Friday, December 2, 2022

My Reply to "Sallie Jill Parker", Who Wrote Me ANOTHER EMAIL This Evening -- but CLEARLY NEVER Read ANY of My SEVERAL EMAILS to HER of My Last Blog Posting -- HUH???


THAT SAID, it usually is at least INTERESTING, and since my alleged SS. Philip & James co-student Sallie Jill Parker DID write back to me this evening, but DID NOT ANSWER a single one of my questions, while she MIGHT be a real person with that name, I DOUBT IT.

>>> SCOTUS and Others: I am now more  RESPECTFUL !!!:

Dear Ambassador Emanuel (I've decided to be more RESPECTFUL ):

READ THIS to see how "GOD" just DEVOURED Joe Biden  -- even including his NAZI A-HOLE !!!

You will WEEP with LAUGHTER !!! It's all "Metaphorical/Spiritual" -- and has ALREADY HAPPENED. It has happened in "God's World" -- but still has to finish "trickling-down" into physical reality -- to get GOD'S JUSTICE !!!


AND, when I spoke with my 99-year-old mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan, late this afternoon (having waited all day in vain for a response from Sallie), Mom didn't remember ever hearing of a family in that parish surnamed Parker, but was THRILLED and wrote down Sallie's full name to ask my sister Jane when she next came to Mom's house.

HOWEVER, if Sallie's older sister was in MY CLASS and competing at the same "rarified level" as Leo Schwarz, Linda LeBoutillier, and I did -- SURELY, I would have REMEMBERED HER!!!

ONE very clear thing is that Sallie was RIGHT that "Saints" was at that school and parish abbreviated "SS." -- and we got YELLED AT if we wrote on our school papers "Sts." In the late 1990s when I began blogging, I wrote it that way -- but realized it looked too much like "USS" (a Navy ship), and MOST would be confused, while Sts. is EASILY UNDERSTOOD

In those emails Sallie either didn't get or didn't read, I CORRECTED THAT, since Sallie used the form that THEY DID -- but Sallie didn't READ THEM.

And then if she knew the LeBoutillier Family, that had about FIVE KIDS in that school then, with Linda the oldest. Sallie did NOT REACT to Linda's TOTALLY SUSPICIOUS DEATH -- only a WEEK AFTER I emailed and Facebook-contacted Linda, letting her know I'd sent all my PROOF that she had exchanged HUGE SUMS OF MONEY with Dan Bongino, "The Fox Five", Judge Jeanine Pirro, the Re-Elect Trump Committee, and Q-ANON !!!

Linda -- MATCHED TO ME IN BRAIN-POWER -- married a HIGH-SCHOOL GRAD, Frank Moscia, who was a Tile-and-Brick Mason, about ten years younger than herself. AND, Linda was having this TILE MASON edit her memoir, that NO ONE would publish because of its BORING, STATIC NAME!!!

HA-HA!!! NOT THIS, it was from a Facebook challenge of HUMOR!!! Here is what Facebook suggested for MY MEMOIR :

Well, I have NO IMAGE of Linda's COMPLETED MEMOIR -- but its TITLE was The Waterloo Gardens Story . And it was about how the LARGEST and BEST Garden Center/Florist Business in Metro Philadelphia -- founded by Linda's mother's ITALIAN IMMIGRANT PARENTS, that had expanded into at least THREE STATES, fell apart with the five LeBoutillier children FIGHTING EACH OTHER for the BIGGEST PIECE !!!

Linda's B. Reed Henderson High School graduation photo from the yearbook.

Linda looks QUITE HEALTHY in this photo of her with Frank Moscia a short time before her SUDDEN DEATH.

THANKS to Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, Rahm Emanuel, Brett McGurk, and Kenan-Controlled American Petroleum Institute, just LOOK AT THIS !!!:

By Kareem El Damanhoury, CNN

Published 8:44 PM EST, Fri December 2, 2022

Setting aside any POLITICAL CONSIDERATIONS, I know something about OIL OPERATIONS in Venezuela -- which I VISITED (Caracas), in 2011 -- 2001 -- or 2002.

And before I was in COLLEGE at Denison University, my father, William Scott Kenan, was EXPECTED to be transferred to HEAD ACCOUNTING at the ATHABASCA TAR SANDS in Canada. Sun Oil Company was the FIRST to REFINE this SUPER-DIRTY OIL. And even though Sun Oil SOLD OFF ALL REFINERIES, OIL TANKERS, etc., years ago, they STILL -- AS "SUNCOR" -- remain working the Tar Sands.

ALSO, while I was at Denison, Dad was expected to be assigned to Sun Oil's VENEZUELAN operation -- Venezuela having the DIRTIEST OIL that can be pumped from WELLS, so SUN OIL (SUNOCO), naturally was involved in DIRTY OIL.

But Dad was FURIOUS with "MBA Grads" who had been hired to fill top MANAGEMENT of the company and were RUINING IT, so he took EARLY RETIREMENT and a lower Social Security Benefit as well as lower Sunoco Retirement Benefit.

NOT hot in the news now -- but you get an idea of my Kenan Family's history of getting the Standard Oil/Exxon/Esso oil out of Venezuela -- where I was -- actually to date, in Caracas, my ONLY known 
Muslim or Arab guy -- he a citizen of Venezuela and Lebanon, and his parents deliberately made certain he was born while they traveled in the USA for THAT citizenship, too -- his father owning a chain of Venezuelan electronics stores, "The Whale" on Margarita Island was the first, in 2002, and it was SAD and PATHETIC in terms of human feces in streets, UN-LEADED gasoline smell (gas then sold for 5 CENTS a liter -- about 22 cents per gallon), and VIOLENCE, I being warned NOT to go out after dark.

ExxonMobil and Venezuela have been spatting over o...


I'm about SICK of ALL OF THIS and having to tell it again and again, and AGAIN to C*U*N*T*S who are CHRISTIANS and HATE GOD -- like the probably NOT REAL "Sallie Jill Parker".

Air Force set to unveil newest stealth bomber aircraft Friday

By Haley Britzky and Ellie Kaufman  Published 7:02 AM EST, Fri December 2, 2022

Just LOOK at what happened a few years ago -- when I sent LOTS OF INFO to TOP DEMOCRATS in Congress. NOTHING!!!

But I PROVED the connections between Tennessee Williams and one of his MURDERERS, Maria St. Just (nee Britneva) -- whose Morgan-Grenfell Bank was sold and became the CORE  of Deutsche Bank's International Banking.

Deutsche Bank continued FUNDING TRUMP after he repeatedly STIFFED THEM  on paying back loans -- and was the CONDUIT OF CASH to the Trumps and Kushners -- from Vladimir Putin and Russian Oligarchs.

So, let's see if Sallie Jill Parker responds to THIS -- and if she DOES , how she will do that !!!

BECAUSE "Sallie" never seems to READ what I send her, I will FORCE HER to read this on BLOG -- BEFORE I send it to SCOTUS, Biden, the Obamas, and TONS of Congressional Democrats -- AS WELL AS my over 500 regular email recipients!!!



1 comment:

  1. WHY do you do this, Scott? My sister was in your class, a close friend of Linda's, I think they were in the Girl Scouts together. I'm pretty sure she was at my house for maybe my sister's 11th birthday party in 1962.

    I just remember you and Jane suddenly joining us at SS. Philip and James before my family went on a crazy trip to Syracuse and London, Ontario, and Grand Rapids. Patty Duke Show was just starting. Jane and I had Sister Marian Christy as teacher.
    (I did not like her. She did not do the Teacher's Pet thing like Mother Austin with the Schwarz kids.)
