Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Open Letter to My Family, My More Recent Additions to My Email Lists, and Especially Any Jews I Might Have Confused at Rabbi Bender's "Joy of Art" Show, or by My Emails to Them, Later:


Well, we can't ALL be STRAIGHT!!!

Hyper-Homo Tim Tebow invites you to have a BIG SNIFF !!! And his bracelet THANKS GQ magazine for giving him the opportunity to OFFER.

Scientists reported YEARS AGO, that MEN get ERECTIONS when sniffing Male Pheromones -- even when sniffing their OWN PITS or SWEATY SHIRTS !!! Both Straight and GAY!!!

And HERE'S a chart so that Straight Women and Gay or Bi Men can CHOOSE THEIR FAVORITE, Straight Men can choose what they WISH THEY HAD, and Lesbians can run to the toilet and vomit:

OK, this will go to EVERYONE -- except those I send to via secured-server forms. Life is moving TOO FAST for me to properly keep up. I awoke from a nap just in time to catch the END of my personal friend Lt. Gen. Russel Honore' on Joy Reid's Show on MSNBC. I have no idea what he'd said, but Readers all know that when I was parting from my second meeting with Gen. Honore' in New Orleans in 2015, I watched him descend the stairs to street level at Hotel Monteleone, and called to him from the top -- over all the other people -- "I'm going to FIX the US Government -- I PROMISED Jack and Jackie Kennedy!!!"

And Russel sent me a SALUTE, back.

Russel is the ONLY living actual LEADER I promised that to. I promised Jack and Jackie during one of my "VISIONS" -- see:


Then, I watched straight through until the END of Stephanie Ruhle at midnight -- and SHE CLOSED, after toasting the other winners of SAG Awards, by calling Jamie Lee Curtis "MY GIRL"!!! Jamie is AMERICA'S GIRL -- because what she IS TODAY -- which is TOTALLY AMAZING -- is DESPITE free-basing with her father, Tony Curtis, in GRADE SCHOOL, and having LOTS of Drug and Alcohol problems -- but TODAY, she's been ABSTINATE FOR YEARS and especially through the worst years of COVID, was EVERYWHERE encouraging people to get OFF ADDICTIVE DRUGS (including alcohol for those who can't control their intake), and to STAY SOBER.

I spent time with Jamie when she was in Wilmington, last -- not a lot, but then I CONTINUED communicating with her via Facebook (where she RESPONDS to those who contact her) -- and emails.

BETWEEN those two time slots, several of my Email Correspondents were on -- including Congressman Eric Swalwell, TWICE, Congressman Adam Schiff, once, and Senator Sherrod Brown -- with whom I STILL have some SERIOUS BONES TO PICK!!!

Now, I'd LOVE to get with the Artists I met at the Art Show -- but that can wait. And I STILL would like to meet Rabbi Chaya Bender -- and have a counseling session with her, if possible. And all of that went so WELL, I'm very EAGER to finally write again to Judge Dean Hansell in Los Angeles -- especially since HIS Synagogue is also Conservative and also led by a Lesbian Rabbi who is married to a woman. But THAT can wait, too. My friends the Leuchters ALSO belonged to the Conservative branch -- and ALL are or were LIBERAL AS ALL GET OUT!!!

And then, I thought that now that JOHN EASTMAN of Eastman & Eastman Law in NYC, died last fall, and HIS SON Lee Eastman is now in charge -- I should see if I can't work something out with him, since their firm handled not just much of Paul McCartney's business, and Paul's wife -- Nancy Shevell's Family's trucking company -- ran HARD DRUGS up and down the East Coast with Kenan Transport -- now, Kenan Advantage Group. John Eastman was also intimately connected to Dame Jillian Sackler and her family's HUGE OPIOID SCANDALS, and Mr. HOT GUN, Alec Baldwin and his wife, Hilaria.

