Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Ash Wednesday TOTAL FACEBOOK MELTDOWN in Support of Sex, Drugs, and White Supremacy -- including of Jonathan Deputy, Deb Butler, and Sherman Lee Criner -- AND the Presby Church on Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina!!! (VIEWER DISCRETION is ADVISED!!!):


>>>  Dear V.P. Harris  -- and as usual, ALL OTHERS:

President Biden,

I'm SHOCKED that I must again remind you -- the DEMS will get rid of you BEFORE 2024  -- if you keep DESTROYING what Progressives achieve Your IDIOTIC new Asylum Regulations  are direct from DONALD TRUMP and you keep FAVORING Fossil Fuels .

You are STILL BOUGHT OFF  by my Kenan Family (EXXON-MOBIL, Bank of America, etc.) in partnership with Vladimir Putin  and the Bush/Cheney Republicans -- and the Clinton Democrats

Brett McGurk and Rahm Emanuel are the BIGGEST crooks in Government!!!

Well, Wilmington, North Carolina is the NEXUS of all EVIL  among Politicians and Clergy, and "Kenan" means GREED in the Bible Dictionary . Here is what I had to deal with TODAY :


The following refers to Deb Butler's and her late wife Anni Parra's dog "Paytie Pie Parra", and speaking of alliteration, my cousin is the lovely Lena Ludwig Lapper 

More on the SAD DRUG OVERDOSE DEATH of Anni Parra:

And this girl.. Paytie Pie Parra, my sidekick reminds me about toughness and never forgetting to fight for those things that matter. #MedicaidExpansion #teachers #GunReformNow #cleanairandwater #windenergy #EndCashBail #abortionishealthcare
May be an image of dog and indoor
All reactions:
Jonathan Deputy
Deb, I hope you'll join in the effort to repeal the racist, Jim Crow era 
Pistol Permit law. It was written and passed with one purpose in deny people of color their Constitutional Rights. 
Regardless of your opinion on the Second Amendment, I would 
hope that everyone can agree, laws passed with the specific intent 
of denying certain demographic groups their rights, should no 
longer be tolerated.
  • Jonathan Deputy
    If you need further proof, just look 30 miles to our West...a place you're familiar with, Columbus County. Now imagine you're a POC, and you have to ask a guy like Jodi Greene, if it's OK for you to exercise your Constitutional Rights. The guy who fired every black person at the Sheriff's Department. The guy who waged a campaign of harassment and intimidation on his perceived enemies. FYI, Jodi Greene isn't a one-off, there's more NC Sheriff's out there just like him...they're just smart enough to not get recorded saying it. No way the NC legislation should continue to allow racism to influence how the laws are applied...regardless of political agenda.
  • Scott Kenan
    Jonathan Deputy We always agreed on Politics!!! (And I'm SORRY I can't CORRECT the HACKERS' DAMAGE  to the above paragraph.Your and Deb Butler's Hard-Drug Trafficking is so well known that the MANAGER of the downtown ABC Store was ridiculing Deb, Suzi Hamilton, and Gov. Cooper for running Hard Drugs with Christian ChurchesDeb should use the liquor store on Carolina Beach Road to avoid being LAUGHED AT in the LIQUOR STORE!!! Here is Hollis Briggs, Jr. with Deb. Hollis threatened my LIFE because I keep blogging about their HUGE DRUG TRAFFICKINGBut I've sent the EVIDENCE to the FBI, DEA, and NC State Prosecutors, so NO POINT trying to harm me NOW !!!

. . . and a Holy, Holy CROSS OF JESUS to the right -- HA!!!

>>> NOW, I had a "Friend Request"  on Facebook out not only to Deb Butler, but also to Sherman Lee Criner

And today, Sherman Lee Criner posted that he got ASHES at Little Chapel on the Boardwalk  -- the ONLY Presbyterian Church in Wrightsville Beach -- and where the TRUMPS -- Lara (Yunaska) Trump is FROM HERE and she and Eric Trump have a place on Wrightsville Beach -- would worship -- LOL!!!

Joe Biden ALSO got them, but not from any DRUG-TRAFFICKING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH !!!

Shared with Public
Speak for yourself, Sherman Lee Criner!!! Judge Sandra Ray divorced you after you were caught with a five-year-old girl in Thalian Hall -- and you can google that up from Wilmington Star News !!! Also, are you still into worshiping with SNAKES???
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Here is MORE on that:

>>> And LOOK what Facebook NOW ALLOWS -- it was posted TEN DAYS AGO!!!:


FACEBOOK kicked me off for a MONTH for posting THIS -- and the WANKER is ONLY in the Mind of the VIEWER -- not in this image!!!:

>>> AND THE BEST THING TODAY is that Jack and Kat texted  Landlady Gold Walker  that their Air Conditioning is NOT WORKING -- late this afternoon.

So, TOMORROW, her employees will come out and ALSO FIND THIS !!!:

>>> ALL OF THOSE MENTIONED IN THIS POSTING: Deputy, Butler, Cooper, Criner, Briggs, etc., are ON MY EMAIL LISTS -- but DON'T APPEAR TO EVER READ THEM !!!

So, I'll send it to them FIRST -- before sending to everyone from Biden and SCOTUS down to my NAZI Cousin-in-Law Greg Lernihan!!!


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