Saturday, December 3, 2022

Sallie Jill Parker ADMITS That is NOT HER NAME -- and PROVES She is a "SPRITE"!!! (A sprite is a spirit, a mythical, fairy-like creature who lives by the water. Sprites are supernatural and sometimes tricksy. Sprites are particularly common in Western European folk tales, and one of the most famous literary sprites is Ariel from Shakespeare's "The Tempest".):


>>>  EVERYONE :  Read this one VERY CAREFULLY (for your own good):


This chick, "Sallie Jill Parker", is up to some SERIOUS TROUBLE  -- that could shake the US Government  to its ROOTS !!!

Where will the "FRUITS" fall???

You must read this ENTIRE POSTING -- to fully understand:


Scott, I wonder if you've ever seen this. 

It was the illustration to a joke project that Gore Vidal worked up with Harold Hayes at Esquire. Gore knew Henry Luce well because Gore's stepfather Hugh Auchincloss had been "Uncle Harry's" roommate at Yale and gave Harry the money to start TIME. Years later Harry asked the adult Gore what he disliked about the magazine. Gore said, "Your opinions, your biases, your vendettas," and gave as example TIME's enduring dislike for Tennessee Williams.

"Well I don't like Tennessee Williams," said Harry.

TIME eased up on the Bird in the early 60s. Amazingly, he started getting good reviews, even for his lesser plays. 

>>> Tenn's first HUGE HIT , The Glass Menagerie, was from 1944, and all of his MOST-LOVED plays were from BEFORE 1960, The Night of the Iguana, 1961, the one exception. His plays AFTER THAT are what confused many audiences.

So Gore compiled extracts from 15 years of mean-spirited pans, suddenly concluding with a gushing recent notice. Esquire hired cartoonist Al Jaffee (later famous for "MAD Fold-Ins") to do a T*M* cover mockup in the painterly style of Artzybasheff and Chaliapin...and there we are. At long last the monster emerges from the swamp and is revealed as a serious writer.

Gore's little diversion ran without any byline or explanatory blurb. When I came across it (maybe 10 years after it was published) I could see the joke but for many years I remained mystified by the provenance of this inside humor.



Perhaps I can catapult "Sallie" into a BRILLIANT CAREER as a FANTASY WRITER , no??? 

She's GOOFY AS HELL -- but seems to have NO MALICE in her -- and she's a GREAT WRITER !!!

This reminds me of John Lahr's blurb for my memoir:

John LahrThe New Yorker, and author of Tennessee Williams: Mad Pilgrimage of the Flesh:

"I wasn't intending to read every word of your memoir; but it says something about how well you wrote it, that I did . . . you've found a very crisp and compelling style. And you come through vividly in it."

The above Sallie quote was the THIRD email she sent me today, and next I'll paste in the other two in the order I received them -- and add my own comments.

I SHOULD SAY, that my LAST POSTING had TONS OF HITS since I posted it:

And the BIGGEST HITS of the last week -- by FAR -- are these:

62 Things Trump Did That You Forgot About To Preserve Your Sanity 

Donald Trump's running for president again, so you can look forward to more of his "fun"  like the time he tried to buy Greenland .

Ryan Grenoble  Dec 3, 2022, 08:00 AM EST

Hey there Scott,

There were indeed Parkers at SS. Philip and James in your (our) era, and I recall this distinctly because a Marge Parker joined my class around the same time Jane did. The Keenans (Kenans?) were from Louisville, the Parkers were from near Detroit. Place names like that were like radio signals from distant planets, and thus memorable. In our insular community where most had attended SS P&J since it opened in 1960, and most people's fathers worked at the GE Space Technology Center in Valley Forge, we noticed outsiders and new arrivals. Marge was tall, blonde and bespectacled (not as tall as Jane), but her most striking aspect was her Great Lakes accent, which made her pronounce her name as "Merge Perker".

Shortly after she arrived, my father took my family off on a "business trip" (joyride, really) for a week or two that ended up in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and I thereby became further acquainted with accents of the region.

