Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My Letter to Devon Scott (candidate for Mayor of Wilmington, North Carolina), Just Received by Him via His Secured Server -- and a FEW MORE THINGS:

Devon M. Scott

Devon Scott
Candidate for Mayor of Wilmington, NC, 2019

October 8, 2019

Dear Mr. Scott,

First, you will have my vote this year, and my name is Scott David Kenan, the last assistant to playwright Tennessee Williams.  You can read about that here: 

I don’t know all that much about you and I find your campaign literature wordy and vague, but you seem to have the experience and character – and ambition -- to handle the job. As everyone in Wilmington with half a brain knows, the BIGGEST industry here that EVERYONE depends on (directly or indirectly), is Hard-Drug Trafficking. My own parents set up the Christian Drug Mafias of both Wilmington and Atlanta, Georgia with Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman both places, in Wilmington with Father Robert J. Kus of St. Mary’s Catholic who FLED to Honduras to hide from the Law (he also ran whore houses for 30 years), and in Atlanta with Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, and other top Republicans – as well as my former employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc, of Snellville, GA. And Patrick distributes from Maine to Florida the Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB.

Back when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, that included the Heroin flown there on Air Force planes by the son of my close friend Stanley Winborne III in Puerto Vallarta who grew up in Wilmington across the street from First Presbyterian, his family controlling the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. I confronted him recently, but have gotten no reply: 

I have GOOSE-BUMPS, because just as I dropped that link in, I got a call from a woman at the information booth at the Coast Line Center downtown, saying she had the phone someone picked up of a former roommate of mine (a homeless guy – long story), so I went down first to the office in front by the steam engine. They were the wrong people but we talked a long while and those “old white coots” KNEW my Kenan Family with Mayor Bill Saffo run all the Hard Drugs and that CHRISTIANS are who believe they can commit any crime or sin because Jesus forgives them if they FLATTER HIS BUTT IN PRAYER!!!

The younger one felt I was WRONG that Christians are the Devil-made-flesh, because MOST can’t stand Trump, Saffo, and others of that ilk, and said they are the “Silent Majority” and will rise up against both Trump and Saffo – and I snapped right back that that was what Richard Nixon called his devout Christian White Supremacists and Totalitarians – but the guy today actually seemed to mean the OPPOSITE of what Nixon meant by that term.

Then, in the correct office – at the river end of that long building – I had a long talk with the two women working there, and they said that “EVERYONE” they talk to in Wilmington is SICK AND TIRED of Bill Saffo and his Political Allies breaking every Law to profit from crimes including Hard-Drug Distribution. I told them that Saffo had my best friend Evan Fish murdered in 2011 – because he knew my former employer distributed hard-drugs here: 

And when I tried to force Saffo on February 13, 2017 to release the FULL Police Report of that, he had a Time-Warner truck try to kill me, knocking me out of a crosswalk 12 feet – and ACCELLERATING until he felt the impact of 6’ 11” me – claiming he couldn’t SEE ME!!!

Later, Representative Deb Butler admitted she does a lot of Drug Trafficking (or protecting it), with Republican Jonathan Deputy – Jon Deputy and she committed me on lies to New Hanover Behavioral Health Hospital in January 2018 – because they could WHOOPS!!!: COULD NOT sue me for Libel, Slander, or similar – it being TRUE!!! But Deb’s legal wife Anni Parra died of a drug overdose on December 28, 2018. Call me cold, but it serves Deb’s DEVOUT CHRISTIAN BUTT RIGHT!!!

I got the phone to return it to its owner via Benefits Management, Inc., when they reopen tomorrow – and the people in that office that had it said that they aren’t so sure that Mayor Saffo will win – even though you have far less visibility on the internet/Facebook – but equal in yard-signs.

Keep it up, Bud, and once you are elected – and Bill Saffo is in PRISON – we can have a BIG PARTY!!!

This Letter will be published here: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2019/10/my-letter-to-devon-scott-candidate-for.html, and then emailed to my List of 100 Political Contacts that I will also publish after that. I hope I have put some “wind beneath your wings”!!!

All best,


Cell: (910) 200-XXXX

  • Scott Kenan HYSTERICAL!!! Because I just searched Marlowe Schaeffer-Polk and she is HUGE on the internet -- but does not exist on Social Media. She swore she was taking me to our (actually your), 50th high school reunion -- then has ignored me without a fight or an explanation for the last 1.5 years. NO ONE else in our class let me know a thing, so I had to accept that no one wanted to see me. I also realized that was BEST for now. My life has been CONSUMED with Politics since 2010. Knowing how my parents and wealthy relatives were who put Trump into power so that Kenans/Exxon/Bank of America via Tillerson signed the HALF TRILLION DOLLAR contract with Putin for Kenans/Exxon-Mobil to develop Russia's Oil Reserves. And now, I'm literally fighting on Facebook threads our Democratic Mayor and Drug Trafficking Greek Mafia Don of NYC Saffo Drug Mafia. He keeps threatening me with arrest by the FBI or local Sheriff (whom I know very well), but I work with Law Enforcement and he can do nothing. FINALLY, this morning he discovered he can just ERASE my comments and BLOCK ME from commenting on his re-election threads -- HA!!! It's re-election time for him this year and he's almost certain to win -- because 14% of voters participate in these odd-year municipal elections, and he just pays to get out his drug-runners and such. Tracking down Marlowe, I found THIS as the top result, but it is undated!!! https://www.vestigeltd.com/.../firm-tracks-evidence.../

    Digital Evidence Recovery | Electronic Evidence Law | Vestige LTD
    Digital Evidence Recovery | Electronic Evidence Law | Vestige LTD
    Digital Evidence Recovery | Electronic Evidence Law | Vestige LTD

  • Scott Kenan Here is the photo: Vestige CLO with lawyers John Steinbach and Marlowe Schaeffer-Polk
    Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and suit
Readers of my blog know that two of the WEALTHIEST Kenans died of Tertiary Syphilis: Mary Lily Kenan -- the New York Times declared her the wealthiest woman in the world when she inherited control of the Standard Oil companies from Henry Flagler in 1913 -- and her sister, Sarah Graham Kenan (who married her first cousin Graham Kenan but had no children).
"For the fifth consecutive year, combined cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis have risen in the United States, according to a Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance Report from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published on Tuesday."

Combined cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis have risen to unprecedented numbers for the fifth consecutive year in the United States, according to a new STD report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Sarah Graham (Kenan) Kenan House was renovated and filled with Art and Antiques by the Kenan Family -- then given to UNCW as an Alumni Center!!!

The same was done to her sister, Jessie Hargrave (Kenan) Wise's house next-door -- and today it is UNCW's Chancellor's Residence.
Just a reminder:
We Are the Seeds
June 2


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