Saturday, December 19, 2020

Larry Reni Thomas and Scott David Kenan are Now CONNECTED -- and the Wilmington Christian, Drug Trafficking, White Supremacist Establishment Will Soon BLOW UP!!! / All PRAISE ALLAH!!!


It has to be the other way around. You came first!

Larry Reni Thomas, M.A.

Jazz announcer, writer

Larry Reni Thomas is a veteran jazz writer/radio announcer/historian. This program consists of a series of interviews, stories and information about the Carolina jazz connection. It is a refreshing and entertaining way to answer the puzzling and intriguing question: Why are there more than seventy jazz personalities who were born in North Carolina? Some say it’s in the water, others that it comes straight out of the church, and still others who say it just comes from the old-fashioned blues. The Carolina Jazz Connection contends that the answer may be a little of all three, and that the connection tells the history, struggles, triumphs, and evolution of the African American from chattel to citizen.


Re: Wilmington 1898 Massacre/Coup

From: Larry Thomas <>

To: <>

Sent: Sat, Dec 19, 2020 2:12 pm

Subject: Wilmington 1898 Massacre/Coup

Mr. Kenan:

Greetings!  I am a writer/radio announcer based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina who is featured in the movie "Wilmington on Fire."  I am writing to find out if you would be interested in talking to me about your ancestors' participation in the 1898 event.  I "met" you when you reached over me to pull down the tarp on the 1898 marker at the dedication ceremony.  I found your e-mail on your blog spot.  Take care!


Larry Reni Thomas

* * *

Dear Mr. Thomas:

I just woke up from a nap, and checking email, fished this one from you out of my SPAM folder -- of course!!!

I first met Chris Everett in 2011, when he was interviewing people for his movie in a hotel room where my strange NYC benefactor was putting homeless me up, and soon after that, Wilmington Police forced my best friend Evan Fish who was staying with me there to jump to his death because he could prove in Court that my employer 1990 - 2010, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville,GA, had been distributing Hard Drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida but especially in Wilmington and Atlanta.

Evan Fish

My own parents set the Drug Mafias in Wilmington and Atlanta up in the 1980s and '90s -- by direct order of Pope John Paul II -- with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I met in ATL twice when other employees of Pentagon Publishing took me to meet him -- he wanting to meet the eldest son of America's top Roman Catholic Nazi. I only wish I had smoked pot with Ehrlichman, which the others claimed they regularly did -- HA!!!

In his last play, Tennessee Williams based a tall, silent, observing, black gay character on me -- the biggest compliment of my life. While I worked for Tenn, when he got packets from his Agent in NYC, they included fan letters, and black folks who'd never seen his photo assumed he had to be black. Tennessee Williams cried when he read those letters and told me more than once that they were the BEST REWARD he ever received -- better than his two Pulitzer Prizes.

I've also met George W. Bush's top Drug Money launderer, Martin Lamb, who spilled all the beans when he heard I was related to Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill!!! In 1985, I dated Tom Kenan's most recent ex in Kenan-built Carolina Apartments (although I then lived in Atlanta), while Blue Velvet was being filmed there. I know LOTS of the secrets of my wealthy relatives who were most responsible for putting Trump into power.

I also know nearly every Politician in the Lower Cape Fear -- who is a closet-case homo, who supports Drug Trafficking and White Supremacy, etc. -- with the Christian Churches -- and I too, have survived a long battle with corrupted elements of the US Government, Colin Powell's people having gotten me to Mexico for two periods of Political Exile. I was held captive five times by Drug Mafia near Puerto Vallarta -- including by two sons of El Chapo Guzman, and the son of the CIA's top Colombian supplier of Cocaine to the USA.

I could not imagine wanting to speak with anyone more than I am wanting to speak with you -- you appear to have the connections to influential people who can improve this world by knowing the TRUTH of what has gone down in our Beloved Country all of these years -- including the ENORMOUS place held by my Criminal Kenan Family (that has GREAT CHARITIES).

Right now I must run some errands, and will likely write you a bit more tonight. My cell phone is (910) 200-XXXX, and most people have to call more than once to get a call to go through to me -- and my phone rarely rings, but I check it often and call people back. I am copying my siblings and a couple of others so they know of my great excitement. Like me, they were under the spell of my mother's NAZI MIND CONTROL -- Mom ran Procter & Gamble's Skin Research Labs after WWII when they got Dr. Josef Mengele's research on Concentration Camp Victims, and specialized working with his Mind Control experiments for both the CIA and Catholic Church -- later called Project MK ULTRA.

I saw you posted my blog posting of ripping that cover off the 1898 Marker on your Facebook page, and you are correct: "BOOM!". Currently, I am kicked off Facebook for another 3.5 weeks (the 28th time they have done this since 2015), for criticizing Christians -- HA!!! I take everything in stride, and then blog about it stridently.

All Best for now, and GOD IS GREAT -- as my Muslim friends like to say!!!


The FUNNY thing, is that when I returned from my errands, I checked my email Inbox, Spam, and Trash, and I'd gotten nothing back from Mr. Thomas. So I ate a very late lunch, during which he CALLED ME -- and my AT&T phone sitting right in front of me did NOT LIGHT UP or RING.

Then I checked it, and he had called and left a voicemail. I collected my thoughts and called him at 6:04 PM, and we spoke for 16 minutes -- and when I got off the phone, had seen fit to RELEASE HIS REPLY TO ME, it claiming it had come in at 2:12 PM!!!

The CIA has not pulled THAT STUNT of releasing my emails to me LATER in two or three YEARS!!!

Among MANY other things we discussed, Larry said he is now working with Chris Everett on his FOLLOW-UP film, and he had told Chris that perhaps I should be IN IT!!! But Chris was COOL to that idea. I explained that when I'd first met Chris in 2011, my "GAY-DAR" had gone off seriously, and that ANNOYED CHRIS LIKE CRAZY, but that DOESN'T mean he has sex with men, but only that my intuition thinks he would like to -- you know, like Barack Obama!!!

Anyway, Larry is coming to Wilmington within the next week, and we will meet then. I assume he's coming to work with Chris Everett, and even if Chris and I can't get past our MISUNDERSTANDING (entirely my fault), I have TONS OF MATERIAL that they can use in the FILM!!!

So now I will send this to Larry Thomas, Pope Francis, the Heads of the University of the South, the Episcopal Church, and the Presbyterian Church -- AFTER I send it by secured server to NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein. Mr. Thomas can see MOST of my contacts (I've added many since then), in the bottom of this posting:


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