Thursday, December 3, 2020

Wilmington, NC's Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner -- a TOP CHRISTIAN and REPUBLICAN JUDGE Who Violated My Constitutional Rights and NC Laws in Support of Wilmington's TOP CRACK-COCAINE DISTRIBUTOR Gerald Austin Wynn -- Caught RED-HANDED in FRAUD!!! / Praise the LORD!!!


Sandra Alice Ray's now former husband, Sherman Lee Criner, in Christian Snake Worship. When I published this on THIS BLOG several years ago, Judge Sandra DIVORCED HIS DRIPPING CHRISTIAN PECKER!!!

In 2013, Sherman Lee Criner was the FACE of the New Hanover County Republican Party -- he so PERFECTLY reflects Republican/Christian VALUES!!!


Last night I was up to 4:45 AM, editing and celebrating finding an Old Friend from 1981 - '82, Tina St. Claire, the grand-daughter of actor Conrad Veidt. When I finally got up and checked in early afternoon today, Facebook showed that Tina HAD READ my posting of that, and I RELAXED that for ONCE Facebook had not BLOCKED MY MESSAGES!!!

There is a lot more I want to write to Tina, but she already has a lot to digest from yesterday's missive:

For ONE thing, I'd not posted an image of Conrad Veidt, so I will here:

And here is his film -- the DVD of which I have owned for MANY YEARS, and it currently sits by me on my desk:

Different from the Others (German: Anders als die Andern) is a German film produced during the Weimar Republic. ... The film was intended as a polemic against the then-current laws under Germany's Paragraph 175, which made homosexuality a criminal offense. It is believed to be the first pro-gay film in the world.
Language: Silent film; German intertitles
Distributed by: Richard Oswald-Film Berlin

And tonight -- in an effort to get my sleep schedule back to MY NORMAL, I will just publish this News Report I ran across on Facebook -- with MOST COMMENTS being from Christian Republicans DENOUNCING that Law Enforcement is CLEARLY going after Judge Sandra Alice Ray -- and EVEN CALLED IN OUTSIDE INVESTIGATORS since local ones (read Drug Trafficking D.A. Democrat Benjamin R. David), have CONFLICTS OF INTEREST -- LOL!!!

Scott Kenan
 shared a link.

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Holy Moly -- Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner, in support of Wilmington's TOP CRACK DISTRIBUTOR (not just dealer) in 2011 Gerald Austin Wynn violated my Rights enormously, but the Courts Authority LAUGHED AT ME when I tried to get Justice. Her then husband, Sherman Lee Criner, had diddled the vagina of a five year old girl in Thalian Hall in 2006, and Wilmington Christian Cops INTIMIDATED her father to keep from filing charges because the Criners then were two of the BEST EXAMPLES of Christians in Wilmington and the Republican Party. About six years ago, I published on my Political Blog (read my everyone working in the County Court House), a photo of Sherman Criner in CHRISTIAN SNAKE WORSHIP and Judge Sandra quickly DIVORCED HIS SLEAZY PECKER!!! I now work directly with Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, and will write up this all, send it to the NC Justice Department, and publish it on my blog for ALL WILMINGTONIANS to read. Here is her ex-hubby and his SNAKE:
The signatures on the hats, which were advertised as being hand-signed by President Trump and sold for $1,600, were later determined to be digitally printed.
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Holy Moly -- Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner, in support of Wilmington's TOP CRACK DISTRIBUTOR (not just dealer) in 2011 Gerald Austin Wynn (google him up), violated my Rights enormously, and the Courts Authority LAUGHED AT ME when I tried to get Justice.

Her then husband, Sherman Lee Criner, had diddled the vagina of a five year old girl in Thalian Hall in 2006, and Wilmington Christian Cops INTIMIDATED her father to keep from filing charges because the Criners then were two of the BEST EXAMPLES of Christians in Wilmington and in the Republican Party.

About six years ago, I published on my Political Blog (which is read by everyone working in the County Court House), a photo of Sherman Criner in CHRISTIAN SNAKE WORSHIP and Judge Sandra quickly DIVORCED HIS SLEAZY PECKER!!!

I now work directly with Atty. Gen. Josh Stein, and will write up this all, send it to the NC Justice Department, and publish it on my blog for ALL WILMINGTONIANS to read.

So I will let this story DEVELOP before I write to Atty Gen. Josh Stein, D.A. Ben David, and others. Tonight, I will send it to Co-Drug-Traffickers New Hanover County Democratic Party Chairman Richard Poole and Republican Party County Chairman Will Knecht, who is ALREADY in DOO-DOO over his HEAD -- BOTH OF WILL'S HEADS!!!

And also to Dem Third Vice Chair and ADMITTED DRUG-TRAFFICKER Madison "Maddy" (Holland) Rose, and her husband, Steven Rose:



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