Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Old Queen Has DIED -- Will Scott Kenan be NEXT??? / The English Royal Family's SURNAME was "Hanover", They Being a GERMAN FAMILY that Changed Their Name to "Windsor" at about WWI -- and Here in New HANOVER County, North Carolina, the CHRISTIAN NAZIS Continue to SCREW THE CITIZENS for JESUS -- LOL!!!


There were TWO SIDES to Queen Elizabeth:

>>> Chuck Schumer: EVERYONE'S  sending me received receipts -- except the CLINTONS (who are actually "Bushes"):

Pres. Obama:

The Clintons -- ONLY -- are still blocking me TOTALLY -- LOL!!!

Prez Biden (and ALL OTHERS),

Looks like EVERYONE is sending receipts for this -- but I still have to try the CLINTONS -- HA!!!

Glad to see you're ACCEPTING MESSAGES, again, SCOTUS!!!


I'll just say that EVERYONE needs to read this. And I'll also send a LINK to my LAST posting, that I did NOT send to all at the very TOP of the US Government.

In the order that I wrote and published them -- and then emailed them to my nearly 500 Regular Email Recipients:



>>> This is the article I will be referring to:

And THIS article explains MORE about how The New Yorker magazine TORPEDOED Wilmington's Ruling Christians' FAVE PROJECT , TRU Colors brewery:




September 8, 2022

Dear Mayor Saffo and City Council Members who will all vote on this:

Every single one of you gets EVERY ONE of my BLOG POSTINGS -- that Benjamin Schachtman was PROUD to tell me he had found when searching the Public Records of City Council emails, several years ago. ALSO, Ben Schachtman ALWAYS ENCOURAGED ME -- saying HIS HANDS WERE TIED by his BOSSES and his ADVERTISERS, who support "Christian Nationalism" and my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill.

I entirely SUPPORT the idea of a Museum to the History of the Wilmington Police Department -- one of the OLDEST in North Carolina with a MOST COLORFUL HISTORY of supporting WHITE SUPREMACISM, CHRISTIAN CHURCHES, and HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING.

HOWEVER, FIRST we must have a Museum to the 1898 Coup d'Etat, and while I believe my wealthy Kenan relatives should PAY FOR THAT IN FULL -- since they were the TOP FORCE behind it -- just like they were the TOP FORCE in getting Donald Trump elected President, and in SUPPORTING the January 6, 2021 Capitol Insurrection -- I have gotten NOWHERE in my request to my cousin Thomas S. Kenan III.

And the Police Station is NO PLACE to attract people to view it.

You will need to include how Mayor Saffo and Councilman Charlie Rivenbark MURDERED my friend Evan William Fish on September 3, 2011 with Christian Elements on the Police Force -- VERIFIED by Sheriff Ed McMahon's Deputies and Negotiator to me, personally -- because Evan could PROVE that my former employer Patrick Lee Stansbury then via Lee E. Gosney, Jr. (who worked with my PARENTS and Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman in making the CHRISTIAN DRUG MAFIAS the POWERHOUSE in Wilmington and Atlanta, GA that they are today).

Evan, who could PROVE they supplied Wilmington Politicians and Christian Ministers with HARD DRUGS, was MURDERED in COLD BLOOD.

And of course, Saffo and Rivenbark TRIED to Murder ME on February 13, 2017 -- by help of SPECTRUM and their driver and truck:

EVERY ONE of these DEMOCRATIC WOMEN is TOTALLY in the NAZI POCKETS of my Kenan Family's EXXON-MOBIL -- JUST LIKE Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Rahm Emanuel, Pete Buttigieg (and Republicans Tucker Carlson, Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, etc.).

Clifford D. Barnett, Jr. and Jonathan Barfield, Jr. are both CHRISTIAN MINISTERS and listed as DEMOCRATS, but NEITHER has gotten support EXCEPT from Republican Dark Money Groups -- and the SAME IS TRUE of Mayor "Bill" Saffo and Charles H. Rivenbark -- but recently, Rivenbark came out FULL REPUBLICAN.

Julia Olson-Boseman is in DEEP LEGAL TROUBLE -- SHE recently converted to FULL REPUBLICAN, and it was Sheriff Ed McMahon who told me HE does most of HIS HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING with Pastor Robert Campbell of New Beginning Christian Church and Rev. Shivers of Bethesda Christian Life Church.

Perhaps SADDEST is that Kevin Spears' FATHER was a REAL CIVIL RIGHTS LEADER -- but Kevin recently ENDORSED HUGE DEM DRUG TRAFFICKER Steve Miller -- and had PARTNERED with known FAKE EGYPTIAN Sonya (Bennetone) Patrick, aka Sonya Amen-Ra:

SUPER DEMOCRAT DRUG TRAFFICKER Hollis Briggs, Jr. -- who had partnered with Julia Olson-Boseman and Presbyterian Church Authority as well as NOVANT CEO Carl S. Armato -- and Hollis Briggs, Jr., TREATENED MY LIFE for blogging the TRUTH about the DRUG TRAFFICKING of MOST City and County Officials.

Carl S. Armato with Hollis Briggs, Jr.

And look at THIS DEMOCRAT!!! Perhaps he grew up in WILMINGTON!!!:

Well, Lower Cape Fear Politicians and CORRUPTED Christian Ministers --  the BALL IS NOW IN YOUR COURT !!!

WHAT will you DO???


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