Tuesday, October 22, 2019

You MIGHT NOT Know This BUTT . . .

“They (Medievalists) are soft, dreamy people who find life too hard for them here and get lost in an ideal world of the past that never really existed.”

― Isaac Asimov, The Caves of Steel

But then -- DON'T WE ALL???

POLITICS 06/15/2016 04:09 am ET Updated Jun 15, 2016 (but CHRISTIANS know that Trump is Jesus Returned -- and the Confederate Flag and NAZI Swastika are GOD'S SYMBOLS OF LOVE!!!):

U.S. Southern Baptists Formally Repudiate Confederate Flag

Maybe you'd prefer THIS BUTT (I would) -- or even THIS one:

Mayor Pete Buttigieg has the CUTEST BUTT of all the current Presidential Candidates -- the above MEME was tweeted out by his husband: Chasten (Glezman) Buttigieg:

I don't want to BELABOR IT, but I first met David Terry on Wrightsville Beach in 1991, and for some strange reason, between then and about the year 2000, we got naked together a few times, handled each other -- but NEVER SHOT A LOAD!!!

David Terry in writer Laura Argiri's home where he lived, much of that time:

David's selfie is out of focus, but you can see he has nearly no body hair -- but is BUFF!!!

From Laura Argiri's ground-breaking GAY NOVEL, The God in Flight.

OK, I was thinking of David Terry and the long, LONG emails we used to send back and forth during the aughts, checked his website, http://www.davidterryart.com/, saw he is producing GOOD ART AGAIN, and even seems still partnered with Herve' Mommeja-Marin, MD (where I had ASSUMED he got the Opioids he seemed TOTALLY ADDICTED TO a few years ago).

Anyway, I've never met Herve' -- so have no opinion on him. David Terry is nearly ten years younger than I, and when we first met, he was the FIRST person, who told me that Allan Gurganus is my 4th Kenan cousin:

Allan's 1989 TV Movie was based very loosely on my father's maternal grandparents, and the fictionalized Lucy Marsden was based on my great-grandmother who WAS the Oldest Living Confederate Widow in North Carolina -- until she died:, and she killed a RATTLESNAKE with a BROOMSTICK in the yard at her 100th Birthday Party!!!:

David Terry graduated Sewanee/The University of the South and was (I assume still is), a TOTAL RACIST, that school HONORING the Episcopal Confederate Mace and the stained-glass window in All Saints' Chapel of the Seal of the Confederacy -- even for TWO YEARS after a BLACK Bishop was elected Prelate of the Episcopal Church (yes, he let all of that STAND -- because he knew the alumni and Episcopal TOP BRASS still are TOTAL White Supremacists).

Prelate Bishop Michael Curry goofing with "Bishop Moose" while preaching last December in Oak Island, NC.

MORE on much of this in my last posting: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/10/today-we-learn-that-my-kenan-family-was.html

And David Terry was -- after college graduation and when he was getting LOTS OF RECOGNITION for his artistic talents -- TIGHT with all the "Old Durham Dowagers", with Betty (Price) Kenan chief among them -- until they got FED UP, and ditched David after a few years.

Betty (Price) Kenan flanked by an Episcopalian Sycophant and her stepson Thomas S. Kenan III.

BUT, David was still friends with Elizabeth Edwards, and she commissioned him to make CAMPAIGN POSTERS for John's Presidential Run -- until THAT fell apart in a most SCANDALOUS WAY:

And not only was David Terry a big fan of Shirley Q. Liquor (playing many of his tapes when I visited David), he was TOTALLY INTO Sewanee's WHITE SUPREMACIST TRADITION and expectation of a CHRISTIAN RACE WAR to place White Christians ruling over everyone else:

"S is for Sweet Sewanee Sisters Sitting (Southern Style!) in Secessionist Solidarity, albeit with Serious Breastical Symmetry Issues" (Portraits of 2/6ths of the daughters of Confederate General E. Kirby-Smith, Sewanee, Tennessee), by David Terry, 2014.

And Sewanee has gotten at least $100,000,000.00 from my wealthy Kenan relatives over the last 100 years -- in SUPPORT of the Episcopal Confederate Mace, and the Confederate Seal stained glass window -- BOTH held there.

Also, Sewanee MURDERED Tennessee Williams and stole his estate from Harvard University -- worth $10 million when Tenn died in 1983, but NOW at least $2/3 BILLION!!!

Sewanee stole it EXACTLY like Jackie (Kennedy) Onassis WARNED TENNESSEE they would do when he and I attended Jean (Babette) Stein and George Plimpton's party on January 11, 1982.

Jackie Onassis when I knew her -- and from my memoir, that meeting with her (WITHOUT the Politics):


And I DID leave David Terry a three-minute message on his voicemail -- asking him to call to RESPOND to anything he'd like CLARIFIED -- and I will ADD DAVID to my list of 100 Contacts who get every Blog Posting -- for the FIRST TIME in two years!!!


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