Sunday, October 20, 2019

So, There Was SOMETHING to My Chanting "Om mani padme hum" in My Stone Mountain, Georgia Shower ALL THOSE YEARS??? (I am introduced to Soka Gakkai Buddhism, today):

I won't speak to OTHER religions (since I grew up devout Roman Catholic and have studied mostly the Christian sects), but Christianity is said to be the WORST!!!

There is NO WAY that Christianity (IMPORTANT: I did NOT SAY "The Teachings of Jesus", but the FALSE RELIGION that has been based on Paganism, and only PRETENDS to be about Jesus's Teachings), can be reconciled with Truth and Reason -- and Love

ONLY if you can reconcile these discrepancies in the New Testament can you claim ANYTHING about Christianity -- the WHOLE RELIGION is based on Jesus being Resurrected from the dead, and this is not just some minor discrepancy -- but a HUGE SLEW of them, so keep your FORKED TONGUES to yourselves, Christians -- unless you resolve these first:

BEST was that NO ONE passed a collection plate today -- and the Chanting and Discussion service was held in a Friends (Quaker) Meeting House.

This was my first time with them, and I felt right at home. I didn't "get" the chanting in a foreign language, but it RESONATED nicely through my being -- just like my chanting "Om mani padme hum" -- resonated and reverberated with the walls around my Georgia shower -- and my very bones felt so good, invigorating my day.

'Twas a chant I remembered from my early "Hippy Days" -- without any idea of its actual meaning (

So, today I didn't just observe, but interacted fairly extensively with the other people in attendance, and TRIED to not discuss POLITICS DIRECTLY (interesting many of them DEEPLY in my politics -- and Kenan Family History), and now I come home to find THIS most prominent on this sect's website

And THAT'S IT for now!!!


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