Tuesday, October 22, 2019

And Then at 7:35 This Evening, My Brother Michael William Kenan of Berwyn, Pennsylvania Texted Me: "Got a minute?" and QUICKLY, EVERYTHING Went to HELL!!!

My brother Michael William Kenan with my sister-in-law Gail Ann (Godley) Kenan, and left to right, their children Connor Michael Kenan, Maxwell Andrew Kenan, and Taylor Ann Kenan at Taylor's UNC Chapel Hill graduation in 2016. They stand in front of the Kenan Center that houses the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust and other Kenan Charities.

William Rand Kenan, Jr.

The Kenan Charities and Companies are NOT ASSOCIATED with anyone in my immediate Kenan Family, but with our very distant Kenan relatives in Chapel Hill who put Donald Trump into Power.


For Mike and my siblings -- and Connor, Bob, Marlowe, and Father Phil Hurley as Witnesses -- BEFORE Contacting Mom via a WRITTEN LETTER and likely also to Fr. Hurley:

To mikekenan mikekenan@comcast.net, kenan5 kenan5@aol.com, jkenan02 jkenan02@gmail.com, duffyjr3 duffyjr3@verizon.net, connor.kenan connor.kenan@nordicwi.com, bojones bojones@verizon.net, marlowe.schaeffer marlowe.schaeffer@gmail.com, pastorsoffice pastorsoffice@saintraphael.org

Cc scott scott@scottdavidkenan.com

When I got the text, I immediately called Mike and he answered. I told him I ALWAYS have "a minute" -- and actually MORE for him or anyone in our family at any time. I asked him what was up, and he said that MOM was concerned about what I might not understand about what will happen to her estate when she dies -- that she is dividing it EQUALLY between the four of us siblings, and that she filed papers for Mike to have power of Attorney over MY quarter. 

Mom has previously told me that that is so that D.A. Benjamin R. David, Fox News Talking Head and Chicago Lawyer Daliah Saper, with then Wells Fargo Advisors Exec Jamie Lee Sutherland -- who FALSELY charged me with LIBEL, never LEGALLY SERVED ME, then TRIED and CONVICTED ME in ABSENTIA in Cook County Courts in June 2013, cannot GET IT.

D.A. Ben David has TWICE told me in person what he did was ILLEGAL and he would get it overturned -- but he has NO JURISDICTION in Chicago Courts and I don't have the money to go there and PRESS MY CASE, allowing for delays and contingencies.

Neither Google/Blogger nor Amazon BELIEVED this order was REAL, and they both REFUSED TO HONOR ITS TERMS.

ONLY Kenan-Family-controlled Bank of America DID HONOR IT, emptying my accounts of over $800.00 that is BY LAW protected from this type of Judgment -- because it was DISABILITY MONEY!!!

But because Mike -- WITHOUT EXPLANATION -- stopped sending me his portion of the $125.00/week that together, Mom, Jane, Mike, and Julie were sending me, in fact they ALL STOPPED and both Mom and Mike told me by voice on the phone that they hoped I could NOT buy my Heart Meds -- and that I was FORCED TO GO HOMELESS -- it then late winter, about nine months ago.

THAT forced me to spend the Christmas Money they had sent me to replace my CUSHIONED office chair and some badly needed clothes -- just to get by, and THANK GOD, I had waited to spend it because I had a BAD FEELING that they could not be trusted. They worship JESUS, as everyone knows.

Well, after a few weeks, they resumed at $83.00/week -- a 33.6% reduction -- with Mike, who is far wealthier than any of the rest of them, and his dependent children all INDEPENDENT for three years and more.

On a couple of rare occasions since then, Mike has sent me a small sum to help with an extraordinary expense -- but I have NEVER TRUSTED that when Mom dies, Mike will do ANYTHING but jerk me around and NOT deliver any of that money when I ask for it -- we've all witnessed Mike SCREAMING IN ANGER at his children and wife -- which being CHRISTIANS, they all take it as NORMAL.

OK, so today Mike said that Mom was concerned and he wanted to go over it and it was all exactly as I understood -- no misunderstandings. I told Mike that Mom is now nearly 97 and mostly clear of mind, but if she goes SLOWLY like Dad did, it will use up all her estate to care for her properly, so while I HOPE she goes quickly and painlessly, I'm not counting on anything being left.

