Thursday, October 17, 2019

There Is No THERE There -- with Devon Scott!!! His Companies and Experience Are Just Online Websites Lauding Each Other (and NEVER having a physical address)!!!

Devon Scott and current Mayor "Bill" Saffo

Apparently, NO ONE did ANY research on Devon Scott -- who for the reason of EVERYONE being fed up with Bill Saffo's corruption and the Republicans running NO ONE who was not a JOKE for over ten years now, Devon has a GOOD CHANCE of winning -- but he is LIKELY to be as much trouble as Republican Brian Berger, who was elected to New Hanover County Commission and became a TOTAL NIGHTMARE for EVERYONE, including his own Republican Party -- and eventually was arrested in Justin LaNasa's mountain cabin -- where he had BROKEN INTO Justin's Arsenal!!!

Although I keep hearing that citizens -- while allowed to buy automatic machine guns meant for the military -- we are NOT allowed to buy or sell tanks. "Sir Justin LaNasa" -- who challenged Bill Saffo for Mayor in the 2011 election, is a weapons designer and seller!!!

Justin's main business is HardWire Tattoo:

MORE on Sir Justin LaNasa, Brian Berger (who eventually served time for Felony Drug Crimes), and many OTHER CRIMINALS

Anyway, here is Devon Scott's LINKED-IN page: -- and if YOU can make sense of any of his "companies" -- PLEASE LET US ALL KNOW ABOUT IT!!!

And here is where Devon goes on in DETAIL about his ideas 

ALL WEBSITE -- and NO PHYSICAL REALITY -- best I can tell:

Devon is interviewed on YouTube by John Martin of "Additional Income", whose website: is BLOCKED and my Anti-Virus won't let me go there -- but here is the 33-minute interview with Devon Scott:

OK, I listened to nearly all of this interview, and learned that Devon has at least three children, two of them daughters, and right after college, he had a multi-million-dollar idea -- but was working a job in FAST FOOD (not management). Then he TOTALLY BLEW IT and lost all clients, and wondered if he would EVER have any clients again.

It APPEARS, that Devon went on to FABRICATE a whole ton of business in CYBERSPACE -- but not much in REALITY.

I HOPE someone can PROVE ME WRONG!!!

ALSO, his one site shows he had ONE YEAR at UNCW in Philosophy, then two years after that at Cape Fear Community College. Then on Facebook, here: he claims he went to UNC Chapel Hill -- but nowhere else!!!

But at least this afternoon -- I'm NO LONGER BLOCKED on his Facebook Page!!!

Yes, we've ALL BEEN DUPED -- AGAIN!!!

With only Mayor "Bill" Saffo and Devon Scott (BOTH are actually Democrats, I finally learned for CERTAIN today), Wilmingtonians are between a ROCK and a HARD SPOT!!! 


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