An ADDITIONAL complication is that the ORIGINAL Lee Eastman, John's father, was born Leopold Vail Epstein, but changed his name and converted from Jew to Episcopalian. John was the CIA Agent who ordered the MURDERS first of John Lennon and then of Tennessee Williams -- and Tennessee's was ALSO IN CONCERT with the Episcopal Church -- and my Kenan Family: Frank Hawkins Kenan and his brother James Graham Kenan, both deceased about 1996.

>>> READERS, YOU AREN'T GOING TO BELIEVE THIS -- I barely can myself -- but checking the "Epsteins" online, I found THIS and sent a COMMENT that must be approved before posting, letting them KNOW that my Kenan Family did DRUG BUSINESS with Shevell Trucking, and how I intend to contact the YOUNG Lee Eastman -- or whoever runs the Law Firm, now -- to negotiate an ALLOWANCE from Tennessee Williams's Estate, held at Sewanee, aka University of the South!!!:


And then, I've been FANTASIZING -- since my whole family is so THRILLED that Mom forbid me to come to her BIG PARTY late-celebrating her 100th Birthday -- and ALSO not to try to come up and MEET CONNOR'S WIFE, who I TRUST knows of Connor's GAY PAST, and is OK with it.

When my father, William Scott Kenan, learned that I was gay in 1973, Dad told me I am his SON and he would ALWAYS LOVE ME, REGARDLESS -- but if he EVER found out that I TRICKED some unsuspecting woman into marriage, he would KILL ME!!! Dad also said that if I DID marry a woman -- perhaps a Lesbian -- just to GET ALONG WITH ASSHOLES, he would BLESS THAT UNION!!!

Anyway, I have been MEANING to write my immediate family to let them know I will NOT take the advice of Downtown Wilmington's sole State Liquor Store -- and MANY OTHERS, as well -- and JUST SHOW UP!!!

But I HAVE been fantasizing of having FTD deliver FLOWERS for MOM when they are ALL THERE -- with just a SWASTIKA drawn on the card. I know, they would NOT deliver that, and Mom and her NAZI descendants and their families should have as MUCH FUN AS POSSIBLE, because if I CAN'T GET MONEY from the Episcopal Church, I might have to TAKE MY SIBLINGS TO COURT -- and I have TONS of evidence against them.

BUT, I am doing OK on what they now send me, and Mike helping when I run short. So, I'll FORGET THAT at least for now, and LET THEM PLAY!!!

BOTTOM LINE is that I need some time to catch-up car service, changing light bulbs, getting new glasses, some desperately needed clothes, etc. I've been AFRAID to spend money because I'm not certain my Family will continue to send the amount they do send.

BEST NEWS is that Microsoft has TWICE upgraded my computer in MAJOR WAYS the last few days -- and AOL Mail has HUGELY UPGRADED just today -- not only BETTER separating my good from my spam, but ADDED a view that shows ALL EMAIL SUBSCRIPTIONS. I have about 200 of them -- and MOST are ones from PROGRESSIVE POLITICIANS and ORGANIZATIONS who ADDED ME on their OWN -- many of them I'd never heard of before I began getting their emails.


Ben Schachtman leading his band, "Exploding Math Lab" -- a take on METH LABS that used to explode all the time. Anyone who wants to see how GRATING their LOUD CACOPHONY  really IS, can find their tunes on YouTube.

Ben and his wife, Kathy, high as KITES!!!

Now, see if you can make sense of Ben's latest -- he's NEWS DIRECTOR at WHQR Public Radio-- but needs to be FIRED, if he can't learn to write more CLEARLY!!!

ANYONE who can make sense of this to me -- including Ben Schachtman, although he hasn't emailed me in a couple of years -- please let me know what this means:

The Healing Place, Wilmington, North Carolina

The Healing Place is not a treatment center 

WHQR | By Benjamin Schachtman

Published February 26, 2023 at 6:00 AM EST



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