Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Lawrence Buchthal -- Who Actually CHARGED ME with Trespass in 1990 -- Gave Me a "HEADS-UP" on Facebook, Yesterday!!! And THIS Led to ALL MANNER OF CRIMES Being CONNECTED -- to Wilmington, NC!!!


Lawrence's Facebook Profile Photo from 2016 has NOT been changed -- the ONLY photo of him therehttps://www.facebook.com/lbuchthal

I became ALLERTED to Lawrence, again, when in 2017, he FOLLOWED ME ON FACEBOOK -- which he still does -- HA!!!

And YES, Larry is THAT SLEAZY -- when he treated his staff to a picnic at a theme park in 1989, he kept all of the CASH (he told everyone to leave theirs at home and he would pay for everything), down-front in his swim-trunks, and when a girl (young woman -- most in high school still), asked Larry for some money -- he rubbed the money around on his cock and balls before giving it to them!!!

No wonder his wife, Robbin Meltzer, DIVORCED HIM, got custody of their daughter, and must have CLEANED HIM OUT -- they owned a large two-story in the Smoke-Rise section of Stone Mountain then. This is also where Drug-Trafficking Tennessee Williams Scholar Thomas Elliot Keith's Colombian boyfriend Arturo Noguera's family live and run the Stone Mountain Drug Mafia from -- for the Episcopal Church, CIA, etc.:


Here is what Lawrence "liked" on my Facebook -- a "memory" posting Facebook had proposed I re-post:

Please notice that I wrote this represents Wilmington, NC Lesbians Democrats Julia Olson-Boseman, Deb Butler, and Republican Judge Lindsey McKee/Luther -- HA!!!

Lawrence has a small dick and is totally straight, so he SPECIALIZES in CUNNILINGUS, of course!!!

Lawrence's older brother Stanley -- on the left here -- is actually HANDSOME and a well-respected film director and producer -- mostly of documentaries. But he ALSO produced John Waters' Hairspray in 1988 while I worked for Lawrence at Mama Mia's Pasta & Pizza, then on Main Street in Stone Mountain (but moved later by the buyer).

LOOK at the impressive work of Stanley F. Buchthal!!!: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0118288/

It includes not just Hairspray and Spanking the Monkey -- but also (and I'd never noticed this one, before):

While I worked for Tennessee Williams, he was always certain that if he got to Morocco, Paul Bowles would straighten out his life!!! Paul and Jane Bowles had been two of Tenn's CLOSEST FRIENDS, Jane then deceased, and the gazebo in the front yard had a plaque in memory of "Janey Bowles".

At the bottom of the Cast List for this film are THREE PEOPLE I know or knew: Gore Vidal, John Waters, and Edmund White!!!

Just noticing that Stanley's SECOND PROJECT with John Waters was in 2012 -- three years before I met John Waters at the 2015 Tennessee Williams / New Orleans Literary Festival -- where although I told Waters I was Tenn's last assistant and had WORKED FOR Stanley Buchthal's BROTHER LAWRENCE, John Waters treated me like I was CRAZY and REFUSED to discuss any of that -- HA!!!

Before I leave Lawrence Buchthal for now, a few other things:

1. Lawrence and Stanley's other brother built a regional auto-repair chain centered in Brooklyn, NY, and their parents gave Lawrence and Robin only $20,000.00 for a wedding present. They were ALWAYS plotting how to make MORE MONEY than Larry's wealthy brothers had made, and THAT is why some of the TOP DRUG-TRAFFICKING CRIMINALS were regular customers in the restaurant -- including Democrat Dekalb County Commissioner Robert Lanier and NOTORIOUS Republican US Congressman Pat Swindallhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Swindall


2. The plumbing supply business next-door was owned by a TOTAL ASSHOLE, and one night, Lawrence and I, drew a HUGE STAR OF DAVID on his filthy front window -- just by rubbing the dirt off with our hands -- HA!!! He soon moved out -- that because it was prime retail/restaurant space, and he rented it to a shop.

3. Lawrence's parents were two of the KINDEST people I've ever met, and they and Lawrence and Robin had me to Larry's house for PASSOVER SEDER!!! How cool was THAT???

4. But it was Larry, after promising me my last check after I quit the first of 1990, who when I went to pick it up, said, inexplicably, "You aren't supposed to be here!!!", REFUSED to pay me, and three days after I peacefully left, had me ARRESTED FOR TRESPASS -- and then my PARENTS took over and after all kinds of illegal doings by Democrat Judge Linda Warren Hunter, I was FORCED to take Lithium Carbonate or go to jail for a YEAR -- WHILE I was on HOUSE ARREST PROBATION with the "Goon Squad" banging on my door at 3:00 AM to test me for alcohol consumption!!!

ALL THAT because I tried to get the check I had earned and had been promised -- and when Lawrence REFUSED, I left peacefully.

The LAST TIME I saw Lawrence Buchthal -- 15 years ago -- he was placing ads for someone ELSE'S business under the windshield wipers of cars in a Decatur, Georgia parking lot!!!

That is ACTUALLY a VERY EFFECTIVE WAY to advertise "certain types of businesses".

5. TODAY, Lawrence Buchthal shows in his Facebook Likes, both the REPUBLICAN PARTY OF WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA (Raleigh), and THIS PRO-DONALD TRUMP SITEhttps://www.facebook.com/COSProjectFL/


Carl S. Armato, CEO of Novant Health, with Hollis Briggs, Jr.:

ALSO during that time, both my mother and sister Jane have reported that THEIR PHONES no longer always ring when I call them -- like MY AT&T MATRIX phone behaves for me. 

BUT, somehow ALL my old contacts that AT&T SWORE they could not transfer from my old AT&T phone to my new one bought in October 2018 -- flooded in, and I CANNOT access my Directory or my Text Messages -- except to double-hit a notice that something came in -- and NEVER AGAIN -- saying I have to DELETE RESOURCES to make room.

When I follow my phone's link to do THAT, it goes in circles of commands without doing a THING!!!

ALSO, I got back my ENTIRE COMPUTER-LOADED CD COLLECTION that had run perfectly in Windows Media Player on my old Windows 10 computer, but when I got this NEW ONE last spring with Trump's first COVID Check, they would not properly transfer, and I COULD NOT PLAY THEM!!!

But NOW, they have HEALED THEMSELVES MOST MYSTERIOUSLY (I didn't do a thing, except check to see if they would work).

And HONESTLY, when I got the bizarre text message from Lawyer Bruce Mason a couple of days ago, I was in a HURRY, and have NOT been able to open the image again -- nor check to make certain it was from his cell phone number:

READERS all know that I sent them a lot of IN-PUT -- and that Klan Leader James R. Venable's HANGING TREE was in my FRONT YARD!!! 

Also, that Tennessee Williams named one of his TOP VILLAINS for the Venables of Stone Mountain -- VIOLET VENABLE -- played by Katherine Hepburn in Suddenly, Last Summer:

  • Elias Weiss
    I am the editor of a newspaper. A full-time journalist who has endured years and years of higher education and training, and who has dedicated his life to diligently documenting death and grief in my pursuit of justice for the people I serve. This scam you see here is degrading, insulting, dehumanizing, disgusting and completely abhorrent. It makes me sick to watch Facebook make a mockery out of the profession I’ve dedicated my life to.
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  • Ron Schaming
    As a full-time newspaper journalist since 1985, I have to say that the hair on the back of my neck just rose.

Poor "MISS THING" was a Homosexual, non-observant JEW -- until the CIA FORCED Mark Zuckerberg to convert to CHRISTIANITY and MARRY A CHINESE WIFE -- LOL!!!


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