Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Wednesday Is for WEIRDOS (and all that they do)!!! Planned to Vote Early for Devon Scott Today -- but His Campaign Manager Evan Folds Stopped Me DEAD IN MY TRACKS!!!

Evan Folds (very handsome with EXCELLENT chest hair), with his soulmate Imani Mamalution (

I didn't see anything about Evan Folds being married, but he clearly spends a lot of time with his kids. He is an Ordained Minister of an unnamed religion, has performed weddings, but claims he is "Spiritual" rather than Religious.

He associates with Red Pill Expo/University:, the "Deep State", and

From Evan's Facebook page:

Elsewhere, Evan (not Devon Scott), uses the term "Wilmington First" -- a theft from Donald Trump and the NAZI Party:

From what I saw in researching Evan Folds, he has a very MIXED BAG of beliefs -- is into all kinds of so-called "Conspiracy Theories" (his best friends are against vaccinations and promote home schooling, several RAVE against the truth of Global Warming) -- yet Evan seems to know we have caused a Climate Crisis that we must address.

Let's take a moment to realize that if and when Damon Scott is elected Mayor, he can't just put Evan Folds into a position of POWER (like Donald Trump putting in Manafort or Giuliani) -- we have a "Weak-Mayor" system in Wilmington, NC with a City Manager hired by all of City Council who actually handles more practical things, and the GATE-KEEPER or Secretary to the Mayor -- and all of City Council -- Dawn Grants, was in her position BEFORE Bill Saffo took the office, so I presume she will REMAIN if he loses the election!!!

Dawn Grants with her live-in lover, City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark.

Dawn Grants has now TWICE told me that she missed her husband of many (30???) years, who died a natural death several years ago, and THAT IS WHY she shacks-up with Charlie Rivenbark. So, Charlie must be really STELLAR in the heterosexual bedno???

That thought makes me SICK!!!

Nevertheless, Dawn KNOWS that Drug Mafia Charlie Rivenbark -- closely partnered to Mayor Bill Saffo's Drug Operation -- told me he HOPES I get a dog and it is run over TOO -- like I had then recently been knocked 12 feet out of the crosswalk by a truck on demand of Mayor Saffo when I went to try to force him to release the FULL Police report on the death of my friend Evan Fish:

Now, back to Evan Folds: Here is the photo that REALLY seems to tell the story about Mr. Folds's basic motivations (also from his Facebook):

Readers all know that Screenwriter and Hollywood Gossip Biographer Gavin Lambert visited Tennessee Williams in Key West over Christmas 1981, to help sort out a very tangled play. Gavin had just visited Natalie Wood, who told him in a PANIC that she had walked in on Christopher Walken and her husband Robert Wagner in passionate Gay Sex, that she didn't think they saw her, but if they DID, they would KILL HER.

A week later, Natalie was dead.

And in early 2010, when that murder hit the news, again, I called first Natalie's family's attorney, and then the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Detective who was in charge of the investigation. But my info is HEARSAY -- and doesn't include who did it -- but it GAVE THE MOTIVE!!!

To date, Robert Wagner has resisted all attempts to get him to talk to Law Enforcement about the death.

And in a final note about Mr. Folds and his position of being Devon Scott's Campaign Manager, although on a far lesser scale, in 1968, I successfully ran my best friend Bob Jones's campaign for Senior Class President of B. Reed Henderson High School in West Chester, PA. I was also voted "Best Father" material of my class (I still dated women then) -- LOL!!!

Bob Jones, his wife Diane Catrambone, and their daughter Shannon Jones, today. Bob ended up winning the Trifecta: Class President, Best Father, and Best Husband.

Also, in 9th grade, at the statewide Junior Geographers Convention in Pittsburgh, only ONE person was running for Treasurer, then someone nominated ME, and I went in front of the huge auditorium and gave a SPEECH that was totally spontaneous!!!

THANK GOD I lost -- but in 1976, I discovered what a THANKLESS JOB Treasurer is -- I was elected Treasurer of the Cape May Mall Merchants Association -- the equivalent of Wilmington Downtown, Inc.

