Julia Olson-Boseman, Rev. Jonathan Barfield, Bill Rivenbark, Deb Hays, and Rob Zapple -- HA!!!
* * *
My Kenan Family of Chapel Hill controls Exxon-Mobil, Bank of America, Kenan Advantage Group, Coca-Cola, the Ku Klux Klan, etc., put Trump into power -- and Rex Tillerson, lifelong Kenan Family Exxon employee, signed the contract with Vladimir Putin for Kenans to make HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS developing Russia's Oil Reserves, but Obama's Sanctions kept it from activating.
I should have KNOWN that Joe Manchin is in my Kenan Family's POCKETS -- LOL!!!
. . . He's right about that last part. No courage. Only nice words.
"Mr McCoy names 11 senators who he says are “crucial” to ExxonMobil: Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Senator Joe Manchin, Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Senator Jon Tester, Senator Maggie Hassan, Senator John Barrasso, Senator John Cornyn, Senator Steve Daines, Senator Chris Coons, Senator Mark Kelly and Senator Marco Rubio.
We gave all these senators a chance to respond. All the senators declined to comment. There is no suggestion of illegality.
Channel 4 News has established, through Federal Election Commission (FEC) data, that all except two of these senators (Senators Maggie Hassan and Mark Kelly) have received financial contributions from ExxonMobil.
ExxonMobil insists “our lobbying efforts fully comply with all laws and are publicly disclosed on a quarterly basis”.
Mr. McCoy described Senator Joe Manchin as “the Kingmaker” in the Senate and he says he spoke to his office on a weekly basis.
The FEC data shows Senator Manchin has received at least $12,500 from the ExxonMobil Political Action Committee in declared disbursements since the beginning of the 2011-12 (2021-22???), election cycle.
He said: “I will tell you there is not an appetite for a carbon tax. It is a non-starter. Nobody is going to propose a tax on all Americans. And the cynical side of me says yeah we kind of know that. But it gives us a talking point. We can say well what is ExxonMobil for? Well we’re for a carbon tax.
“Carbon tax is not gonna happen. I have always said, and I’ve worked on climate change issues for twenty years. There’s a lot of talk around it and the bottom line is it’s going to take political courage, political will in order to get something done. And that just doesn’t exist in politics. It just doesn’t."

(SEE: https://theweathercontinues.blogspot.com/2021/06/stanley-buchthal-who-threw-me-in-jail.html):
And I DID correct that to "Lawrence Buchthal".
To be CLEAR, Presbyterian Elder at First Presbyterian, Wilmington, NC, William Rand Kenan, Sr., was ENTIRELY STRAIGHT -- and he led White Christians to murder Blacks and steal their property and political offices in the ONLY Coup D'Etat to be SUCCESSFUL in the USA!!!
An Episcopalian Sycophant, Betty (Price) Kenan, and her stepson Thomas S. Kenan III
Episcopalian Tom Kenan and his immediate family PLANNED the 2021 Capitol Insurrection, and NOW WORK Sen. Joe Manchin and others -- to PUT TRUMP BACK INTO POWER!!!
William Rand Kenan, JUNIOR, his horsey wife dying young with "no issue", he moved in with his lifelong secretary Schuyler Beatty -- until he died in his 90s, and RAN Standard Oil of New Jersey by CONTROLLING ITS STOCK -- leading up to WWII. Kenan financed 42% of the total cost to get Adolph Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany, and then bought the land and built the Oil Refineries in Germany that produced the MAJORITY of motor fuels and lubricants -- and also Pervitin (Methamphetamine), used to POWER HITLER'S WAR MACHINE -- against the USA and ALLIES!!!
Old Joe Kennedy, Prescott Bush, and Henry Ford ALSO supported Adolph Hitler -- but even COMBINED, not nearly as much as my Kenan Family -- and Henry Ford's Heirs APOLOGIZED for that -- but NO Kennedy, Bush, or Kenan has EVER APOLOGIZED!!!
The data is clear: Rigid ideas about gender can be terrible for your mental health. (via Inverse)
Also, a close advisor to Nixon -- Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I knew well -- set up the Christian Drug Mafias of Wilmington, NC and Atlanta, GA with my Kenan Family on order of Pope John-Paul II.
Rumsfeld ALSO planned 9/11/2001 with George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and the Saudi Royal and Bin Laden Families.
But I would have LIKED for him, Bush, and Cheney to all be convicted and sent to PRISON!!!

I met Martin Lamb in a sushi restaurant in Colima, Colima, Mexico in 2012 -- and when he heard I was related to Thomas S. Kenan III and had even DATED Tom's ex-boyfriend, Curtis "Robbie" Anderson, he IMMEDIATELY spilled the beans on how he was George W. Bush's TOP DRUG MONEY LAUNDERER, and ASSUMED as a KENAN, I had tons of it too that he could launder -- LOL!!!
The sushi restaurant was right around the corner from the huge Colonial Hotel and its outdoor café -- where the next morning Martin SPIED ME after reading my blog -- and sent his GOON SQUAD -- who chased me on the highway to Manzanillo, until I SHOOK THEM!!!
Medical marijuana won near-unanimous approval in a committee hearing in the Republican-controlled N.C. General Assembly on Wednesday, the first of potentially many votes standing in the way of the plan becoming law here.
It’s a sign the bill could have broad support. While the votes were not officially recorded, it appeared that every Democrat voted for it, as did all but two or three Republicans.
North Carolina Senate Majority Leader Kathy Harrington, a Gastonia Republican, opposed medical marijuana until her own husband was recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a type of blood cancer. "If you had asked me six months ago if I would support this bill, I would have said no," Harrington said. "But life comes at you fast."

NOW, I feel better -- and SO DOES JESUS!!!