Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Scott Kenan Graduated to Boxers from Diapers Today -- for the SECOND Time in His Life -- so TIME to Take Stock of Recent Progress, No???

In 1986, I was behind a completely tarted-up drag queen driving an old land-yacht convertible, top own, on the Perimeter (I-285) around Atlanta. She had a long pink feather-boa trialing behind her -- and a huge cloud of smoke from her engine burning oil. Her bumper sticker: "How's my driving??? Call 1-800-E-A-T S-H-I-T". I DID call (later, no cell phones then), and it was phone-whores soliciting -- but TODAY, is an unused number for obvious reasons.
This gives me hope that NYC hasn't lost it.

Rudy Giuliani is off the rails, according to a cheeky ad that popped up in the New York City subway Tuesday.

OK, since I'd had NO LEAKAGE of fecal material (FIVE lubed fingers and THREE lubed suppositories -- in case it was hemorrhoids -- had been slipped up my butt while I was in NHRMC Hospital -- and the LUBE was why material was slipping out -- LOL). And the bright red blood from wiping irritated skin tags and butt warts has STOPPED (mostly), as I bought that PADDED-SEAT office chair to use -- REMEMBER??? Only $25.00 at a local Thrift Store!!!

Credit where it is due, it was Dr. Rebecca Westendorff who messed up my Xarelto instructions and my pharmacy prescription orders -- now all corrected with NO HARM DONE -- who set up a referral to a "Butt Man" doctor to correct these things soon!!!

So no leakage for three days now, and I DITCHED THE DIAPERS!!!

Now, I look to a future of using just toilet paper again!!!

The NEXT most important thing is that this past Saturday (while still wearing DIAPERS, for goodness sake), I ran into and FORCED Democrat Drug Mafia Mayor Vassilios "Bill" Saffo to listen to me confronting him with the FACT that he ordered his Christian Police to MURDER my friend Evan Fish on September 3, 2011:

And Mafia Mayor Saffo ORDERED this truck to try to kill me on February 13, 2017 -- right in front of Saffo's office -- but I survived it!!! AND THEN, Drug Mafia Democrat City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark told me he HOPES I get a DOG and it is "hit by a car, too!!!"

This posting also details Michael Faulkner -- who developed a RICH WEBSITE for his run for Wilmington Mayor 2019 -- but he never FILED to run, like Bill Saffo and Damon Scott did. I wonder WHY???:

Hi Mayor Bill Saffo -- posting this RIGHT ON YOUR FACEBOOK!!!: 

Have you read the account of my confronting you downtown this past Saturday -- and reminding you you had my friend Evan Fish MURDERED because he knew all about my boss 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing., Inc., Snellville, GA, supplying Politicians and Christian Clergy with Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB??? 

You ordered Wilmington Police to murder Evan on September 3, 2011, and then tried to have ME killed by the Time-Warner truck that knocked me 12 feet out of the crosswalk as I approached your office to demand the FULL Police Report that STILL has not been released

This posting has gone SUPER-VIRAL (mostly around Wilmington, I imagine):
Mayor Bill Saffo updated their profile picture.
16 hrs


After I was interviewed by several professionals in the Hospital, they determined I am CURRENTLY PSYCHOLOGICALLY ABUSED by my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh, and my brother, Michael William Kenan of Berwyn, PA.

This is a LEGAL RECORD if I ever need to sue them or bring charges -- but I hope to escape that. I DO EXPECT to write Mom's Bishop of Raleigh and her FORMER BISHOP of many years, now sent to Washington, DC to CLEAN UP CHILD SEXUAL ABUSE SCANDALS there, so that the Catholic Church KNOWS how Mom said she did all her work bringing NAZISM to the USA with the Republican Party, and all her CRIMES AGAINST ME, by ORDERS of the Catholic Church!!!

Barring any "Emergencies", I plan to write them later today!!!
If Christians value the NEW TESTAMENT they will NEVER let a woman speak in church. The Episcopal Church USA has had a FEMALE PRESIDING BISHOP so Episcopalians CLEARLY will all GO TO HELL, no???

Former Episcopal Presiding Bishop Katherine Jefferts Schori (far left) -- with OTHER Episcopalian Bishops a few years ago. SOME CLAIM (not me, necessarily), they are just THIS in Modern Costumes!!!

LOL!!! Now HERE'S a sale that Christians and non-Christians alike will LOVE!!!

About this website

And, details on how HuffPost readers can get an extra 10% off.
With droves of Christians abandoning the Church since Donald Trump is CELEBRATED by Christians as "Jesus returned" or similar, it is worth remembering that our jails and prisons are filled about 99% with Christians -- and nearly NO Atheists, Agnostics, Muslims, Jews, Jains, Hindus, etc., Christianity is a one-way ticket to JAIL for so many!!!
This article makes a lot of sense to me...

A term that once described a vital tradition within the Christian faith now means something else entirely.
I've actually seen idiots speaking of civil war !!! What in the sam hell !!!
From Ken Adcox: In a Corvair, no less! ðŸ˜†


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