And if there IS anything decent, since he (Mike), hasn't, can't, or whatever EXPLAINED HIS ACTIONS of cutting me off when he can most afford to send money -- saying nothing of how I might have harmed him or pissed him off -- I don't TRUST he will ever give it to me, so TOUGH TITTIES, I will have to get money other ways -- which is ACTUALLY what I had HOPED to begin doing THIS WEEK by contacting Lawyers to go after TIME-WARNER for hitting me with a TRUCK out of the crosswalk -- when I TRIED to force Mayor Bill Saffo to RELEASE the FULL Police Report on Evan Fish's DEATH.

Mike said that he thought everything was PERFECTLY CLEAR about why he had stopped sending me money. I said, "Not to ME -- but tell me NOW, since you say the reason(s) is/are CLEAR, please!!!"

He said I had begun reaching out and touching people (meaning in the family), and I said HOW do you mean??? He said I had begun calling people at WORK (implying in a way that caused trouble with their jobs). That was patently untrue -- I had done nothing of the sort since at least back about 2013, when I had FREAKED Max out (but did NOT harm his job), and then AGREED TO NOT DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT in conversation with Mike, back then -- and I have NOT done that.

In 1990 or so, I had had to call Mike's supervisor at Sun Oil Company -- because he and Gail had gotten so into doing powder Cocaine, it was straining their family finances (only the two boys had been born then), and Mike was an out-of-control Alcoholic as well. It was RUDE -- but I lived hundreds of miles away from him -- and it WORKED. Mike didn't lose his job, get demoted, or anything like it, but he was forced by Sun Oil to get Counseling and he QUIT both Cocaine and Alcohol PERMANENTLY.

Tonight, Mike's claims to me -- and I told him I had NOT discussed any of this with Mom -- not wanted to upset her, and I figured I'd just never see any inheritance from her -- were so ridiculous that I've been harassing his family AT WORK in recent years (I hadn't called any of their work numbers or anyone WHERE they work for years BEFORE Mike cut me off, either!!!).

So it devolved to me yelling "'F' YOU!!!" five times and then telling Mike I WILL prosecute HIM -- he knows if he's read my blog the last several weeks that New Hanover Regional Medical Center doctors have LEGALLY CLASSIFIED ME as being Psychologically Bullied and Abused by both Mom and Mike -- which IS against the law here in NC and I CAN sue them for that!!!

He should also know that I wrote Mom's Parish Priest, Fr. Phil Hurley, S.J., about ALL OF THIS, but asked him NOT to speak with Mom about it -- unless things GOT WORSE and I REQUESTED IT. Mom always claimed she FORCED ME onto Lithium Carbonate because of the GUIDANCE she got from the Catholic Church -- like she MURDERED HER BROTHER with double-strength Lithium Carbonate because he let my cousin Janet marry a JEW -- and because, as Uncle Bob told me TWICE, he -- like me -- was actually GAY.

It DID NOT get worse -- until TONIGHT -- and so I will SLEEP ON THIS, but expect to send Mom a long explanation -- and possibly ask Father Phil to also get involved. I guess I will decide in the morning just what to do. Mike MIGHT get over his stubborn nonsense -- but he's MORE STUBBORN THAN ME, and unlike me, thinks JESUS IS ON HIS SIDE -- LOL!!!

Here is compilation of two Letters I mailed together to Father Phil Hurley: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/09/losing-my-religion-additional-notes-for.html. I will COPY him so he knows SOMETHING IS BREWING -- coming to a HEAD.

Mike might also read these two postings that show how EVIL our wealthy Kenan relatives actually ARE: 

I'd ALSO like to know why Mike picked TONIGHT when so much is FINALLY REVEALED in a way that Law Enforcement is FINALLY getting my POINTS!!!

But my Complicated PTSD also really got activated -- by Mike's lack of INTEREST in how I am doing, so . . . as I said, I'll SLEEP ON IT before actually DOING ANYTHING except sending this FIRST to our Family (plus my friend Bob Jones, former girlfriend who is a Lawyer, Physician, and Top Authority on Privacy of Medical Records online, Marlowe Schaeffer -- and Father Hurley).

Good Night!!!



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