Thursday, May 13, 2021

Rachel Maddow -- and My Buddy North Carolina US Senate Candidate Jeff Jackson -- Made a BIG HA-HA Together -- so I Decided to WRITE THEM -- Rather than SKEWER MORE FAKE CHRISTIANS!!!:


And Donald Trump STILL hasn't FULLY MELTED!!!

As Readers all know, Rachel Maddow FIRST DISCLOSED that life-long Kenan Family employee Rex Tillerson IMMEDIATELY after Trump was declared the winner in 2016, signed the contract with Vladimir Putin for Thomas S. Kenan III, his step-mother Betty (Price) Kenan, and their immediate relatives to make HALF A TRILLION DOLLARS through Kenan Company Exxon-Mobil, financed by Kenan Company Bank of America -- developing Russia's vast Oil Reserves -- but Obama's Russian Sanctions could NOT be lifted, so it has NOT YET gone into effect.

THAT is why my Kenan Family is STILL TRYING to get the 2020 election overturned -- by CHRISTIANS!!! The bulk of Christians voted for Trump, while 63% of those who voted for Biden DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD!!! That is why Democrats have NO PROBLEM wearing masks!!!

My earlier Letter received by Rachel Maddow

Here in Wilmington, North Carolina, Progressives -- especially Roman Catholics -- are getting FED UP with Ms. Maddow's HYPOCRISIES -- she claims to be DEVOUT CATHOLIC -- knowing that Church INSISTS that practicing Homosexuals go STRAIGHT TO HELL

She ALSO puts up with MSNBC using the BLACK DONALD TRUMP, Rev. Al "BOOTY-CALL" Sharpton, as a NEWS ANCHOR -- when everyone who read the Bible KNOWS that just like my Kenan Family that had up to 900 African Slaves at one time clearing the forests of S.E. North Carolina of virgin timber -- long before the American Revolution, Kenans FORCE-CONVERTED THEM to Christianity -- since the Bible says slaves must OBEY THEIR MASTERS.

Now, I go back with NBC NEWS to David Brinkley, who was good friends with my father at New Hanover High here in Wilmington -- and later, while working for Tennessee Williams, I met Jean Babette Stein, whose FATHER had built MCA -- which she had just inherited

Jean, with George Plimpton, threw the party for Tennessee Williams on January 11, 1982 (possibly Feb. 11), where I met Jackie Kennedy Onassis, Warren Beattie, etc., and at which Jackie Onassis told Tennessee that the Episcopal Church with the Republican Party and elements within the CIA and FBI would MURDER HIM and then steal his estate from Harvard University for Sewanee (The University of the South)/Episcopal Church.

NBC and MSNBC are now so CHRISTIAN/TRUMP-CORRUPTED that they did NOT report at all when the CIA forced Jean Stein  to jump to her death several years ago -- because, like me, she KNEW TOO MUCH!!! 

In Europe, it was news that BROKE INTO regular programming!!!

Now, I'd never even HEARD of NC Democratic State Senator Jeff Jackson -- until he must have read my blog and SMARTLY put me on his Emailing List -- about three years ago. I wrote HIM a Letter before as well, which can be read here:

And whether taking MY ADVICE or not, since then Jeff has DELETED reference to his Presbyterian faith -- that Church and the Episcopal Church being the BIGGEST DRUG TRAFFICKERS in support of WHITE SUPREMACY in North Carolina -- and Presbyterian Gov. Roy Cooper (far better than a Republican, nonetheless), is HUGE in Hard-Drug Trafficking with that whole bunch of "Christians".

Jeff set a RECORD for US Senate Candidates across the country in CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS, he has a REAL WIFE, Marisa, who drove his Election Ship to VICTORY in 2020 -- while Jeff was called up in the Reserves -- and he knows how to have some FUN when he campaigns. I just found this TODAY -- and from The Rachel Maddow Show:

You CAN'T VIEW THIS VIDEO -- unless like me, you saw it pop up in your Facebook Feed as an AD from Sen. Jackson -- it is a few years old -- but the CURRENT COMMENTS can be read:

  • M'Lou Greene
    That was a wonderful day in NC legislative history!
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  • Scottie Ballard
    This was when I started following you on fb. I was at work across the street and keeping up with your posts in real time!
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  • Catherine Webster
    This is what made me pay attention to you! So glad I did bc then you shadowed TAs when the GA was trying to cut them and I knew you were a good one. Keep it up!!
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    Most Relevant is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out.

ALSO, when I was speaking with one of the MOST CORRUPTED POLITICIANS in the Lower Cape Fear in Wrightsville Country Store -- a few nights ago -- Hollis Briggs. Jr. -- he was wearing a Cheri Beasley T-shirt and I know nothing about her but she, too, is running for Dem US Senate Candidate (but LOST her Court re-election race last fall -- so must be "TAINTED" since Dems WON Governor and Attorney General statewide races).

Hollis Briggs, Jr., with his employer, New Hanover HEAD of the County Commission, Julia Olson-Boseman.

Anyway, Mr. Briggs claimed that Ms. Beasley is the ONLY one to vote for, and when I told him I'd been in touch with Jeff Jackson -- he claimed he had "ALL THE DIRT ON JEFF JACKSON," but REFUSED to disclose any of it -- HA!!!

I'll ALWAYS "talk trash" -- with FUN people!!!

So, I'm sending HIM and Ms. Olson-Boseman a copy of this TOO (and Ari Melber and Ali Velshi -- Mr. Velshi being the ONLY MSNBC Anchor who nearly ALWAYS sends me Received Receipts when I email him EVERY BLOG POSTING).

The Rachel Maddow Show

Floor 4 West

30 Rockefeller Plaza

New York, NY 10112

Sen. Jeff Jackson

Additional Copies to:,,,,

May 13, 2021

Dear Ms. Maddow, Sen. Jackson, et al,

So much GOOD NEWS breaking today -- but MSNBC must STOP PUSHING JESUS -- a Pagan Idol -- or LOSE IT ALL since Christianity is the FASTEST DYING RELIGION thanks to its HYPER-HYPOCRITES like Rev. Al Sharpton, Hollis Briggs, Jr., Julia Olson-Boseman, and a WHOLE HOST Christian Politicians of BOTH PARTIES.

Otherwise, I believe I've covered most things up above, so email me or CALL ME on my cell if you have any questions. Hollis Briggs wasn't afraid to call me -- and LOOK HOW WELL IT WENT!!!

So, let's all have a GOOD LAUGH with everyone's favorite recent Gay President -- and God's laughing with us TOO!!!


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