan's profile has been REMOVED!!!


For whatever reason, Facebook -- that kicked me off SIXTEEN TIMES for a month, and at least a dozen times for a week -- or a day -- because I CRITICIZED CHRISTIANS and REPUBLICANS who love Donald Trump -- and could NOT take any of these images that they kicked me off for as well:

BUT NOW, they allow EVERYTHING (almost), and I've had no problem posting THESE THINGS on Catholic and Protestant Official Facebook pages and those of their Preachers and Priest Orders -- and Independent Christians with GIANT CONGREGATIONS, too!!!:

And NONE OF THOSE CLERGY got upset, although a FEW of their followers gave me hell -- but I didn't get KICKED OFF!!!

LOL!!! Elton John lost all his GAY CRED when he played at Kenan-Family-owned The Breakers Palm Beach, at his old DRUGGIN' BUDDY, Drug-Rush Limbaugh's FOURTH serial Christian Wedding in 2010!!!:
The "Rocketman" will return to N.C. one more time! 🎵

The final dates of Elton John’s farewell tour have been announced, and one stop in North Carolina made the list.

Thank my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill who run Hard Drugs with the Bush, Cheney, and Clinton Families -- and the Christian Churches -- especially Episcopal. 

Thank my parents, William Scott Kenan (deceased), and Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan (now 96 living in Raleigh), for setting up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, and other Republicans, mostly Catholics, under orders of Pope John-Paul II -- with my former employer, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA. 

Have any questions??? Contact Lt. Gen. Russel Honore', who KNOWS how my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill corrupted Atlanta and runs all the drugs there and POLLUTES and POLITICALLY-CORRUPTS the entire planet with Kenan-controlled Exxon-Mobil.

The father used counterfeit money to buy drugs around the time of the shooting and was the intended target, investigators say.

Earth is flat (Isaiah 24 ;1, Matthew 4:8)

Earth does not move (1 Chronicles 16:30)

Earth rests on Pillars (Samuel 2:8)

The sun goes round the earth (Joshua 10:13)

Stars are lights set in a dome over the earth (Genesis 1:16-17)


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