Anyway, this was the exchange between Evan Folds and me that STOPPED ME from voting for Damon Scott -- until I'm CERTAIN Mr. Scott is more REASONABLE than the silly Mr. Folds: -- I even COPIED several people and Press, Evan had gotten so AGGRESSIVE and I wanted WITNESSES (and it SHUT HIM UP, as I had expected):

>>> Another REPLY Re: Message for Evan Folds who seems to have GREATLY misunderstood something:

To info

Cc bill.saffo, council, breakingnews, breakingnews, ben, wilmjourn, Rachel, scoops, editorial, scott


Good night, sleep tight . . . 


-----Original Message-----

From: Devon for Wilmington <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 15, 2019 11:33 pm
Subject: Re: Message for Evan Folds who seems to have GREATLY misunderstood something:

Hi, Scott. The way you are sharing information is not appropriate for our campaign. I friended you out of respect to send you the message. 

Take care, 

Evan Folds
Campaign Manager
Devon Scott for Wilmington

On Oct 15, 2019, at 11:05 PM, Scott Kenan <> wrote:

Hi Evan,

I'm assuming you were simply thoughtless and had not done your research on me when you sent the message via Facebook -- that kicked me off for a week at about that time for publishing this MEME there tonight, a MEME that I've published on Facebook twice before without problem. I could NOT respond via FB for a week so am emailing.

6:58 PM

Hi, Scott. I’m the Campaign Manager for Devon Scott. I noticed your comment on the campaign group page and wanted you to know I removed it. We want to steer clear of the murder talk and unsubstantiated accusations. Thanks for your understanding.

(Facebook) Chat Conversation End
Type a message...

I could NOT reply via Facebook, and I think the rest of the org and Devon Scott need to see what happened. Since Evan Folds FRIENDED ME at his initiation, I bet he meant no harm. I don't know how many times any of you have risked your life for your country like I have -- my parents set up the Drug Mafias in Wilmington and Atlanta with Republicans and Christian Clergy and Colin Powell's people had to get me to Political Exile in Mexico. Now, just like Speaker Pelosi cannot impeach Trump without more popular support, I know that you cannot publish or claim certain things like that Christian Clergy and Churches run the Hard Drugs.

Wilmington is NOT a Yankee City where Evangelicals are ridiculed with impunity -- or even Atlanta, FAR more progressive than Wilmington!!! But NO ONE claims my "accusations" of murder, etc., are "unsubstantiated" -- (Bill Saffo would not have had the Time-Warner Truck knock me 12 feet out of the crosswalk in front of City Hall when he knew I was coming on foot to force him to release the full Police Report on Evan Fish's murder by Wilmington Police, confirmed by Sheriff's Deputies also on the scene).

If YOU haven't read the evidence and who can corroborate my claims, then ASK ME for it. JESUS CHRIST!!! RESEARCH things you know nothing about, sir!!!

OK, I now see that Evan Folds is a CHRISTIAN SPEAKER. I get it. Well, please contact Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' (a devout Catholic): cell: (404) 227-XXXX, who is actually in Baton Rouge, but knows all about my Kenan Family and Christian Churches in Atlanta running drugs. Also a TOP NC State Prosecutor Kimberly Overton Spahos, whom I've worked with (she setting up the "dragnet" or whatever it's called here in Wilmington to catch the corrupted pols). She can be contacted through her website:

I have been held hostage five times in Puerto Vallarta (once by two sons of El Chapo Guzman), poisoned three times, once nearly losing my life, beaten up severely several times by Drug Mafia in Mexico associated with my Kenan Family, Exxon-Mobil, the CIA, and the Episcopal Church USA, and in Wilmington, JAILED five times on eight false charges and CONVICTED but Chief Public Defender Jennifer Harjo forced D.A. Ben David to ERASE those false convictions (she's another good reference, as are Democrat Judges Corpening, Davis, and Robinson) -- Judge Robin Robinson THANKED ME IN COURT for returning to Wilmington to EXPOSE THESE CRIMES.

The two top Shrinks at New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital (Douglas Waldrep -- head of the hospital -- and Hans Stelmach), can verify they gave me a CLEAN  bill of Mental Health after I was committed on lies this past January (four times total between 2011 and 2019)

So PLEASE, let's get Devon Scott elected!!! There are PLENTY of good Christians, so let all the Christians for Devon ACT GOOD, no???

Thank you for your consideration,



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