Thursday, May 6, 2021

"You SLEPT with Trump -- DIDN'T YOU???", and OTHER Questions of an Uncomfortable Kind -- MOSTLY for Will Knecht, Chair of the New Hanover County, North Carolina Republican Party (Bless their HEARTS!!!):


So, let's begin with the comedy that began an hour after I emailed this last posting to my over 250 Political Contacts last night

Robert "Rob" James McKinney, Jr., on right and James "Aaron" Gallimore, Jr. on Rob's front porch last summer.

As Readers must have noticed, I have LONG COMPLAINED about the AGGESSIVE and HUGE fowl odor that nearly ALWAYS emanates from Rob's ARMPITS (but never Aaron's).

Readers ALSO know that Rob never reads my blog, but his FATHER, "Bob" McKinney, Sr., Drug Mafia Partner with Democrat NC Representative Deb Butler and Republican Jonathan Deputy, heads the Wilmington, NC operation of what might be called the "Jet-Mulch" Drug Mafia -- actually based in upstate New York, so HE tells Rob what to be COOL WITH ME ABOUT -- so I don't try to FORCE Legal Authorities to BUST THEM ALL!!!

And last night, Rob came down and was smoking a blunt on my back deck for over half an hour. He was in the BEST OF MOODS -- and POINTED OUT that he has NEVER been able to breathe through his nose, and has next to NO SENSE OF SMELL AT ALL, and THAT is why his PITS STINK SO BAD!!!

Rob thinks it is very funny -- and I told him "Thanks for the EXPLANATION -- you are the STINKINGEST MALE I've met since a couple of homeless guys several years ago!!!"

WE spoke of MANY THINGS -- including that I'm disappointed that my two strings of 50 mini-lights lining my deck-rail had gone totally bad after a year, and the solar-lights I placed in several potted plants are not as bright as I'd hoped.

This morning, I noticed that Rob had CUT OFF two of the lights with their bases, and placed one of those on the deck rail where I'd be certain to see it. I'd examined the spot where it was, yesterday, and the mutilation happened after that. And it DOESN'T MATTER since I'd actually planned to take the string-lights down several days ago and throw them out.

Readers also know, that just over a year ago, "Aaron" Gallimore had been my roommate for six weeks, but his MOTHER came one day and EMPTIED Aaron's things from my house with NO ADVANCED NOTICE, then called to say they would only give me the key back -- if I returned the rent she'd paid me for the rest of the month.

NO ONE returns such money (unless they agreed BEFORE the move-out), I refused -- and soon Aaron let himself in, took an unflushed dump in my rarely-used small second toilet, I didn't even find it for another week -- as submerged still, his turd didn't stink up the air!!!

I just got Port City Daily's Weekend Opportunities email -- and LOOK what the so far NON-RESPONSIVE Thalian Association Community Theatre is opening TOMORROW NIGHT in the Hannah Block Community Center -- HA!!!

Thalian Association’s youth production of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer’s Night Dream” takes place this weekend and next, in person at Hannah Block community arts center or to stream. (Port City Daily/Courtesy of Thalian Association)

I have only RARELY ACTED on stage in plays, but I DID play Francis Flute in 1975 in Cape May, NJ Community Theatre -- and Francis becomes THISBE in a play-within-the-play, leaving 6' 11" ME in DRAG!!!

I wish I had photos!!! It was a three-night engagement, and the first two I cheaply tried to play off my height for laughs -- which had only moderate effect. This was the FIRST TIME I'd been on stage since in CUB SCOUTS in Louisville, KY -- I had actually performed in BLACK-FACE:

The THIRD NIGHT, I sped up my performance and got a HOWLING, STANDING OVATION!!!

The only other time I've been in DRAG was as "The Amazon Adulteress" at Key West Fantasy Fest in 1981 -- right before I met Tennessee Williams:

Someone must have been reading my recent postings of using JESUS or RECTAL DILATORS as dildos and butt-plugs -- because THIS showed up in my Facebook Feed this morning:

Poster based in the United Kingdom
May be an image of 1 person

And so did THIS, on another subject:

A few of the best examples of why we need the Oxford comma.

May be an image of text that says 'Among those interviewed were Merle Haggard's two ex-wives, Kris Kristofferson and Robert Duvall. This book is dedicated to my parents, Ayn Rand and God. Highlights of Peter Ustinov's global tour include encounters with Nelson Mandela, an 800-year-old demigod and a dildo collector.'

Yes, Will Knecht, this means YOU!!!

HERE is how Will Knecht and his GOD-HATING REPUBLICANS raised money LAST SUMMER!!!:


And TODAY, I found THIS IMAGE -- one of only TWO "visitor-placed" images on the County Republican Facebook Page -- they must have LEFT IT THERE because they were TOO LAZY to read it to the BOTTOM!!!

And HERE is America's TRUE BOTTOM (not counting Pete Buttigieg):

And of course Readers of this blog know that at St. Martha's grade school in Louisville, Kentucky in the late 1950s and early '60s, my FAVE SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS were Eva Marie Saint's SISTER -- and George Clooney's AUNT (but NOT ROSEMARY)!!!


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