Regardless, I am not one of that Parker family, though my real Christian name is close to Marge and my surname is even commoner than Parker. I can let you know it later, but it will not lead anywhere. My sister and I disappeared from SS P&J after the 1963-64 schoolyear because my mother had become hopelessly insane, and so we and my brothers were summarily sent off to boarding schools and never heard from again. All ye need to know, Sherlock. A difficult and tragic time, you may imagine.

Now, as to Linda LeBoutillier: this "murder" story is all news to me. I recall that her family was in the tree-nursery business. I also remember that they had been big in the retail dry-goods trade decades earlier, as co-founders of the Best & LeBoutillier Co. department stores, where I would see Santa Claus as a child, in Stamford and New York. (The flagship Best & Co. at 51st Street and Fifth Avenue in Manhattan was magically reconstructed for a 1940s scene in the original Godfather  film.) 

I did not know Linda well but many years later I got to know her cousin John, who was briefly a congressman from Long Island. Bringing up the family's background, I found John knew all about Best & LeBoutillier and he filled me in on details. The LeBoutilliers got out of dry goods around 1910, apparently, moving on to literally greener pastures. Congressman John had no first-hand knowledge of Linda's immediate family, but enjoyed hearing about the school connection.

>>> Well, of course not!!! They were in no way closely related. Linda's father "Bo" LeBoutillier was the hardest-working nursery-hand (and the NICEST GUY), and if you had ever met him, TOTALLY BLUE COLLAR. Linda's MOTHER went by Linda but was ACTUALLY the ITALIAN form, Zelinda.

Zelinda was so SEX-CRAZED in her youth, she got Robert -- "Bo" -- to knock her up with Linda and have to get married at the age of FIFTEEN !!! Zelinda got a FREE SUPER-HARD WORKER, and "Bo" got a SHARE of her fortune.

Anna and James Paolini  were Zelinda's Italian Immigrant parents who FOUNDED Waterloo Gardens

So Linda went to Henderson high school, eh? A few months ago I was contacted by the relative of another SS P&J schoolmate who'd gone on to Henderson. The schoolmate's name was Mary Jane Bowersock. She was in Jane's and my class but you'd have no reason to remember her because she was a total wallflower and lone wolf. One of those gawky, colt-like, goofy girls (once again tall, blonde, bespectacled) who attain real fashion-model beauty in their teens (though she became a physicist or some such, not fashion model)

Anyway, out of idle curiosity I starting digging into her family history on Ancestry, discovered she died out in San Francisco 20 years ago, and was almost immediately contacted by her nephew. I found her family was quite wealthy, she had a horse and stables on the family estate, just a mile or two away from SS P&J, and her cousin was XXXX XXXX (the poet and critic J. D. XXXXXX)

>>> UH-HUH!!! Mary Jane Bowersock DID DIE twenty years ago in San Francisco -- on my June 16 Birthday -- but she was BORN in 1918!!! And my BIRTHDAY is shared with "Jesus-of-Nazareth" ("Jesus Christ") -- according to all modern Biblical Scholars -- as well as when Donald Trump did THIS on my 64th Birthday in 2015 !!!

Sandy was already on my mind because he taught at Yale when I was there, and I knew he'd fathered a daughter for a couple of married junior faculty members who couldn't conceive on their own. Perhaps you've heard of them; they're both professors emeriti at Duke, XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX. If you do know them, don't mention that specific XXXX XXXX connection. I'm trading in old scuttlebutt here, and probably deep-dark family secrets as well.

Sorry for all this gaseous free-association that told you little you wanted to know, and perhaps some other interesting trivia besides. Now you've got me on the trail of Linda LeBoutillier, and I will see if I can find additional information.

Kind regards


On Sat, Dec 3, 2022 at 1:05 AM Scott Kenan <> wrote:
BECAUSE "Sallie" never seems to READ what I send her, I will FORCE ALL to read this on BLOG -- BEFORE I send it to SCOTUS, Biden, the Obamas, and TONS of Congressional Democrats -- AS WELL AS my over 500 regular email recipients!!!


I don't know what your unanswered questions are.

