Monday, November 4, 2019

One Facebook Thread EXPOSES the CRIMES of the SNEAKY, CHRISTIAN-REPUBLICANS of Wilmington, North Carolina (and most Democrats here as well)!!!

411 Market Street Wilmington, NC
531 people interested

  • Olivia Simmons Carter My nephew was in the short film about this. The name of the movie is, "The Red Cape." A must watch movie/documentary.

  • Cape Fear Rising — Blair
    Cape Fear Rising — Blair
    Cape Fear Rising — Blair


  • Scott Kenan @Jill Gerard I've met with Philip Gerard and discussed my Kenan Family's leadership in the 1898 Insurrection -- and also our having put Donald Trump into power. He's a totally cool GUY!!!:

  • Cornell Flowers

  • Ash B Houck 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

  • Janice Wilkins Young We Have Taken City is a very informative book about it!

  • Scott Kenan @Jill Gerard : If you check Michael Tran's Profile -- he's a JOKE, and one of his buddies, Samuel Rivenbark -- probably related to Drug-Trafficking Charlie Rivenbark of Wilmington City Council -- published THIS (which I find very funny -- I've been out GAY since 1969 -- of all years -- LOL!!!):

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  • Melanie Robinson I wonder if it will accurately portray the killers as democrats.

  • Scott Kenan @Melanie Robinson: I see that you are EMPLOYED by the Republican Party -- and your question identifies you as a "lying hate machine" -- unless I am mistaken -- LOL!!! A "democrat" is simply person who believes in democracy, and I BET you meant to type "Democrat" as in the Democratic Party. Now it is TRUE that in those days the Republican Party and Democratic Party were REVERSED from today's polarity. The FACT IS though, that my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr. as an Elder at First Presbyterian (that still won't allow blacks to join), led the WHITE CHRISTIANS in this for Jesus Christ. So, to say it was WHITE CHRISTIANS murdering and stealing as approved by the white Christian Churches then, is about the only generalization that would hold true. SOME Wilmington White Christians are no longer WHITE SUPREMACISTS, but too many -- Republicans, like my Kenan relatives in Chapel Hill who FAILED to keep "Silent Sam" on UNC's campus -- are TOTAL RACISTS. Only recently, members of Thomas S. Kenan III's immediate family have told me they hate only Jews more than they hate "Niggers". Disgraced former Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby (who is in Financial Fraud trouble AGAIN this fall), LED the Kenan Family quest to KEEP Silent Sam. My mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, set up the Christian Hard Drug Mafias in the 1980s and 90s in both Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman -- in Wilmington also with Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary's Catholic -- which Thom Goolsby also attended until he moved to a GATED COMMUNITY a few years ago. Too many of THESE are running loose in Wilmington!!!

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    • Melanie Robinson Scott Kenan If you knew me I think you would like me. I like what you have to say as pointing out truths but truth be told they were Democrats and it should be stated as such along with white and sanctioned by churches at the time . I am a true Republican such as would have fought along side black Americans and one that strives to reinstate the true origins of the party as being anti slavery and equal rights . It sounds like we have some common ground .

    • Melanie Robinson Scott Kenan and you are mistaken I’m not a lying hate machine most would qualify me as a truthful love machine I would say .

    • Melanie Robinson I actually have met you Scott when I looked at your picture and I have read several of your manuscripts you provided me with. I wish you the best on your quest for all that is good and I am doing the same perhaps from a slightly different angle .

    • Scott Kenan Melanie Robinson Yes indeed it does!!! I remain a registered Democrat, but it has been Republicans who stuck their necks out to help me: Colin Powell's retired Chief Protocol Officer when he was Sect. of State Army Col. Dorothy Newman (who got me to Political Exile in Mexico in 2010 after my family and employer with the Georgia Republican Party and CIA tried to commit me five times in one month because I knew about their MAJOR Hard Drug Trafficking -- Col. Newman DROPPED being Republican because of what Republicans did). The other was our County Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo, who LOST to D.A. Ben David when they opposed each other for D.A. years ago. See my Letter to Rachel Maddow for more details:

    • Scott Kenan Melanie Robinson WOW!!! Thanks and sorry if I got too hung up on it but people do need to understand the Political Parties REVERSED polarity since back then!!!

