Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Letter to Jamie Lee Curtis, Just Delivered:

FIERCE, no???

Jamie is ENTIRELY HONEST about her one-time addiction to Opioids and Alcohol.

October 13, 2019

Dear Jamie,

Since we met yesterday – I’m the 6’ 11” guy from the Italian Gourmet Market – I figured I could get away with the familiar. And besides, since I knew so many people in the theater, film, and other arts worlds when I worked for Tennessee Williams 1981 – 82, and since then, I feel like we are all family. For the record, I am Scott David Kenan, the last assistant to Tennessee Williams, and as I mentioned, related to the Kenans from Wilmington/Kenansville, who co-founded UNC Chapel Hill and put Donald Trump into power.

Although I had the highest college board scores in my high school (Math, Science), halfway through sophomore year at Denison University, I changed my major from Biology to Art, and won a US State Department contest before 1973 graduation -- and my prints are hung in 30 US Embassies and Consulates around the world. I have excelled in restaurant and retail business – as well as worked commission only sales for twenty years.

My memoir of working for Tennessee Williams,, was to be the featured hard-cover release of Alyson Books spring 2010, but was tanked for Political reasons – I can prove in Court who murdered Tennessee: the Episcopal Church USA with Republican Party, and corrupted elements in the FBI and CIA – just like Jackie Onassis warned us would happen at Jean Stein and George Plimpton’s party, January 11, 1982. 

Later, I learned that two of my Kenan relatives who ran the Kenan Companies and Charities the second half of the 20th Century, ALSO helped in that theft, and Kenans have given the Episcopal Church – especially Sewanee, aka the University of the South – about $100,000,000,00 over the last 100 years in support of the Episcopal Confederate Mace that is kept there, and the Seal of the Confederate States, a stained-glass window in All Saints Chapel that was only removed one year ago this month – for Political Correctness, only.

The wealthiest Kenans are descended from William Rand Kenan, Sr., whose house at 110 Nun Street here is currently under renovation. And he led the Wilmington Insurrection of 1898, as an Elder at First Presbyterian that has Kenan Steeple topped by the “Six-Foot Kenan Cock” as they call it – a rooster wake-up call symbol of the Reformation, over Kenan Chapel, etc. Most of Wilmington’s Politicians – Democrats, sadly – Mayor Saffo, D.A. Ben David, Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, Sheriff Ed McMahon, run the hard-drug trafficking here WITH the top Christian Clergy.

My parents set it up here and in Atlanta with Sen. Jesse Helms, Nixon’s Aide John Ehrlichman, Coach Lou Holtz and his top ally John Boehner, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity with an assist from not just the Wilmington Star News, but the Atlanta Journal/Constitution and CNN as well. My wealthy Kenan relatives (many of whom I know well, although they and I are descended from two different of the three Kenan brothers who emigrated here in the 1730s), have told me to my face, beginning in 1990, that the only people they hate more than “Niggers” are Jews.

I was raised with Swastikas on our dinner plates and daily beatings, and in 1990, two top Jews in business in Atlanta first told me my parents were literally America’s top NAZIS. My distant relatives are mostly Episcopal and Presbyterian now – and known to be Ku Klux Klan members or sympathizers.

These are all MY problems – I live in Wilmington SPECIFICALLY to expose the crimes of my Kenan Family, who work directly with the D.A. and others here to suppress me. But I wanted you to know that God will not be mocked. 

I was forced to live under the 4th Street viaduct with real armed and drug-addicted criminals in 2011 by Ben David, and he with a Fox News Talking Head/Lawyer Daliah Saper in Chicago and then Wells Fargo Advisors Exec Jamie Lee Sutherland stole copyright to my Williams memoir -- that John Lahr had said established me as the top authority on the last two years of Tennessee Williams’s life. And this was when Scott Rudin and the producers of all the Harry Potter films were looking to possibly buy movie rights. I had not even TRIED to sell them then, but they sniffed it out and came to my agent.

I feel that I am not making much cogent sense to you – I really should be writing a Letter I need to send our Attorney General, Josh Stein (not a Christian, thank God), who is coming to town October 24 for a public meeting with the Mayor and Law Enforcement over the Opoiod crisis here. ALL of Law Enforcement is involved in the smuggling and I can prove it – and my parents had set it all up – on orders Mom got in person in Rome from Pope John-Paul II, especially!!!

But it was such a treat meeting you yesterday. Your presence as a person who KNOWS WHO SHE IS is one of the strongest (and to me most welcome), I have ever met. Just know that I will not be intimidated by these God-Hating Christians – and there are genuinely good ones like Randy Evans and his Walking Tall Wilmington – and will continue my expose’, just as you continue the important work that you do – including EXCELLENT ENTERTAINMENT.

I did a lot of research on you after we met yesterday, and was THRILLED to discover you’re married to Christopher Guest!!! Those films he made with that ensemble group beginning with Waiting for Guffman were some of my very favorites, and I love that he worked with Rob Reiner, whose family made me an “Honorary Jew” (not that there is such a thing), in 2010, when I first blogged that my parents were then still America’s top NAZIS.

I’m not into horror films, and had no idea you are called “The Scream Queen”. That said, I dated my wealthiest Kenan relative Thomas S. Kenan III’s former boyfriend Curtis “Robbie” Anderson in Kenan-built Carolina Apartments in 1985 – while Blue Velvet was being filmed there – HA!!!

BTW: While I was in Political Exile in Puerto Vallarta most of 2010 and again most of 2012 – June 2015, my best friend, Stanley Winborne III was from Wilmington (his grandmother lived in what is now the Graystone Inn:, and his family had controlled the Atlantic Coast Line railroad. His SON, was second in charge of the Hillary Clinton State Department in Afghanistan and shipped all the Heroin back to Maxwell AFB where my employer 1990 – 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA (with help of my parents and the wealthy Kenans of Chapel Hill), distributed it from Maine to Florida.

My best friend here in 2011, Evan Fish, knew too much about that, and Mayor Bill Saffo had Wilmington Police force Evan to jump to his death from the top of the parking deck next to the downtown Library. This is Wilmington Christianity. I ditched that hateful religion and studied Science of Mind (Metaphysics or Spiritual Psychology), with some top people, including Elisabeth Kubler Ross of Germany. And Rob Reiner’s 1st cousin Jonathan Reiner (who now has his own Emmys), is, like me, a trained Practitioner in Science of Mind.

I did want you to know that since last night, when I published my account of meeting you, my blog has ZOOMED to over seven times normal hits, including over 3,200 hits from Russia – Russians normally hitting my blog 1 – 5 times per day!!! I’ve had over 1.6 million REGISTERED hits to my blog (Law Enforcement, the Press, and Privacy Buffs use software not to leave tracks). Not bad for someone with NO CELEBRITY (yet, anyway)!!!

Here is what I wrote, and if you don’t agree with how I wrote up our meeting – or that anything should be added or subtracted – please let me know:

This Letter will be published here,, as I’m totally into transparency, but if you choose to write back – and any of it should be kept private, just let me know that and I will honor that.

So, carry on, and THANKS for all that you do!!!



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