Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Having Some FUN with a TOO SERIOUS Presbyterian (Orthodox, not Presby Church USA -- like I belonged to), Shon Blotzer -- the MULTI-TASKER EXTRAORDINAIRE!!!


Current photo on Shon's IMDB and LINKED-IN listings.

Shon and Juliet Blotzer with their first two dividends!!!

Shon and Juliet welcome their THIRD dividend, September 2020.

 Re: Ain't this a TRIP??? But Dems had better not let down their guard in Georgia -- and get "souls to the polls"!!!



Dear Shon,

I'd never seen this spelling for a first name before, and didn't know if you were woman, man, or beast -- except that most beasts can't type. So, I did some quick research on you and your wife and figured that one out. Very handsome family, I might add -- healthy, strong, and clear-eyed -- all of them!!!

Who authorized me to add your congregation's email to my List??? The same person who put me on so many email lists -- some of which I like hearing from, and some of whom are PURE DEVILS, including Father Frank Pavone and his Catholic "Priests for Life" that is in COMPLETE OPPOSITION to what Pope Francis has lately been declaring about how Donald Trump and the Republicans in the US Congress are FAR MORE EVIL in what they have already done and plan to do than is abortion, which the Bible only mentions once and says a woman pregnant outside of marriage must go to the Jewish Priest for bitter herbs to induce a miscarriage. And I never heard of a Presbyterian who wanted to limit a woman's choice on abortion.

You are not a fully honest person (with me),, because you currently are studying at a Presbyterian Seminary to become a Preacher: 

And you have ALSO been -- and STILL ARE -- a film producer, having a couple of films under your belt (neither of which I am familiar with). but one starred George Clooney, whose aunt was one of my substitute teachers in third - seventh grade at St. Martha's Catholic Grade School in Louisville, KY.

And I've met MANY actors, directors, and producers from both Broadway and Film -- having known Meryl Streep better than anyone else while working for Tennessee Williams, and even just a year ago, I got to know Jamie Lee Curtis here in Wilmington in my favorite store, and then had a correspondence with her. Being a friend of actors, film, etc., you would probably enjoy these three chapters of my memoir, that have MANY vignettes of these types:

So, I'm glad you are such a good Multi-Tasker -- capable of preparation for the Clergy -- as well as making movies -- and ALSO, you are a Surgical Neurophysiologist (CNIM), at

THREE careers at ONCE!!!

But I developed some concerns about you and your wife when I visited your Facebook pages. From yours: "Shon Blotzer: An undeserving husband, father, brother, son." How can you be so DOWN ON YOURSELF when you are doing so well??? That is SINFUL!!!

And then "Juliet Blotzer (Tinney): Thy mercy, my God, is the theme of my song, the joy of my heart, and the boast of my tongue". WHAT did Juliet (Tinney???), do to need MERCY so bad??? Well, I found the answer deeper in her Facebook Profile:

Here are TWO of Juliet's LOVES

1. -- has ANYONE LIED TO THE PRESS MORE than Kayleigh McEnany???

2. Franklin Graham is the OPPOSITE of a Presbyterian -- at least from what I read in 200 - 300 year old books on Presbyterian Thought that I've browsed at Liberty Hall in Kenansville -- as well as what we discussed in Discovery Class at First Presbyterian the second half of 2011, when I was a member there, and that class was half-filled with Deacons and Elders.

You must be SO EMBARRASSED to have your wife in a Presbyterian church with her GONZO BELIEFS!!!

I LOVED all the Presbyterian Humor I learned at First Prez -- and here is my favorite: "Whenever four or more Presbyterians are gathered together, there is ALWAYS A FIFTH!!!" You might be too young to remember when liquor came in a fifth of a gallon -- equivalent to 750 ml today.

In the interest of NOT OVER-DOING IT, I suggest that ALL PRESBYTERIANS stick a BIG FAT MARIJUANA JOINT in their mouths and SMOKE IT!!!

And I'm not even JESUS!!!

So, I will NOT send this to my Episcopalian Group of Clergy, but WILL to my Presbyterian Group of Clergy -- and Pope Francis as well. About 150 people in total. And if you show that YOU TOO have a sense of humor about it all, I'll remove you sooner than if you don't.

Sometimes I think the BIGGEST REASON we are on this Earth is to demonstrate GOD'S SENSE OF HUMOR -- I laugh at myself and my conceits ALL THE TIME.

All Best, and especially since you are living in Wilmington: Don't let the BED-BUGS BITE!!!


PS: Remember, if things don't work out:

-----Original Message-----

From: Info Heritage <>

To: Scott Kenan <>

Sent: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 1:07 pm

Subject: Re: Ain't this a TRIP??? But Dems had better not let down their guard in Georgia -- and get "souls to the polls"!!!

The better question is who authorized you to add our name to your list. This is an administrative email used for church related issues only. Please remove. 

Take care,


On Dec 23, 2020, at 11:04 AM, Scott Kenan <> wrote:

I get that you mean for me to remove this address from my Email List, and I'll be happy to do that as soon as you let me know the name of the person who authorized you to request this -- since a church can't speak or write.

Thank you, and Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas!!!


-----Original Message-----

From: Info Heritage <>

To: Scott Kenan <>

Sent: Wed, Dec 23, 2020 9:59 am

Subject: Re: Ain't this a TRIP??? But Dems had better not let down their guard in Georgia -- and get "souls to the polls"!!!

Please remove. 

On Dec 22, 2020, at 9:52 PM, Scott Kenan <> wrote:

The "Six-Foot Kenan Cock" atop Kenan Steeple at First Presbyterian, Wilmington, North Carolina.


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