    • Melanie Robinson Scott Kenan perhaps somewhat but I think they have reversed back of so to a certain extent and there are bad and good in both parties and the good should band together More.

    • Scott Kenan Melanie Robinson TRUE, but we MUST get the orange liar out of office so we can all heal and find common ground. Trump is a SYMPTOM, not the problem. EVERYONE I know -- even the few Trump fans -- including my mother who always voted straight Republican and raised us with Swastikas on our dinner plates and set up Drug Mafias for the Catholic Church and the Top Republicans who were my parents' friends, including Sen. Jesse Helms, Coach Lou Holtz, John Boehner, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, and others -- nearly ALL of them devout Roman Catholics as well!!! Here is the LATE FATE of John Boehner -- LOL!!!

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    • Scott Kenan Melanie Robinson I just researched you further, and I had thought you were an ARTIST for the New Hanover County GOP -- your current employer since April 2019 -- but you are NOT. In FACT you are NOT listed on the County Republican website as an employee AT ALL -- and the former Republican Chairman Michael Franklin and I found common ground when he tried to FIX Mercy House Homeless Shelter in 2012 -- right after I had to flee back to Political Exile in Mexico. (I lived in the shelter several months in late 2011.) I will need to update my email list to include the NEW Republican Officers. Your most previous job with Chabad of Wilmington is an org dedicated to reaching EVERY JEW IN WILMINGTON no matter what -- but does NOT say WHY!!! You just a few minutes ago posted a new "Trump Pence 2020" Profile pic -- and the NHC Republican Party is in a PANIC and posted THIS on their FRONT PAGE because Dems outvoted Reps 2 - to - 1 in early voting!!! Woman, I can't wait to blog about you and send it to the NHC Republican Party Officers -- HA!!! You are just a big BACK-FIRE, no???

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    • Melanie Robinson I am in charge of Public Relations for the party not on the board . I am not a paid employee but a volunteer . I’m glad you got to know Micheal Franklin . I am also an artist 👩‍🎨. Chabad is a wonderful school and as a Christian I consider Jews my family as well. I don’t know what a back fire is exactly but I hope it is positive and glad you find me interesting . Happy blogging😃

    • Scott Kenan Frankly, my dear, I am awarding you my coveted "Christian University of North Texas" Award -- that you share in Wilmington with Pam Sander, the Christian Editor in charge of the Wilmington Star News PROTECTING the Christian Hard-Drug Trafficking run by the Republican Party (with MOST Democrats in office here as well), but DEFINITELY the Christian Churches -- both black and white -- with FEW EXCEPTIONS!!! May God grant you the hottest fires upon your death (if that crap turns out to be true -- LOL)!!!
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Scott Kenan I just realized that this dedication -- at 411 Market Street (the address of First Baptist Church on Kenan Plaza by Kenan Memorial Fountain), must be the RE-DEDICATION of Kenan Fountain -- a gift to the City from William Rand Kenan, Jr. (who also built Carolina Apartments, originally a Hotel that catered to royalty and many Heads of State). WRK, Jr. dedicated it to his PARENTS, when WRK, Sr. LED the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898 with First Presbyterian Church. I BET Thomas S. Kenan III and his step-mother Betty (Price) Kenan don't make it -- and I am ONE PERSON bearing the Kenan name who DOES -- or is murdered in the mean time -- but I would NOT COUNT ON THAT, you silly God-Hating CHRISTIANS!!!
Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina | Kenan Memorial Fountain, Wilmington
Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina | Kenan Memorial Fountain,…
Commemorative Landscapes of North Carolina | Kenan Memorial Fountain, Wilmington

Capt. Bill Kenan's RAPID-FIRE BRIGADE mowed down blacks indiscriminately with the ONLY Gatling Gun in town, mounted on the back of this wagon (Photo resides in the Cape Fear Museum).


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