Thursday, May 27, 2021

Open Letter to Kevin Spears, Wilmington, North Carolina City Council Member: (Either the CIA is AGAIN totally corrupting my computer -- or they and Vladimir Putin and the Christian Democrats/Republicans have CORRUPTED Google/Blogger -- It Will Only Last a COUPLE OF HOURS -- HA!!!)

 Scott Kenan

THANK GOD!!! The Pagan Idol that drives the Ku Klux Klan, NAZI Party, and Democrats and Republicans to give the United States of America to Vladimir Putin -- because HE, TOO, is a Christian like they are -- is DROWNING in the Christian Sea of Hatred of GOD.

Kevin Spears

City Hall

102 North Third Street

PO Box 1810

Wilmington, NC  28402-1810

Phone: 910.795.5378


To email entire Council:

May 27, 2021

Dear Councilman Spears,

Although we met in person at this event: -- AND, I had spent lunch in Wendy's with your MOTHER -- right after I had early-voted for you, I was SO DISTURBED by this News Item about you when I got up this morning, that I soon returned to BED for another three hours -- your foolishness and hatred of your own race so SHOCKED ME -- and you are FULLY AWARE of what I am typing about, because I have MULTIPLE TIMES blogged and sent YOU COPIES that you have NEVER BLOCKED of the TRUTH about "Christianity".

Led by DRUG-TRAFFICKING Sonya Patrick -- aka "Sonya AmenRa" -- a woman with EGYPTIAN RELIGION PRETENTIONS who is NOT a "Christian", and her Partner in Crime, City Councilperson Kevin Spears -- TRAITOR to his race!!!

7 years ago

Anyone following the REAL NEWS knows that Karzai is the actual HERO here, he knowing this is just a RUSE to keep CIA in Afghanistan to protect the Opium Poppy Fields!!!

And Obama knows that BOTH candidates to replace Karzai are totally into making some SERIOUS CIA MONEY!!!

EAT SHIT, Obama!!!

OK, I've GIVEN UP trying to post images to this posting -- the problem -- and it took me TEN MINUTES EACH to Gerry-Rig getting each image above to post -- but huge spaces have been added by the CORRUPTERS, and I can't shrink them -- so I'll complete this Letter and send it to you and my 250+ Political Contacts -- going BACK, later, to add the images and clean up this formatting to the extent that I can.

First, I had never done any deep research on you before -- other than to know you were elected on you father's coattails -- your FATHER actually had BALLS and was a REAL CIVIL RIGHTS ADVOCATE!!!

YOU have done nothing but HORSE-SHITTERY -- sitting on BOARDS and maybe doing a little GRUNT WORK among Wilmington's Poor -- but your own COMPANY is as FAKE AS YOU ARE!!!


The company you FOUNDED (nearly everyone there is a FAMILY MEMBER)

And then your company's WEBSITE requires people to DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE in order to ENTER IT!!! The ONLY other person I ever found in Wilmington who does that is former NC Republican Party Head and well known CLOSET-CASE HOMOTom Fetzer.

And then erasing the end of that address, I found the REAL -- and if you owned THAT, You'd be RICHER THAN DONALD TRUMP -- but in REALITY -- HA!!! You just used one of their pages that discourages people who don't need their products/services from going any further -- you are a SMART CRIMINAL!!!

The only other person I know who does that is my former employer Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., in Snellville, GA -- who supplies all of Wilmington's Christian Clergy and Politicians of BOTH PARTIES with TONS OF ADDICTIVE DRUGS!!!

There, you need a CODE to enter, but HEREat his ALT-company addressANYONE can go in and EXPLORE!!!:

I ASSUME you must be partnered in HARD DRUG DELIVERY with them BOTH -- Messrs. Fetzer and Stansbury!!!

AND are a CLOSET-CASE GAY like both of them, and Mayor Saffo, D.A. Ben David, former NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, etc.

The FIRST TIME D.A. Ben David threw me in the County Jail on false charges in 2011, the FIRST THING the inmates told me is that Sheriff McMahon can't put just Blacks into a larger cell for many people -- without adding at least ONE Brown or White person -- is because the BLACKS IMMEDIATELY start fucking each other in the ass -- EXACTLY what I found every Brother I have seduced in Wilmington WANTS -- his butthole EATEN, his prostate DIGITALLY STIMULATED -- and then a BJ!!!


“Intentionally or not, you have enlisted the university in the project of historical denialism that refuses to confront the centrality of race and racism in our national past and in the life of our nation, state, and university today," the co-chairs of the UNC chancellor's Commission on History, Race and a Way Forward wrote to the trustees. "In the absence of any measure of transparency, you leave us with deeply disturbing facts.

"You denied a Black woman tenure after a rigorous review by Carolina faculty and external academic evaluators. Prior appointees to the Knight chair at UNC were white and were awarded tenure. Your claim that Hannah-Jones should be treated differently because she comes from outside the academy does not bear scrutiny."

* * *

Any BLACK PERSON in Wilmington can tell you why there were next to NO PEOPLE at your BLM Celebration at the ABSURD 1898 Memorial that looks like PREGNANT SMOKESTACKS ABOUT TO BLOW OUT THEIR LOADS!!!

As I have blogged MANY TIMES -- and you HAVE RECEIVED emails of those postings -- my good friend Linda Wilkins-Daniels -- the four-year President of the African-American Caucus of North Carolina Democrats -- told me that Sonya Patrick was spreading so many LIES THERE, that they CELEBRATED when the BITCH finally moved on!!!

She's NOT a Christian of any kind, but an EGYPTIAN religious whatever, and knows NOTHING about Egyptian Religion, either. She goes as Sonya Amen-Ra, although her REAL NAME is Sonya Bennetone-Patrick -- and her PROSTITUTE DAUGHTER"Rhonda Sekhmet Ra", is so slutty, it's worth following this link just to LAUGH AT THE IMAGES!!!

And her niece, "Jackie Love" is even FAR SLUTTIER -- both of them CRACK WHORES -- LOL!!!

Tamika Jackson -- first cousin to Jackie Love, who ACTUALLY might be Rhonda Sekhmet Ra's SISTER (and daughter of Sonya Bennetone-Patrick).

It's all TOO TAUDRY for me to sort out -- but follow the next link below, and see if YOU can sniff it out, yourself.

Not only that, but when I published these truths and emailed a copy to Ms. Sonya Bennetone-Patrick -- many of that family live on 16th or 17th  Street near Castle Street -- less than a mile from my apartment -- and they KNOW WHERE I LIVE -- they THREATENED to come over and KILL ME -- but they -- like you -- have NO BALLS -- or even a PUSSY-WORTH-POUNDING!!!

I even had to write HUGH MACRAE III about that bitch back when she was HOUNDING HIM!!!

Here is what LINKED-IN sent me notice of of the three top companies that searched me there the last seven days:

Where your searchers work

Who the HELL ever researches YOU???

I TRUST I will hear from you by RETURN EMAIL within the next 24 hours -- but I actually BET you are TOO MUCH OF A TRAITOR to do so -- and remain allied with CHRISTIAN FREAKS on City Council, County Commission, and Lower Cape Fear Law Enforcement.



Scott David Kenan, Cyber-General FIVE STARS (self-appointed).


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