Ordering the Cheeses of Nazareth for your Catholic, Anglican/Episcopal, and Orthodox Christian friends is a GREAT WAY to wean them off CANNIBAL COMMUNION, no???
So much has been happening lately that I've not had time to blog about. Yesterday, I not only had these interesting interactions with customers and Store Manager Steve at my neighborhood Harris Teeter:
The day before, I'd run into my old Roommate (of about 60 of them), David from Mercy House Homeless Shelter -- ringing the Salvation Army Kettle Bell in front of Walmart, like he did when we were homeless in 2011, at the main entrance to Independence Mall.
And David and I had an opportunity to discuss things -- for the first time since I lusted for him in 2011!!! Of course we all saw each other naked in the shower room of Mercy House Shelter, and David is a fine strappin', fully equipped black guy, who claimed he was NOT AVAILABLE to me for sex.
Readers will recall that while living in that shelter, I managed to have sex with 40% of the other residents -- and another eight of them said I could if I paid them $5.00, but I didn't want to turn them into whores.
Also, while living there, a homeless guy who didn't live there often joined us for meals when Churches served them in our parking lot. He didn't know ME, but was speaking with the iron-worker on huge buildings with whom I most frequently had sex whom I was in line with for food, and told him that he worked for District Attorney Benjamin R. David as his yardman, and Stephanie David had just told him that Ben was not sleeping well -- because he was worried about some guy named SCOTT -- and all he had been blogging!!!
So, after we BOTH AGREED that there is NOTHING more EVIL than Christians and especially the Salvation Army, David ADMITTED that he uses THEM as much as THEY USE HIM!!!
He was even written up once in the Wilmington Star News as bringing in more money in his kettle than any other Wilmington area Bell-Ringer. And in 2011, the Salvation Army (I don't know why David didn't live in THEIR homeless shelter), put him up until after Christmas in a very nice apartment with a very nice allowance so he was RICH while he worked seasonally.
Yesterday, I saw he was completely CLEAR-HEADED and no longer a CRACK addict like back then. We mostly spoke as I was entering Walmart, and when I exited, David was jockeying nearby carts, so I asked him if he was working for them, too. He said, no, but he always tries to help out when something needs to be done.
David is a REAL MAN!!!
Anyway, in this old posting you can read DETAILS of my sexual adventures while in Mercy House -- as well as details on how Judge Sandra Alice Ray/Criner TOTALLY SCREWED ME back then:
HACKERS just erased the several paragraphs I just wrote when I TRIED to post this graphic/screen-capture -- so it MUST BE IMPORTANT!!!
These soon DISAPPEARED from the Court Record and I have LOTS OF SAVED SCANS to show how that happened over time.
American Express Bank, that had given me a $50,000.00 unsecured line of credit with interest at their lowest level (I believe it was at 8%), IMMEDIATELY reduced my limit to $243.00 over what I owed them then, JACKED UP the interest percent -- only an hour or two after I confronted Christal Presley over her LIES about her father Delmer Presley having PTSD.
I also contacted the author of a FRONT PAGE ARTICLE in the Sunday Atlanta Journal/Constitution on Christal's FAKE VETERANS CHARITY she had set up -- since Delmer used to entertain us with HUMOROUS STORIES of his serving in Vietnam!!!
Within two hours of my calling to confront Christal Presley, American Express gave me a ROBO-CALL after 10:00 PM on that Sunday night, letting me know they had done that. At that time, robocalls were ILLEGAL IN GEORGIA all of Sunday, and after 9:00 PM any other day!!!
And Kenan v. Jarvis is ALL THAT REMAINS of when I was locked up for 15 weeks before Judge Linda Warren Hunter (now on Superior Court), held me without charge and I sued Sheriff Jarvis successfully "Writ of Habeus Corpus" -- and she charged me with simple Trespass, I didn't know how to fight them since she worked with my PARENTS then THICK in setting up Atlanta's Drug Mafias, so I pleaded "Nolo Contendere", was given time served and a YEAR of HOUSE ARREST PROBATION and ordered to take Lithium Carbonate (for NAZI soft-lobotomy), with testing weekly and if my Serum-Lithium level dropped beneath 0.7 -- I'd automatically go to jail for a year!!!
Judge Hunter later proved herself to be part of the Clinton Family Christian Drug Mafia -- LOL!!!
In other news, my sister Jane called today, and my LAST POSTING has not changed my relationship with Jane!!!
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