Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Today, the God-Hating Christians Began a FULL RETREAT (back into Donald Trump's ample ass)!!! Notice I Did NOT SAY, "The ACTUAL Followers of Jesus"!!!

Ya gotta LOVE GOD'S LOVE, no??? Having a priest or rabbi fingering her vagina to see if the hymen is broken!!!

TODAY, on many Catholic and Protestant Facebook pages of Christians proselytizing and spreading lies -- for the FIRST TIME EVER, MORE people are MAKING FUN of Christianity, Christians, Republicans, than defending the Churches and Clergy who post those ALL PAID ADS (because NO ONE wants to voluntarily read Christian Propaganda).

And SOME Christians are going NUTS -- but invariably, they are being OVERWHELMED by people with a sense of HUMOR, COMPASSION, and LOVE who insist on debunking all the hateful lies of religions -- ESPECIALLY CHRISTIANITY!!!

So join with me, and WASH YOUR HANDS of "Christian Clap-Trappery"!!!

And REMEMBER, Mexico is nominally 85% Roman Catholic, yet in the MAIN PARK in Colima, the Capital City of the State of Colima (where I lived for a couple of months in 2010 -- in the shadow of the twin volcanoes):

The view from my front window shows BOTH volcanoes, the one on the left now extinct, and the active one always smoking and you could see lava glowing most nights and some days from this -- my apartment (or row house):

"La Semilla de Colima" means "The Seed of Colima" was a major statue commemorating the belief that the city began as "God's Cum Splat" -- and THEY ARE CATHOLICS, so CHILL, Christians!!!

OK, so TRUMP is going down and he knows it and so do his allies, and they are desperate.

So today was mostly devoted to seeing a new "Butt Doctor", who examined my rump and confirmed I have both highly-irritated skin tags, and venereal butt warts but NONE of that INSIDE my rectum, and I am set up for out-patient surgery in about a month.

He could not BELIEVE I have put up with them since soon after I was ILLEGALLY FORCED by District Attorney Benjamin R. David to move to Puerto Vallarta in April of 2012. I explained that my Primary Care Physician -- since I came back in June 2015 -- Dewey Bridger III, is a CHRISTIAN so refused to recommend they be repaired -- he liking to PUNISH HOMOSEXUALS like me for his Jesus. 

Dewey Bridger III, MD

IN FACT he first claimed they were warts, and then this spring claimed they were only skin tags. And I learned from the doctor today, that the WARTS have only a 1-2% chance of becoming cancerous -- EXCEPT for those who are HIV+, the chance is about 50%!!!

Thank God, I am (most miraculously, I assure you!!!), HIV negative -- WHEW!!!

And I have reasons to like Dr. Bridger -- despite his (I believe) subconscious hatred of Homos -- this is ENDEMIC among Christians.


I love seeing her on screen -- especially in the Merchant-Ivory films. Helena Bonham Carter is somehow marriage-related to Maria St. Just (nee Britneva), who with the Episcopal Church MURDERED Tennessee Williams and stole his estate from Harvard University -- just like Jackie Kennedy Onassis told us they would do on January 11, 1982. 

Maria, came to control her husband Peter Grenfell, the 2nd and last Lord St. Just's Morgan-Grenfell Bank that became the CENTER of Deutsche Bank's international banking -- and Donald Trump's LARGEST CREDITOR and conduit of cash from Russian Oligarchs!!!

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"The Crown" star, 53, has since started dating 32-year-old Rye Dag Holmboe.

LOL!!! Next will be Ben Schachtman and his wife for CRACK Cocaine -- Ben is Head Editor of Port City Daily!!! 

The Wilmington Star News TOTALLY protects the Drug Trafficking by Christian Churches and Politicians of BOTH Parties -- but they are just CHRISTIANS doing it for JESUS -- and not known to do a lot of drugs.

About this website

The owner and publisher of Wrightsville Beach based Lumina News was arrested in Wilmington last week on several drug related charges.

Kathy and Ben Schachtman in a typical Crack-Cocaine pose!!!
Happy Frank Sinatra Day!!!
Frank Sinatra
11 hrs
Happy Frank Sinatra Day! FS’ hometown of Hoboken, NJ celebrated the day by presenting him with a key to the city on October 30, 1947 🔑

Me and Frank, 2009, Mulberry Street, Manhattan.