I did own the domain for years, but not no more. The archived versions still make amusing reading.

Thank you for visiting my little site. From time to time I like to write my thoughts down. You can write me at

September 14, 2004. The number one reason people don't have dogs is that they stink too much. It's like people who smoke, or people who eat foreign food.

January 1, 2005. The Caringeys' roof caved in yesterday and they are moving in with us until they can bring in the builders. It was really cute and cozy for about ten minutes, then their baby starting shitting all over the place. But you can't complain because then you are a person who DOESN’T LIKE CHILDREN. Breeder Bullies, you meet them all over.

January 1, 2006. It has been a year since the Caringeys moved away with their mutant baby.

December 18, 2009. Idea for a screenplay: Family is sailing in their boat but they get shipwrecked. Wisely they manage to salvage everything necessary to sustain life, such as the rum and the toolbox. Inside the top of the toolbox they find a treasure map that someone has taped in there (some backstory, but ignore it for now)

It is on an island only a day's journey away, coincidentally. So the family journey over on their sailing dinghy (salvaged from the ship) and find the treasure and bring it back. They also bring back a wild savage who we learn has run away from his tribe because they are going to sacrifice and eat him. 

The family uses the savage as their servant. The savage learns to speak their language, up to a point. When they find the savage is from a cannibal tribe they are frightened and decide to keep an eye on him. Then one night one of the family (the youngest, cutest one: think Kevin Corcoran) sees the savage sending fire signals to a pirate ship far off at sea. 

I had a HUGE CRUSH  on Kevin Corcoran, back then -- LOL!!!:

The pirates arrive and lay siege to the family. They capture the savage, who leads them to the secret passage through the cliffs to the high house where the family lives. The family tries to buy off the pirates with the treasure, but alas, the pirates already have the treasure, because the savage led them to it and it was their treasure to begin with. This is the low point to the story. 

Then the cute son sees the skull and crossbones on a bottle of poison and it gives him an idea. If we feed some slow-acting poison to one of our pigs, and release it, the pirates will kill it and eat it and die. So that is what happens, and the pirates all die, but the savage does not because his tribe does not eat pork. He does however eat pirates, so he dies a lingering death. He lies on the beach asking for forgiveness from the family before he dies. He is blind because the pirates put his eyes out. 

The family all cry over the tragedy of it all. The savage asks the head of the family to come close and hear his last words, but as the nice man bends down the savage stabs him with a pirate dagger. One of the sons shoots the savage with a flintlock pistol. Fortunately the father's wound, though deep, is not fatal. And then there is a happy ending as the family gather up all their valuables and sail away in the pirate ship.


Please read: A personal appeal from Wikipedia author Sallie Parker. by Sallie J. Parker (Notes) on Saturday, December 4, 2010 at 3:07pm

I’m sure you've all enjoyed reading my in-depth articles on such luminaries as Dwight Fiske, Dominique Darbois, William Marshall Anderson, Edward Bennett Williams, Peter Rugg, the Taylor-Reed Corporation, the New Virginia Colony, etc. etc.

I’ll never forget hearing from a father and mother whose son had died after a rare illness called insomnia. They gave out of gratitude that Wikipedia has so many articles that would have put their son to sleep (and I don't mean ‘for good’!!!), if only they’d found out about it in time.

This is the time of year when people all across the Wikipedia community come together to help sustain our joint enterprise with a donation of $20, $35, $50 or whatever they can to keep Wikipedia free. Or just send them an apple or leftover half to your sandwich.

And Sallie ALSO sent me THIS:

Littoral | Key West Life Of Letters

Gore Vidal, J.F.K., and Tennessee Williams With a Gun

Just give me a naturally fragrant man-pillow -- and I'll be HAPPY!!!




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mary Jane Bowersock died in 1991, actually, some kind of cancer. She was really pretty, though she tried not to be (unlike the rest of us!)

    Maybe she had a grandmother who died in 1918 and that's what you're looking at. I feel bad about not being better friends with her, and others. I don't know how long you were at Henderson before going to Ohio, but you may well have overlapped with her.
